Author: Kate

Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!

April, 2024: In a Friday press release headlined simply “Canada’s Housing Plan,” the Prime Minister’s Office laid out a plan to “unlock 3.87 million new homes by 2031.” … “Canada can and will solve the housing crisis,” read an attached quote by Housing Minister Sean Fraser.

June, 2024; Canadian building permits dropped again in June by 13.9%, continuing the trend of a softening property market despite the government’s attempts to accelerate housing development. According to Statistics Canada, the decline in June was even greater than the previous month, which saw permits drop 12.2% in May and the data is even worse on a year-over-year basis, where the overall value of permits issued in June has dropped by 21.6%.

I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords


On Saturday, NBC Bay Area reported that San Francisco’s South of Market residents are being awakened throughout the night by Waymo self-driving cars honking at each other in a parking lot. No one is inside the cars, and they appear to be automatically reacting to each other’s presence.

Videos provided by residents to NBC show Waymo cars filing into the parking lot and attempting to back into spots, which seems to trigger honking from other Waymo vehicles. The automatic nature of these interactions—which seem to peak around 4 am every night—has left neighbors bewildered and sleep-deprived.[…]

The lack of human operators in the vehicles has complicated efforts to address the issue directly since there is no one they can ask to stop honking. That lack of accountability forced residents to report their concerns to Waymo’s corporate headquarters, which had not responded to the incidents until NBC inquired as part of its report.

O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas

Hear my prayer.

San Francisco’s glitzy hotels have been plunged into massive debt following a dramatic drop off in tourism to the Golden Gate City.

The Californian city’s two biggest hotels, the Hilton Parc 55 and Hilton San Francisco Union Square, have lost a combined $1billion in value, according to the Kroll Bond Rating Agency.

Their worth is now $553.8 million.

Meanwhile, the delinquency rate among commercial mortgage-backed security loans for the sector jumped to 41.6 percent in June from 5.7 percent the same time last year, according to data from real estate analytics firm Trepp.

It comes as San Francisco’s tourism industry struggles to recover to its pre-pandemic levels, while other parts of the country bounce back.

Margin Of Fraud

Show them the woman preserving election records, and they’ll show you the crime.

“The FBI raided my home at 6 a.m. this morning, accusing me of committing a crime. And they raided the homes of my friends, mostly older women. I was terrified,” ” Peters said on the Lindell channel, adding the FBI “used a battering ram” to destroy the front door of one of her friends’ homes, according to Colorado Politics.

h/t Roaddog

“This is all about persuasion.”

Nobody turns a phrase quite like Kurt Schlichter.

The electorate is largely baked in. We’ve already got all the people who are going to like Donald Trump. Those people are ready to crawl over a San Francisco sidewalk to vote for him in November. And there are a bunch of people who are going to crawl over broken Chardonnay glasses and their cats’ litter boxes to vote for that skanky Dem half-wit and her duty-dodging tampon aficionado partner. We have to focus on the persuadables.
