Author: Kate

What’s The Opposite Of Diversity?

How it started…

African-American bakery employee testified he saw Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo “standing directly in front of the store with a megaphone, orchestrating some of the activities of the students.”


How that went.

Oberlin College pays $36 million to Ohio bakery after its owner accused the school of refusing to pay penalty in defamation suit

And how it’s going…

One of the country’s most liberal colleges is being investigated over allegations it allowed antisemitism to breed on campus including having a professor of peace studies who has called for the elimination of Israel and the death of Salman Rushdie.

Oberlin College in Ohio could lose chunks of the millions in annual federal funding as a result of the probe, whose existence it has not yet disclosed to students, alumni and donors. Last year, the school took in more than $5 million in federal grants.

The Arc Of The Renewables Universe Is Long, But It Bends Toward Bankruptcy


Ørsted, a major player in the offshore wind development sector, has decided to pull the plug on its Ocean Wind 1 and Ocean Wind 2 projects off the coast of New Jersey. Citing “escalated financial difficulties and supply chain issues”.

Ørsted’s decision brings to light the tumultuous waters that renewable energy projects are now starting to regularly encounter.

“put a chick in it and make it gay!”

“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story.“ – Michael Moore

As I reported last Friday, the irreverent and often hilarious show South Park took a swing at the infection of woke culture in the arts and took specific aim at Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy and Disney. The clips of the show alone went viral across the internet, sparking a very unwanted conversation for Disney about the direction it’s gone and the bad will it created with audiences.

But amid all the voices commenting about Disney, Carano’s words were the loudest as her post on X contained an insider’s look at, not just the state of Lucasfilm, but the terrible weakness and insecurity of its studio head, Kennedy […]

Carano revealed that, during her employment with Lucasfilm, she was asked to unfollow certain accounts on Twitter because they’d said some bad things about Kennedy. Carano saw this as an issue because she knew that being in the public eye meant getting haters, but Carano also saw these people as opportunities to win over new fans. Moreover, some of these “haters” were actual fans of Star Wars that felt the universe had gone in the wrong direction, and that their criticisms were worth listening to.

But Kennedy didn’t just ignore them, she actively had these fans attacked, causing one of the worst collapses of a fan base in history.

Mischief is important.

We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans

“The future is batteries”, they said. “We’re going to store the wind in ginormous batteries the size of Pluto“.

Mining remains a deeply divisive industry, as manifested by the explosion of popular rage that’s paralyzed Panama in recent weeks.

After spending the best part of a decade and more than $10 billion building one of the world’s biggest copper mines, First Quantum Minerals Ltd. now finds the project hanging in the balance.

The country’s president this weekend caved to pressure and agreed to hold a referendum on its future, sending the Canadian company’s stock plunging the most on record.

While Panama’s electoral court has since offered a lifeline, saying such a vote can’t proceed without congress first passing legislation, prospects for development look deeply uncertain.

The drama in Panama highlights a growing global trend. Many people don’t want new mines built, judging the environmental impact to be too great despite the boost to jobs and local coffers.

Yet mining has never been more important. It’s impossible for economies to decarbonize without hundreds of millions more tons of metals such as copper, nickel and lithium being pulled from the earth.

In the past decade, the industry has transformed the way it engages with those on the receiving end of massive mining upheaval. Aware of the need to have a social license to operate, companies have gone to great lengths to win over community leaders and politicians.

But they still often fail to garner wider public support. Some of the world’s most crucial new mines are currently stuck in limbo in the face of local opposition.

The development of Europe’s biggest lithium deposit was brought to a sudden halt last year after thousands of protesters took to the streets of Belgrade, Serbia. In the US, what would be the country’s largest copper mine has been stalled for years.

Give the people more stuff. Ban all the things.

We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans

The arc of the renewable universe is long, but it bends toward bankruptcy.

Wind companies losing billions, prompting fears a federal bailout could be coming […]

Mounting financial losses in the wind industry over the last few months are taking a toll on the Biden administration’s clean energy drive. Despite the billions in subsidies that came down the pipeline in 2022 before the Inflation Reduction gave away even more money, energy experts don’t expect that the need for more money will deter the nationwide momentum to build more wind and solar farms.

Writing in his “Energy Absurdity” Substack, David Blackmon, an energy analyst with over 40 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, said that the lobbying for more renewable energy dollars is likely near.

“Everyone should prepare themselves to see an effort in Washington, DC to allocate billions more dollars to bail out Big Offshore Wind developers soon,” Blackmon wrote.

Since the Obama administration, the federal government has been pouring billions into projects to meet environmental goals, only to have the companies go bankrupt.

In 2009, the Obama administration co-signed $535 million in loans to solar panel manufacturing startup Solyndra. Two years later, the company went bankrupt, laying off 1,100 workers.

Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

No matter how much you hate the media, it’s not enough.

More on the lynch mob that descended on a flight from Tel Aviv looking for Jews.

The Lynch mob has reached Hotel Flamingo in Khasavyurt in Dagestan where a jewish man has checked into. They are threatening him to come out and surrender himself or the mob promises to enter the hotel premises and drag him out.The mob is clearly yearning for the blood of the Jew.

It’s those dirty Russians again: Currently on a @Cornell discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms.

Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

Conversation starter.

One must not stand silent in the face of a second Holocaust, the Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová said as she called on her country to withdraw from the United Nations to protest its failure to condemn Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel.

She spoke of her outrage one day after the UN General Assembly voted 120-14 for a ceasefire for the Gaza War, which focused primarily on the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza.

The UNGA resolution which also had 45 abstentions, did not mention or clearly call for the release of the 230 hostages the terror group took captive on that day.

Safe and Effective®

What would we do without expert urging?

Older adults who received last year’s COVID booster and a high-dose version of the flu vaccine in the same visit may have a potential increased risk of stroke, according to a new FDA-funded study.

Experts urged that the results were preliminary and may be explained by other factors such as the fact that older adults are already at a higher risk for stroke due to their age.

“There is no need for panic, and emphatically no need to stop giving COVID and flu shots at the same time to older adults,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious diseases specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, while he reiterated that more research is needed.
