Author: Kate

Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

The UN is a Joke.

On Wednesday, the United Nations General Assembly showed us all, for the umpteenth time, what a sewer it is. This time, as is often the case, it’s Israel that finds itself the target of the bloated grifting bullies, I mean diplomats. An insane resolution that in effect denies Israel its right to self defense passed overwhelmingly (124 – 14, with 43 abstentions). The resolution calls on the IDF to withdraw to pre-1967 borders within 12 months, and also calls on member states not to sell arms or military equipment to Israel that would be used in Gaza, the West Bank, and east Jerusalem. It calls for a boycott of all Israeli products produced over the pre-1967 lines.

For any masochists out there, here’s a copy of their diligent taxpayer funded work.

Yes, we are.

Follow The Science

Follow the money: Clinical trial ‘guinea pigs’ say they’re incentivized to lie

Private companies in Canada are recruiting thousands of often economically desperate test subjects each year, using incentives that some experts say are both exploitative and push participants to lie.

Seized with anxiety after days of painful cramps and bloody stool, Franco answered a call from the research company that had been dosing him with an experimental medication in exchange for money.

A staffer told him their tests showed one of his organs was inflamed and that a doctor needed to examine him.

“Is this something, like, permanent?” Franco asked.

“I’m not a doctor,” said the staffer. “I can give you the basic information of what I know … Because of the results that we got, you can’t continue on the trial, OK?”

“I mean, I don’t have an option, right?” Franco replied.

Like many professional clinical trial participants, Franco normally stays quiet about the side effects he experiences. He only gets paid in full if he completes the entire study. Leaving early because of an adverse reaction means he’ll forfeit more than $15,000.

Private companies in Canada are recruiting thousands of often economically desperate test subjects each year, using incentives that some experts say are both exploitative and push participants to lie. When that happens, data that Health Canada uses to approve drugs for the marketplace can be compromised.

Franco and his peers are part of an underground society of so-called “professional guinea pigs” lured by cash, referral bonuses, loyalty points, and other perks advertised by private companies to encourage
them to sell their bodies for pharmaceutical research. […]

The government’s inspections of the trials themselves are limited. While Health Canada approves more than 1,000 trials every year, only a small fraction is inspected.

In a statement, Health Canada said it rigorously oversees clinical trials and works to protect the health and safety of participants.

The health agency said it aims to publish new regulations in spring 2025 that will “align with international best practices regarding trial oversight,” including changes that “would result in direct regulatory oversight of third parties involved in conducting clinical trials.” Health Canada did not say what those regulatory changes would be.

The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

Daily Caller;

The Air Force finally handed over a trove of documents pertaining to its sweeping “goal” of reducing the number of white male applicants in a popular officer program after spending months stonewalling requests for their release.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman C.Q. Brown — at the time the highest-ranking member of the Air Force — issued a memorandum in 2022 that the branch was updating its racial and gender demographic goals for applicants seeking to become officers, in a bid to prioritize “diversity and inclusion.” Internal documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation include a slideshow from 2022 where the Air Force outlines racial and gender quotas and details how it hopes to “achieve” a reduced number of white males in its Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) officer’s applicant program.

The documents reflect the Biden-Harris Pentagon’s intense focus on implementing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies in the armed forces, even as the military continues to combat dwindling morale among its rank-and-file, recruiting and retention shortfalls and low pay.


CTV News;

In total, 122 handguns, 55 shotguns, 23 rifles, three submachine-guns and two machine-guns have been reported lost by RCMP detachments across the country since 2020. Canadians are largely prohibited from using or acquiring machine-guns and submachine-guns, which are fully automatic and capable of rapid fire.

The data, which was obtained through an access to information request, also shows that nearly a dozen RCMP firearms have gone missing so far this year.

In total, 122 handguns, 55 shotguns, 23 rifles, three submachine-guns and two machine-guns have been reported lost by RCMP detachments across the country since 2020. Canadians are largely prohibited(opens in a new tab) from using or acquiring machine-guns and submachine-guns, which are fully automatic and capable of rapid fire.

But don’t be getting excited, because CTV news found an expert to explain how you’re the real problem.

Show Me The Man

I’ll show you the crime;

I’m not a fan of RFK, Jr.

I remember some of his recent past, such as wanting to silence “climate deniers” and such, so I can’t support anyone who thought that was a good idea, even if he doesn’t now. After all, what other braindead, unconstitutional policies will he think is a good idea next?

But he’s not running for anything now. Now, he’s supporting Donald J. Trump.

And that makes him a target.

Some continue to claim, despite numerous prosecutions against Trump, that no one is weaponizing federal law enforcement against enemies of the Democratic Party. They say that the reason Trump is being investigated and prosecuted is because he’s a terrible person who did illegal things.

However, now RFK is under investigation, and it’s kind of hard to ignore now.

We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars

NY Post;

The auto industry is big business in Michigan, and a major round of layoffs is revving the election into high gear for industry workers in the critical swing state — who blame the Biden-Harris administration’s heavy-handed electric-vehicle mandates for the painful job losses.

Stellantis, which manufactures Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge vehicles, announced last month it will lay off 2,450 workers at its Warren plant. While industry jobs in the state have been declining since 1990, Michigan autoworkers explained to The Post why Team Biden’s green-energy rules are at fault this time.[…]

“Listen, you wanna buy an EV car? Great,” she continued. “But the autoworkers, the automakers know that we can’t survive because the infrastructure isn’t there on EVs. Nobody wants to buy them.”

Ford slashed more than 1,000 jobs at its Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn after drastically scaling back its production of the F-150 Lightning, an all-electric pickup truck.

“It’s the way that the government now wants to go,” Gordon said of the transition to EVs. “And they completely made the wrong decisions on it because if you look, Ford has lost a lot of money.”

Ford reported a $132,000 loss in the year’s first quarter on each of the 10,000 electric vehicles it sold — which was 20% fewer EVs than sold in the same period last year.
