9 Replies to “Literal Hitler Live At Madison Square Garden”

  1. Love the enthusiasm!
    Pardon me for totally random off the wall question…some of those dear folks have been in line for hours already…do they wear Depends?? I don’t see porta johns.

    1. Democrats are so desperate… the only talking point they have for this rally is lack of port-a-potties. Fooking hilarious.

    1. Not yet. But maybe the RCMP can help out. They know a fellow who will walk around with one as long as he can stay masked.

  2. Can’t wait til Trump wins. On Day One we invade Canada liberating the masses from the tyranny of Prime Minister Blackface. #MCGA

    1. More likely Trump gets it right this time , stamps out enough corruption, the country starts righting itself.
      And Canada even with PP at the helm flounders for another decade until enough Canadians “success” (shiny over priced sht) can no longer help their willing ignorance.
      Until then we will be mired in forgetfulness.

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