Author: Kate

There’s No Business Case For LNG Exports

Bloomberg, with nifty graphics.

Every six hours, somewhere in the world, a shipment of liquefied natural gas controlled by a Japanese company leaves a port. The vessels — giant, floating thermoses that keep the fuel super-chilled — cross the globe, destined for pipelines in energy-hungry countries in every hemisphere.

These tankers, which handle a quarter of all LNG shipments, are only the tip of Japan’s increasingly dominant gas empire. With the enthusiastic backing of the government, corporate Japan now offers a complete package for countries looking to replace aging, and near-unfinanceable, coal power stations with gas: Its engineering firms will provide technology and parts, its utilities some fuel, and the banks will offer financing.

Today In The Vote Rich Rapey-Beheader Community

Doing the Jew hatin’ that Canadians won’t do.

More than 200 Gazans have arrived in Canada under a special temporary residency program launched in January, according to Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

“As of August 24, 2024, 209 people have arrived in Canada under the temporary public policy,” wrote IRCC spokesman Jeffrey MacDonald in an email to the National Post.

This is a four-fold increase in arrivals since late May, when the program’s cap was expanded from 1,000 to 5,000 visas. At the time, officials said that 41 displaced Gazans had arrived in Canada, receiving visas under both the new policy and a pre-existing one.

Not to say they won’t have community support.

I Want A New Country

The Supreme Court Of Shut Up And Do As You’re Ordered, Peasant.

Let’s call this what it is: a shocking abandonment of judicial duty and a blatant disregard for Canadians’ fundamental rights. The Supreme Court of Canada has just refused to hear two critical cases that challenged the federal COVID vaccine travel mandate. This isn’t just a legal technicality. It’s a clear message from the highest court in the land: “We’re not interested in defending your freedoms. We’d rather sidestep controversy and protect government overreach.”

The cases in question, Peckford et al. v. Canada and Hon. Maxime Bernier v. Canada, were crucial tests of the limits of government power. The Honourable Brian Peckford, the last living signer of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada, stood up to challenge the draconian mandates that the Trudeau government imposed. These mandates effectively barred unvaccinated Canadians from traveling — a blatant violation of mobility rights under the Charter. Yet, the Supreme Court has chosen to declare these cases “moot,” arguing that since the mandates have been lifted, there’s no point in reviewing their legality.

Show Me The Man

Andrey Mir;

Telegram is not just a popular text messaging app; it is an ecosystem that also includes news and expert channels, photo and video sharing, and online communities of all kinds—from local to professional to hobbyist. The app offers encrypted communication that is impossible to crack. The feature seems to be attractive to criminals and terrorists. But regular people—almost 1 billion of them around the world—also enjoy Telegram. To compare: X/Twitter has about 340 million monthly users. Telegram is used by 45% of online users in India, almost 40% in Brazil, 34% in Mexico, and so on.

There is one more specific category of users that particularly values encrypted messaging: political dissidents and protesters. Telegram played a significant role in the 2017-2018 Iranian protests, as more than half of the population there uses the app. The 2020-2021 anti-Lukashenko protests in Belarus were even labeled the “Telegram Revolution,” mirroring the “Twitter revolutions” of 2009-2011.

But there is also another big player in the field: the state. The state wants to know what criminals and terrorists are doing, but also what protesters and regular folks are up to. And so do corporations. As the latest memes go, “Mark Zuckerberg sells people’s personal information, and he is a free man. Pavel Durov doesn’t, and he is in the jail.”

Embrace Hollywood!

“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story. – Michael Moore

Over a shockingly short period of time, Hollywood intentionally abandoned a one-hundred-year-old system for making, releasing and profiting from the theatrical distribution of motion pictures that had served it and its audiences very well.

This was a system that generated billions of dollars, created an army of jobs and ancillary businesses, exported American cultural soft power across the world and made a lot of people extremely wealthy… and it was abandoned, all for a technological pipe dream of captured audiences mindlessly pressing “renew” on their subscriptions with the glassy eyes of the permanently zombified.

Now that the chips of that capricious decision have begun to land where they may, it has become clear that the new streaming model is a failure in almost every way. An ocean of ink has been spilled analyzing why streaming is bad business, but I want to approach the problem from a different perspective.

What Would We Do Without “Knowledge Keepers” ?

The peddling of Canada’s Indigenous mass grave and genocide libels’

… focusing solely on the recent history of both the genocide and mass grave allegations neglects their historical roots and impact, namely that what could be called an Aboriginal-style blood libel was promoted, perhaps even invented, by a Christian minister decades earlier.

The fabricator is a still active propagandist named Kevin Annett, a defrocked United Church of Canada cleric who began peddling poisonous snake oil by the bucketful to gullible Indigenous and non-Indigenous people 30 years ago.

Margin Of Fraud (Updated)

The Texan;

Manuel Medina, chief of staff for state Rep. Liz Campos (D-San Antonio) and well-known Bexar County political operative, was served with a search warrant as part of an ongoing voter fraud investigation by the state.

Multiple sources with knowledge of the situation confirmed to The Texan that Medina was served the warrant this week. One stated that Medina has retained counsel.

Cecilia Castellano, Democratic nominee for House District (HD) 80, told the Houston Chronicle that her house was raided this week by agents — though they did not tell her the purpose. Medina was Castellano’s campaign manager during her recent primary race.

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) announced this week that it executed search warrants in three Texas counties — Atascosa, Bexar, and Frio — related to an ongoing election fraud investigation. The warrants were served on August 20 and stem from a 2022 referral by 81st District Attorney Audrey Louis. It’s been investigated ever since by the OAG’s Election Integrity Unit.

“We were glad to assist when the District Attorney referred this case to my office for investigation,” Paxton said in the announcement. “We are completely committed to protecting the security of the ballot box and the integrity of every legal vote. This means ensuring accountability for anyone committing election crimes.”

Though no charges have been filed, Medina is being investigated in connection with an alleged ballot harvesting scheme.’

He seemed like quite the mover and shaker.

Updated @DC_Draino;

Texas announces 6,500+ illegal aliens caught registering to vote and nearly 2,000 caught voting

They’ve all been referred to the AG for criminal prosecution

More: RNC sues Detroit after learning the city allegedly hired 7 times more Democrats than Republicans as poll workers for this election.”

Trump Shooting: Whistleblower

Secret Service Told Not to Request Additional Security For Trump’s Butler Rally

Secret Service agents detailed to Donald Trump’s rally in Butler, PA last month were specifically told by headquarters in Washington not to request any additional security for the outdoor rally where a sniper wounded the former president, and that if they made any request, it would be denied

A whistleblower reported the new information to Missouri Senator Josh Hawley who wrote to acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe, asking him to explain the “apparent contradiction” from Rowe’s Senate testimony. Rowe told the Senate Judiciary Committee last month that no resources were ever denied.

“You must explain this apparent contradiction immediately,” the senator wrote.
