Author: Kate

Google Commemorative Logos You’ll Never See

Via Ed Morrissey;

Google “growth strategist” Dakota Leazer got confronted by James O’Keefe after telling an undercover reporter that his company had been “definitely coordinating” with the Kamala Harris campaign. He had told the woman, who had set up Leazer on a date, that his platform and other Big Tech companies were promoting Harris in an attempt to “get her to win.” […]

Be sure to watch the whole video, which dropped on Wednesday, the day after the debate. Reasonable people may think Leazer looks a bit too low-level to reach a definitive conclusion about Google’s intentions, and maybe he just was trying to impress his date. Perhaps, but … Google’s actions at higher levels raise exactly the same suspicion.

For instance, did you know that Google’s attorney in their DoJ anti-trust case helped Kamala Harris prep for the debate that took place the night before O’Keefe released this video?

Down The Primrose Path (bumped)

NEW: The government that fails at sleeping bag procurement demands escalation, yessiree!

Polish MEP Grzegorz Braun on Antony Blinken visiting Poland today

small group of officials inside the White House.

Stan, in the comments;

The dog that didn’t bark: Why are no politicians calling for a cease fire in Ukraine? We hear them call for a ceasefire in Gaza every day.

The Libranos: The Party Of Comfy Contracts

With 68K active duty regulars that’s $570 a bag.

Despite the defence department spending more than $34.8 million on new sleeping bags, the Canadian Army asked late last year that hundreds of soldiers headed to a joint northern exercise in Alaska with the Americans be issued with old, 1960s-vintage bedrolls.

Troops who had used the recently issued General Purpose Sleeping Bag System (GPSBS) late last fall in a preparatory exercise found “several critical issues,” according to an internal briefing note obtained by CBC News.

More than 350 soldiers belonging to the 3rd battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (3 PPCLI) deployed to Ram Falls Provincial Park, west of Red Deer, Alta., in late November last year, where they spent several days training for northern operations.

Temperatures during the deployment ranged from – 5C during the day to – 20C at night.

Logistik Unicorp of Quebec got the contract.

The Thing I like Best About Harm Reduction Programs

Is the way they reduce harm.

Police in Kingston, Ont., say they’ve arrested a male suspect after a violent daytime assault left two people dead and one in hospital with life-threatening injuries.

Kingston police say they arrested the suspect without further incident just before 5 p.m., after negotiating his surrender for several hours.

Spokesperson Const. Anthony Colangeli says police received reports that the suspect may have been wielding an edged or blunt weapon, possibly both.

Police say officers were called to an encampment around a safe injection site and Integrated Care Hub around 10:40 a.m. after a report of a serious assault.

Diversity Is Our New Landlord

Chaos in Colorado;

Beginning last year, a large influx of Venezuelan migrants, some of them members of the notorious Tren de Aragua street gang, reportedly had “taken over” a series of apartment buildings in Aurora—and unleashed terror. Last month, Venezuelan migrants were allegedly implicated in an attempted homicide, an arrest of purported gang members, and shocking security footage that showed heavily armed men forcibly entering one of the apartments. In response to the chaos, police mobilized en masse and vacated one of the complexes after the city, alleging code violations, deemed it uninhabitable.

How did members of Venezuelan gangs suddenly find themselves in suburban Colorado? To answer this, we have conducted an exclusive investigation, which leads to a troubling conclusion: the Biden administration, in partnership with Denver authorities and publicly subsidized NGOs, provided the funding and logistics to place a large number of Venezuelan migrants in Aurora, creating a magnet for crime and gangs. And, worse, some of the nonprofits involved appear to be profiting handsomely from the situation.

Via Jeff Goldstein;

All this means is that we’re about two weeks away from a second Axios piece, also by Esteban L. Hernandez, in which he argues that, of course Venezuelan gangs are taking over entire apartment buildings — and yes, the whole thing was shadow funded by the Biden Administration — but that’s because diversity is our strength, and plucky Venezuelan gang members are showing spirited initiative, building small businesses in the drug and human trafficking trades that will no doubt bring additional dollars into the community thru more tax revenue, which will go toward better schools and homeless shelters for runaway chihuahuas. They really are the best of us, after all.

You Will Eat Bugs, Live In A Pod, Own Nothing And You Will Like It

I Will Not Eat CricketsA book review by Rick McGinnis.

There are many recent books that share the same targets as Díaz without his satirical tone, but you have to understand up front that his target—globalism—has had a sea change in its definition and its opponents in the last generation. Back when free trade was an article of conservative political faith, the globalist worldview was embraced by people who wanted to lower costs, broaden supply chains, and – as they sold it in a best-case scenario – export economic prosperity from first to third worlds as they offshored labour.

Like most ideal scenarios, it didn’t quite work out as planned.

Showdown At Volkswagen


As discussed earlier today, Germany’s economy is slowly but surely sinking, whether or not Mario Draghi’s proposal to flood Europe in new debt is eventually accepted, and nowhere is the pain more tangible than Germany’s iconic carmaker, Volkswagen, which we reported last week was considering its first-ever factory closure amid a dire economic backdrop, and which today took the shocking – for Germany – decision to end job protections for German auto workers as part of its cost-cutting push, setting up a calamitous showdown with unions as the country’s most important industry fights for its future.

This morning, the world’s largest automaker by sales canceled several agreements linked to a three-decades-old pact that was supposed to safeguard employment until 2029, V. […]

VW’s main target is its underperforming namesake passenger car brand, whose profit margins are getting squeezed amid a sputtering transition to EVs and a consumer spending slowdown. Carmakers in Europe are also struggling to compete with Tesla and new entrants from China led by BYDl, which have been selling cars at dumping prices, infuriating Brussels.

Cutbacks at VW are harder to push through than at other companies, especially since half the seats on the company’s supervisory board are held by labor representatives, and the German state of Lower Saxony — which owns a 20% stake — often sides with trade union bodies. The automaker, which employs almost 300,000 Germans, last week defended its plant closure plans, saying flagging car sales have left it with about two factories too many.

h/t MelindaPrevious.

Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia

The Vatican called. They want their apology back.

The “Queering the 2024 Vote” workshops are a project of the Protestant seminary’s Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion, according to its website.

Starting Sept. 12, the online series will focus on the question: “During the current 2024 US election season, how might we, as LGBTQ people, communities, and LGBTQ-allies, be voices – and votes – of positive change for a nation in such desperate need of justice, hope, love, and compassion?”

The Birth Of The Blogosphere

Glenn Reynolds;

We live today in a post-blogospheric media age. The blogosphere hasn’t disappeared by any means, but it no longer plays the central role that it played from roughly 2002 to 2008. This is partly the result of natural media evolution but also the result of very deliberate action on the part of some big players in government and tech. The blogosphere’s successors, such as Facebook and Twitter, lack its independence, its decentralization, and its free-flowing nature. On the other hand—very much against the wishes of their creators—those entities have nonetheless empowered ordinary citizens to push back against government- and media-initiated disinformation (to the extent that there’s a difference anymore) in a way that remains within the finest tradition of the classical blogosphere.

I had been a regular and prominent commentator on Slate’s then-excellent discussion board, The Fray, for quite some time, and the Slate editors were quick to include InstaPundit in their “Me-Zine Central” directory, at which time I thought I had really made it. I remember by late August I was talking with a colleague about my traffic, at the time around two- to three-hundred visits per day, and we both thought that was a lot. Links from Slate, Virginia Postrel, and James Taranto’s Best of the Web feature at The Wall Street Journal boosted traffic, and by September 10, 2001, I had reached the heady heights of more than 1,500 visits per day. The next day was September 11, 2001, and everything changed.

The Kid’s Table

Your open thread on the ABC News Presidential Debate.

Walter Kirn and Matt Taibbi are liveblogging the liver damage. (link live now)


Harris uses the words felon, extreme, threat to democracy, or for the people.

Trump uses the words communist, socialist, radical or Marxist. Double-shot for tampon.

Harris talks about her experience dealing with predators, scammers, cheaters, perpetrators, or special interests.

Trump invokes the Kamala crime wave or defund the police, or says something like They destroyed San Francisco or You can’t buy a loaf of bread without getting shot. Any story of this sort qualifies (“These Haitians, it’s unbelievable. Who would eat a cat?”). Non-negotiable double-shot for literally third world conditions.

Harris says Let me be clear, I’m talking, or “Not going back.” Take a SMALL SIP ONLY whenever she mentions the middle class. Take a full drink when Donald Trump only cares about himself.

Trump says illegal, sanctuary, Border Czar. Double shot when Harris protests she wasn’t.

Harris cackles. Trump does “stank face” or “pinchy hands.”

Harris mentions the opportunity economy, price gouging or bringing down costs. Double for groceries. If both candidates mention groceries, take an aspirin.

“CHECK, PLEASE!” Drink if Harris runs out of things to say and has to be reminded she still has time left. (Drinking game trivia: this rule was originally written for Joe Biden years ago.)

“BILLIONS AND BILLIONS!” Drink when Trump rattles off a statistic that’s off by a factor of 10x. Double if he tells us how many people were just shot in Chicago and how it was worse than Afghanistan. (He may substitute Philadelphia tonight).

From Harris: sales tax, bipartisan, reproductive freedom, different vision. Drink for any mathematically perfect tautology/redundancy (e.g. deadlines of time). More than three seconds of stoned-looking hesitation is a drink. Strike your companion if you hear joy.

From Trump: so crazy, beautiful, fake, beating the hell, never been anything like it. Drink when he says any national problem was completely eliminated when he was president and complains the media lies its face off about it. You may also drink for take a bullet or the “pull down that chart” story if you feel under-served.

Tune in tonight to the livestream at 8:45 pm for an additional MYSTERY RULE.

Tim Pool is also live casting.

As the end of the debate nears, the “moderators” are all in debating Trump. Holy moley. Wrap up: my take is “no minds changed” and despite some missed opportunities, he did ok in a 3 on 1.
