14 Replies to “Going Postal”

  1. “…..banned in May 2020 after a mass shooting in Nova Scotia”

    I wonder why they never mention that the ONLY legal firearm in that shooting was the one that was stolen from the RCMP officer then used on her. The other firearms in the attack were smuggled into Canada from the US.

    In fact the stolen RCMP firearm was classified as illegal at the moment it was taken from the officer.

  2. Socialists sure love sorting their garbage.. Did you know that 1/3rd of all road deaths are alcohol related.. That means you are twice as likely to be killed by a sober driver than a drunk one..

  3. Canada Post had previously, and wisely, refused to participate in the buy-back program. Bill Blair read them the riot act and had to relent. Canada Post could always ship firearms, and in fact is the ONLY delivery service authorized to ship any/all firearms in Canada, another Liberal Party of Canada monopoly.

  4. If the bitches would pay to deactivate and deregister my prohibited rifle I’d be somewhat pleased although a couple grand could come in handy. If it was deactivated I could hang it on a wall and piss everyone off. No unsafe storage of a club.

  5. I hope the CPC gets rid of the restricted category and scraps all gun registration. (Which Harper should have done). As long as the federal government has a list of who owns what they will continue with gun confiscation.

    1. They don’t know who has what vis a vis non-restricted firearms. Remember the disaster that was the long gun registry? Abandoned and trashed.

  6. Correct me if I am wrong, but I had read online (always dicey) that not one single firearm has been bought back to date. Anyone have a reliable source with numbers?
    If this is true, all the posturing about transport is simply smoke and mirrors.

  7. Wes Winkel, president of the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association (CSAAA):
    … had to sign a non-disclosure agreement
    … tasked with helping retailers navigate the gun buyback mandate
    … costs have ballooned and they still haven’t bought a single gun
    … but it has shuttered dozens of businesses
    … progress meetings every Monday with one or two of our people and 30 – 35 government people


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