Kamala & Biden’s DOJ is Engaging in Lawfare

Suspicious happenings at the U.S. Dept. of Justice:

The Justice Department warned Elon Musk’s America PAC in recent days that his $1 million sweepstakes to registered voters in swing states may violate federal law, people briefed on the matter told CNN.

Musk, who has thrown his support behind former President Donald Trump and is spending millions of dollars supporting his candidacy, has publicized the $1 million prize by his political action committee aiming to increase voter registrations in hotly contested states.

Styx chimes in.

14 Replies to “Kamala & Biden’s DOJ is Engaging in Lawfare”

  1. I doubt Musk is any more intimidated by the “Justice” department than he is the garbage spewed by the twats at CNN.

  2. What Musk is doing is illegal.


    See 52 U.S.C. 10307(c): “Whoever knowingly or willfully gives false information as to his name, address or period of residence in the voting district for the purpose of establishing his eligibility to register or vote, or conspires with another individual for the purpose of encouraging his false registration to vote or illegal voting, or pays or offers to pay or accepts payment either for registration to vote or for voting shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both…” (Emphasis added.).

    He either needs better legal advice, or, he assumed Trump will win and he’ll pardon him, or it would be worth it for him to go to jail for five years for free speech… Or his lawyers know something not obvious to everyone.

    1. I would argue that the lottery is not an acceptance of payment to register, it’s a condition of signing the petition. Although, knowing Musk, he probably looked at the “shall be fined not more than $10,000” and just added it to the cost of the payment. As for the “not more than 5 years” in prison “or both” … WTF. That seems ridiculous in comparison to the fine. Who writes these laws?

    2. The deadline for registering to vote in Pennsylvania has has passed.

      Is the DoJ now saying that registered voters signing a petition is now illegal?

  3. “The Justice Department warned Elon Musk’s America PAC in recent days that his $1 million sweepstakes to registered voters in swing states may violate federal law, people briefed on the matter told CNN.”

    The little I know of Musk, he had that in mind. Plus “warned” and “may violate”? Words of the weasel. This is why Trump needs to get in. We need to see behind the curtain. The desperation is hitting level 11 as the Harris campaign gets dangerously close to the rocks. Bloomberg talks about runaway inflation, the disappearance of the UN (and other venerable institutions), the EU is fighting back against Trump, Musk has secretly been talking to Putin since 2022…

    They’re even eating cats and dogs in Springfield. Oh wait …

  4. Do they realize how much they torpedo their credibility by gaming the system? I’m sure they think they are quite clever. Why would anyone take the tactic of ” crying wolf” seriously after all the hoaxes, selective prosecution, cases of bearing false witness, witch hunts,and kangaroo trials.
    You even wonder if many cases are just fabricated, based on planted evidence, or entrapment.

  5. Learn all you need to know on US politics by watching “The View” and prepare to puke.
    I try about 5 minutes of it from time to time, this election they are going off the rails. Beats me how it’s got enough viewership to even be on air.

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