Commies Creep To Majority In BC

They’re being vewy, vewy caweful: Why does it take so long to count so few votes?

This is a really stupid take by Spencer Fernando.

17 Replies to “Commies Creep To Majority In BC”

  1. “NDP is doing about 20 points better on average vs. election night…”

    Of course they are. This is what happens when the fox runs the hen house. Who’s in charge of advance ballots, mail in ballots, and voting machines? The NDPee.

  2. Jagmeet The Bearded Popsicle will call his boyfriend Blackie The First to make a public statement: whoever even suggests of BC election shenanigans will be trampled with horses, bank accounts frozen + dragged through countless bogus court proceedings.

  3. Bye bye B.C.

    It’s going to be handed to the tribes.

    You won’t even be able to read the name of the town you grew up in, unless adults can get a court injunction to stop the government.

  4. I’d be shocked if the commies didn’t “win” in this circumstance. Did anyone actually think that a recount would come out in the favour of the conservatives? Sick and sad times that this is the reality.

  5. How would Spencer Fernando know “the election is not being rigged”?
    Our elections are designed so that they are un-auditable so cheaters can win.

  6. L- The big winners are the Triads(and everyone they launder money for. The prov. Attorney
    General will disallow the RCMP Organized Crime section from laying charges. Will Trudeau’s
    Regime get to protect the CCP(Triad) political influencers for yet another year. Until a Polivre
    Government pepper sprays the Trudeau Regime to the ground,(electorally speaking/pun intended) and removes the Liberal handcuffs from RCMP Security.

    I have a dream of a Freedom Convoy 2.0 celebration on Canada Day, where the RCMP Musical
    Ride officers have honorary members. Premier Brian Pickford, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber
    on horseback with an honour guard with the Commissonor behind them. Premier Pickford,
    would of course, be holding a copy of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in his hand.

    Yes, it is a dream, but I’m old enough to remember a 20th Century Canada, proud of it’s
    Heritage, pioneering spirit of our ancestors full of optimism, carved out of the wilderness
    by men and women of uncommon valour. Yes, currently, it requires a Restoration Project,
    a second National Dream to keep it from falling into the globalist abyss.

    Is it worth the effort and sacrifice our ancestors thought it was? Your thoughts?

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