We’ll triple the price, that’ll make it more affordable

Brian Zinchuk: How will tripling maximum electrical pricing in Alberta help consumers?


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10 Replies to “We’ll triple the price, that’ll make it more affordable”

  1. I always laugh when I see these green freaks telling us how “cheap” wind and solar are….yet wherever they are installed the price of power soars. Shut these fraud artists down.

    1. Solar is cheap, as long as you don’t consider the extra equipment required, the land required, the storage required, the back up power required, the consultant’s fees, the crony capitalization fees, or the added instability in the grid.

  2. It should be more than obvious by now that wind/solar advocates are members of a religious cult. And a particularly evil cult at that. The purpose of wind/solar is not to produce affordable electricity but to limit its availability to most of the population. That way, like historical times before the 19th century, the benefits of technology can be preserved only for the wealthy aristocrats who form the governing class.

  3. And why stop at $3000? Why not $5000? $10000? If we’re going to be ridiculous, let’s be ludicrous! Ludicrous speed (price)!
    (They’ve gone to plaid!)

  4. Re: Lower oil prices/deficit. “Sounds like a great time to start cutting wasteful government spending.” said no Canadian “conservative” ever.

    Why is it so hard for cuckservatives to cut jobs of people that loathe them? Instead they’ll run deficits and jack up taxes of their base.

    1. Agree, why aren’t fuel prices in Alberta the lowest in Canada?
      Insane prov govt spending? On healthcare, regulations, laws, transfer pmts.
      If AB cut all taxes on fuel what would happen? The boogyman Feds get the blame!
      Crazy how that works. Right?

  5. Tripling the price? Digging back into Marketing 307 of 50 plus years ago. They are using “Prestige Pricing.” We feel way more satisfied spending three times the cash on electricity. We will being bragging about who has the highest electrical bill. It’s all about satisfaction, isn’t it? Works with women’s purses and watches.

  6. I never really understood the buzzword of “gaslighting” until very recently. But telling people their power will be more affordable while tripling the maximum price sure sounds like gaslighting to me.

  7. In celebration of the weak Trudeau dollar … I just donated $133.34 CAD to SDA. That’s 100 of my BEEEG American Dollars … spoken in the accents of two wild and crazy guys. That’s PayPal’s exchange rate.

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