Author: Kate

To Wokely Go Where No Woke Has Gone Before


The Department of National Defence spent over $30,000 in taxpayer funds on an “intersectional feminist” and “decolonialist” review of the Liberal government’s space exploration program. The review advocates banning words such as “exploration,” “mankind,” and “frontiers” due to the supposed harm such verbiage causes.

According to access-to-information documents obtained from the Canadian Taxpayer Federation, the DND spent $32,250 on the report by Project Ploughshares, a University of Waterloo-based research institute.

Ryan Routh Criminal Complaint Docs

Motion to seal, too late. Read them here.


The would-be Trump assassin #2 told the court he has no assets and lives off $3,000 a month while supporting a son as a roofer, yet he’s finding $$ to travel back and forth to Oahu AND to Ukraine as a mercenary while amassing a small arsenal of weapons plus GoPro equipment. Hmm.

Poso: How many journalists was Ryan Routh in touch with?

And check this out: Probation for a repeat criminal with a machine gun…

Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Show me the man, I’ll hide you the crime;

As hearings resumed Monday in Ottawa, Commissioner Marie-Josée Hogue confirmed that Canadian MPs and Senators suspected of colluding with China, according to the bombshell “NSICOP 2024” report released in June, will not be publicly named during Canada’s inquiry into foreign interference in federal elections.

Hogue agreed to review NSICOP’s report amid a wave of public outrage following its release this summer.

The report’s most critical findings suggested that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has failed to act on repeated intelligence warnings about specific threats from states, including China and India, that would likely lead to criminal charges in other nations. These warnings included cases of Canadian politicians knowingly accepting funds from foreign diplomats in transfers consistent with money laundering. It also highlighted the “egregious” actions of a People’s Republic proxy, causing a “high-risk, high-harm threat to some Canadians.”

The Part I Like Best

About progressive approaches in treating mental illness and addiction in the community, is the progress.

British Columbia will be opening secure facilities to provide involuntary care under the Mental Health Act for those with severe addictions who are mentally ill and have sustained a brain injury, the premier announced Sunday just days ahead of the start of a provincial election campaign.

David Eby pledged a re-elected NDP would change the law in the next legislative session to “provide clarity and ensure that people, including youth, can and should receive care when they are unable to seek it themselves.”

Eby told a news conference in Vancouver that involuntary help would be aimed at people struggling with overlapping addictions, mental illness, and brain injury concerns who are not able to ask for help for themselves.

Again… Ryan Wesley Routh Alleged Shooter

(updates continue, scroll down)

Remind yourself this is unconfirmed, I’m just posting as I see reasonably credible sources.


Shots were just fired at Trump international golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump was there golfing.

An AK-47 was discovered in the bushes and the suspect fled over a nearby wall, per a source in Florida law enforcement. […]

Per my source, the suspect has been arrested in Martin County.

White male.

NY Post reports the shots were from the Secret Service, who spotted a suspected armed person and opened fire.

Update: Officials believe the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club were intended for former President Donald Trump, according to sources familiar on the matter (CNN)

NY Post is sticking with their version.

CNN live update site here.

Benny Johnson captured the press conference, but has about 15 minutes of intro.use the scroll bar to skip through and find the actual coverage.


Unconfirmed: Suspect name may be Ryan Routh. Social media posts are already collecting on X.

He has a website.

Jordan Schachtel;

Aspiring Trump assasin was the head of the International Volunteer Center in Ukraine. Major activist with foreign ties, per Semafor.

“I have had partners meeting with [Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense] every week…,” said Ryan Routh.

Even weirder.

This is 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh. A background check on Routh turned up about 50 pages of criminal activity. (Yes, 50). Most of the charges state ‘charges filed, unspecified’ and cover a time span from 1984 to 2019.


Red Man Speak With Forked Tongue

I disagree.

This is extraordinary. The indigenous cultural competency course at @LawSocietyofBC contains debunked references to the discovery of “the bodies of 215 children.” Two lawyers have proposed to correct the false information. But[BC First Nations Justice Council] claims that correcting the record is tantamount to “denialism.” The BCFNJC also repeats the long-debunked three-year-old fable that “mass graves” are being discovered across Canada. A complete lie.

It’s not extraordinary.

Houthis Fire Missile Into Israel


Yemen’s Houthis claimed responsibility for the attack that reached central Israel for the first time on Sunday, saying the group employed a “new hypersonic ballistic missile” in a “specific military operation” targeting the Tel Aviv area, in a statement from the group’s military spokesperson.

The Iranian proxy falsely added that Israel had failed to intercept the missile. While the IDF’s Arrow system failed to bring the missile down before entering Israeli airspace, it did ultimately intercept it.

“It crossed a distance of 2,040 km in 11 and a half minutes and caused a state of fear and panic among the Zionists, as more than two million Zionists headed to shelters for the first time in the history of the Israeli enemy,” the military spokesperson added.

Related: The IDF has released footage of the UNWRA headquarters. In a shock to no one, the headquarters is filled with weapons.

Scratch A Leftist

This is brilliant.

A little-known super PAC called Future Coalition PAC is airing ads highlighting Kamala Harris’s support for Israel, such as it is. “Vice President Harris has chosen a side—the right side,” a narrator says. “Harris has made herself clear, she stands with Israel and the Jewish people.” Another notes that Harris’s husband, Doug Emhoff, would be “the first Jewish presidential spouse ever”—that Harris and Emhoff are “making history, standing up for what’s right, supporting Israel.”

In every way, they echo what Harris and Emhoff have said they stand for. But the New York Times doesn’t like these ads. Neither do they link to them and allow viewers to decide for themselves, but it tells readers they are “antisemitic,” “intended to stoke more division,” and that they “signal a new level of ugliness in the race.”

Oh, we forgot to mention: The ads are airing in the Detroit area. Dearborn, Mich., is an inner-ring suburb of Detroit home to the country’s largest Muslim population, and what the Times report from Katie Glueck doesn’t say is that the 40,000 or so odd Arabs there don’t like Jews.

You Shoulda Picked Your Own Cotton, New York

Somewhere up there, Kathy Shaidle is smiling.

“Today, the New York City Council voted to pass legislation establishing municipal efforts to acknowledge and address the legacy and impact of slavery and racial injustices in New York City,” the New York City council announced in a press release. “The package of legislation would establish a Truth, Healing and Reconciliation process on slavery within New York City (which had one of the highest rates of slave ownership in the country in the 1700s), a reparations study, informational signs at the City’s first slave market, and a taskforce to consider the creation of a ‘freedom trail’ commemorating abolitionist movement and Underground Railroad sites.”

The press release detailed how the commission would “establish facts about slavery in New York City and its ongoing legacies, protect and acknowledge affected persons and communities, and recommend changes for government and institutions to prevent the perpetuation and recurrence of injustices from the legacy of slavery.”[…]

“I’ll move before I’ll pay,” Minority Leader Joseph Borelli told the New York Post. Borelli was one of the 8 councilmembers to vote against the legislation.

“If they can introduce me to one New Yorker who owned a slave I’d be happy to consider it,” he added. “But until then, I am not paying a dime as a reparation for a harm I did not cause, nor condone, nor once participated in.”

Start packing.

Google Commemorative Logos You’ll Never See

Via Ed Morrissey;

Google “growth strategist” Dakota Leazer got confronted by James O’Keefe after telling an undercover reporter that his company had been “definitely coordinating” with the Kamala Harris campaign. He had told the woman, who had set up Leazer on a date, that his platform and other Big Tech companies were promoting Harris in an attempt to “get her to win.” […]

Be sure to watch the whole video, which dropped on Wednesday, the day after the debate. Reasonable people may think Leazer looks a bit too low-level to reach a definitive conclusion about Google’s intentions, and maybe he just was trying to impress his date. Perhaps, but … Google’s actions at higher levels raise exactly the same suspicion.

For instance, did you know that Google’s attorney in their DoJ anti-trust case helped Kamala Harris prep for the debate that took place the night before O’Keefe released this video?
