Kamala, When Are You Going to Publicly Apologize?

Kamala Harris and all other Leftists comparing Trump to Hitler owe a HUGE Apology to the Jewish people.

24 Replies to “Kamala, When Are You Going to Publicly Apologize?”

  1. The same people calling Trump Hitler said they needed to tone down the rhetoric after Trump was shot… and almost shot again.
    Do you think they’re trying to get him killed? I do.
    The only thing that could raise Kamala’s fortune would be if Biden expired in the next 11 days. Vote Kamala, do it for Joe.
    Joe might want to watch his back.

  2. Calling Trump hitler is like the green goob invading the Kursk region of Russia, a complete failure.
    These fools have no self awareness.

  3. Every accusation,from our Progressive Comrades,is their confession.
    These are the desires that dominate their feelings.
    Trump drives them batshit crazy,because he mocks them so well.
    And policy wise?
    There are astounding similarities between the stated policies of our Progressive Gang Green and those 1930s German Fanatics.
    And there in lies the real similarity..True Believers.
    “The uplift of Man by Better Government”.
    Or more accurately translated,”Do as we say or we kill you”.
    So “Orange Man Bad” is all they can say,for an honest expression of what they desire,would revolt even their dumbest followers.
    Demon Rats.

    1. Nice John. Spot on. However there is one glaring difference between our current crop of progressives and the Third Reich. The Third Reich actually BUILT the infrastructure they promised. They built the autobahn, they built modern factories, and modern implements of war. They actually pioneered jet engines and jet powered flight.

      American Progressives pass “infrastructure Bills” for “shovel-ready” jobs in the $Trillions … and all we get are more bike paths and lower-sloped, rebuilt, handicap curb cuts. And our Green New Deal infrastructure … produced 5 charging stations for EV’s nobody is buying.

  4. Sure. Can the Jewish member of parliament who stood up and she said that honk honk is an expression meaning hail hitler also apologize?

  5. Hitler is everywhere today. I talked to a kid who’s in his final year of business at university. He said it’s all gender, diversity and Hitler.

    1. There are two genders so that part should be a cake walk. Biology is not an abstract concept. Diversity means divisive, another one covered, Hitler, he is dead. There it is, the trifecta, give the boy his degree.

  6. Jerry Warstki said Trump has always supported the Jews and Israel.

    For the left, that’s a reason NOT to vote for him. Anti-Semitism, anti-Israel is in vogue for them.

  7. No they don’t because Trump literally said he wants generals like the ones Hitler had, and also that immigrants had ‘bad genetics’ and ‘poison our blood’. This is all very neo-nazi stuff.

      1. No, let’s not because this thread was about Turmp and ‘now let’s do X’ is a desperate pivot from desperate heels.

        1. Screaming about a long dead German tyrant is very pitiful. The Brown scare of 2016 no longer works as it did then.

    1. Hey KM, DJT literally MOVED the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. When NO OTHER U.S. Prez would. Know what that means, our resident lefty bean brain? Hint? It means he’s NOT a neo-Nazi. Yet more proof – Jared Kushner, Trump’s Jewish son-in-law was given the task of successfully negotiating the Abraham Peace Accords to strengthen peace in the M.E. including Israel security. No self respecting Nazi would ever approve that course. Know who actually loves Hitler? Obama supported Iranian Mullahs. Do yourself a favour KM. Get your brain out of the “literally Hitler” mental outhouse hole. It’s a stinky dead end that’s literally FULL OF IT.

      1. It means he only hates minorities who live in or around his country, and is otherwise mentally fragmented. It doesn’t discount any of the other instances of outrageous racism one iota.

    2. Trump literally said he was a lizard being from space and intended to eat your mother’s kidneys. And you refuse to call him out on it? Jeez man, piss on your mom much?

    3. Yeah … Trump picked the WRONG Generals (if he really said that at all). He should have picked Robt. E. Lee … who kicked the holy shit out of the Union Generals for most of the Civil War.

      Now tell me something about “racism” and the “stars and bars” … which is subterfuge nonsense … because Lee WAS a far better General than most of the LOSERS and DRUNKS the Union came up with.

    4. “Trump literally said he wants generals like the ones Hitler had, ”
      So play us the clip comrade.
      Seems you must have the evidence,for otherwise you are doing your normal thang..unsubstantiated slander..

      Yes I am mocking you,for I know full well you cannot provide that evidence and are too stupid and lazy to look it up for yourself.
      And ,of course you appear ignorant of the historical facts,Hitler’s Military had some damned effective generals.
      Which while being true is not relevant to the lies you so lovingly repeat.
      Orange Man Bad.

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