13 Replies to “Parks Canada Thinks You’re a Big Meanie if you Dare Criticize Them”

  1. Parks Canada really dropped the ball on this one. Had they hired people of color instead, any and all criticisms could be dismissed as racist.

  2. Ignorance and arrogance are a wonderful condition..in a bureaucrat.
    “Unprecedented dryness”.
    And other such excuses..
    Globall Warming done it.

    The bonehead is still bragging of Parks Canada’s ignorance of forest conditions.
    Fire them all.
    Take over The Park as a Provincial Territory and provide one way transport to all involved.
    Preferably with tar and feathers included.

    That “Independent Senator” sure makes the case for disbanding the Canadian Senate.

    1. you nailed it JR! Alberta has the arguably two worst senators now that Kris Wells resides in that pit of uselessness.
      yet another reason to end the senate or at the very least have elected senators

  3. This is a leftie “feature”: you criticize ’em or anyway you’re of a different opinion? you must be a *phobe/denier of some kind. Obama did it, K Wynne in Ontario did it, now all the dems/lieberals in the world do it:

    In US, Dems braying that it must be some race and/or women phobia if you don’t vote Cackles McKneePads.

    In Canada, Trudeau & his inner circle yapping that it’s PP’s and Conservatives’ fault/for-sure-phobias that Dear Leader is dragged into these “maybe you want to go” meetings.

    In UK comrade Starmer is stomping even on polite disagreements on social media.

    N America and EU: you point out the numerous examples of Islamic barbaric and terrorist outbursts? you’re islamophobe.

    During covid, you start asking questions about those serums they call “vaccines”? you’re a denier/as bad as a flat-earther.

    You show that “climate change” is not man-made? you’re a “denier”.

  4. Why oh why is this old hag wearing a surgical mask to speak into a microphone?
    She appears to be mentally disturbed. She certainly sounds enrage about something.
    I would think yes … she is mentally disturbed.

    1. Why is this old hag wearing a surgical mask?
      asking for a friend.
      Maybe her breath is so bad (she’s obviously full of shit) she’s afraid of melting the mike.

  5. “Alberta Senator Paula Simons says it’s “conspiracy addled” if you think Parks Canada ignored forestry experts, locals, and scientists who warned of an imminent Jasper fire disaster for years”

    – even though that’s what they did.

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