War On Meat

By 2050, Britain will be a Muslim nation, so good luck with that, buddy.

Britain must cut its meat and dairy consumption by up to 50pc to meet the latest net zero targets, the Government’s climate watchdog has said.

The Climate Change Committee said in an ideal scenario, meat and dairy consumption should halve by 2050 and products be substituted with plant-based options.

The proposals are part of new net zero targets that have been recommended to Ed Miliband, the Energy Secretary.

In a letter to Mr Miliband, the committee said the Government must cut CO2 emissions by 81pc by 2035 when compared to the benchmark year of 1990. This would amount to a reduction of 200m tonnes from the current level of 384m tonnes.

Piers Forster, the CCC’s chairman, said persuading British consumers to change their diets would play a key role in achieving such massive cuts.

Mr Forster did not specify how the UK could reduce meat eating but options could include reducing subsidies for livestock, taxing meat products and a clampdown by regulators on advertising.

4 Replies to “War On Meat”

  1. Mr Forster did not specify how the UK could reduce meat eating but options could include reducing subsidies for livestock, taxing meat products and a clampdown by regulators on advertising.


    Ooooo…cool game. I want to play.

    Orson did not specify how the UK could reduce charlatan based climate propaganda, but options could include removal of grant money for preconceived results unsubstantiated by actual documentation, taxing of carbon credits and application of class action suits against carbon credit schemes where no hold harmless agreement was included in the terms of purchase, and clamp down on unproven accusations relative to anthropomorphic climate change…the ozone hole…global warming….global cooling…dust being a pollutant…polar bears approaching extinction…

  2. When the old left draped themselves in green after the fall of the Berlin Wall, they set on a path that succeeded in destroying capitalism like no previous Marxist class struggle could have accomplished. The Climate hysteria has become the opiate that has replaced Christianity and is enabling the blob to destroy the western world’s economies by their own hands through democracies of infantilized voters. The BRICs are laughing as the west implodes.

  3. “Ed Miliband, the Energy Secretary”.
    A filthy ,dirty Communist, from a family of communists going back generations all the way back to the Soviet Union

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