Author: Kate

The Libranos: ArriveScam

“When you go with a deep dive into the particular story, it goes beyond misconduct. It goes into criminality. And that’s why the RCMP is investigating it,” he said during the meeting. “There are allegations regarding identity theft, fraudulent forged resumes, contractual theft, fraudulent billing, price fixing, collusion, all with senior bureaucrats with the Government of Canada and the three contractors in question.”

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin

Keep those buses rollin’…

In a recent survey by Siena College Research Institute, 82 percent of New Yorkers called the arrival of so many migrants a “serious problem,” with 58 percent saying it’s time to slow the flow. New York is starting to think — and act — like a Southern border state now…

It’s clear that the city’s well-earned reputation for welcoming immigrants has played a role in making New York the top destination. Nevertheless, Mr. Adams blames that “madman” — Mr. Abbott — for the crisis, even though only about 13,100 of the roughly 140,000 migrants who arrived over the past year were sent on buses chartered by Texas.

The Sound Of Settled Science

How Could the IPCC Make an Error this Large?

Earlier this week I discussed the mystifying continued prioritization of the outdated and implausible RCP8.5 scenario by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) in its scenarios expected to guide Dutch climate policies for the next decade. Since then I have heard from many friends and colleagues in the Netherlands offering a wide range of perspectives on what happened and what should happen next.

These exchanges have prompted me to summarize how the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has treated climate scenarios in its most recent assessment reports. Today I document a major error made by the IPCC in its fifth assessment report (AR5) which has had profound consequences for climate research and policy in the decade since.

Settle in, this one is a doozy.


“Everything that Anthony Fauci and his cohorts, these other virologists were saying publicly, they were saying the opposite privately,” Paul said. “Then it turns out that many of the people that were appointed to be part of this all had quiet interests that they weren’t willing to reveal. Including Anthony Fauci. When I asked him directly under oath whether or not he was receiving royalties from any of the companies manufacturing vaccines, he refused to answer. When I asked him whether anybody on the committee was receiving royalties he lashed out and accused me of something but would never answer the question.”

The rest is here.

“Hamas does not represent the Palestinians”

you will hear this a lot in the next few days.

So here’s a reminder from former President Jimmy Carter:

“On election day, Rosalynn and I visited 25 polling sites, in East Jerusalem and its outskirts, Hebron, Ramallah, and Jericho. It seemed obvious to us and other observers that the election was orderly and peaceful and that there was a clear preference for Hamas candidates even in historically strong Fatah communities. Even so, we were all surprised at the enormity of the Hamas victory.

They won such a clear majority of parliamentary seats (76 of 132 members) that the Fatah government immediately announced their resignation.”

Hamas plainly state their goal: to eradicate Israel in violent means. Their Palestinian voters understand this well. Hamas proceeded a year later, 2007, to murder all their opposition in Gaza, literally throw them off the rooftops, massacre *Palestinians* from opposition parties in the streets.

The writing was on the wall. In blood.

Montgomery 2023

As many of our regular readers know, each September my friend Karen and I embark on a two week trip to Michigan and Pennsylvania to show our dogs, culminating on the first Sunday in October with the most prestigious terrier event on the planet – Montgomery County Kennel Club.

This year, I took my own AmGCHCanCH Minuteman Life Below Zero, who captured the first specialty we competed at in Michigan, but she was soon eclipsed by a young male I’ve been handling for a friend from Osaka, Japan sired by my 2019 Montgomery Best of Breed winner, AmCanGrCh Minuteman Colder Weather.

Luca and I, waiting our turn in the Montgomery group ring.

AmGCH Cherry Field’s Super Fly not only captured five of seven shows he was entered in, he repeated his sire’s 2019 win, going Best of Breed at the American Miniature Schnauzer Club National Specialty, placing fourth in the terrier group at Montgomery to defeat nearly 1000 dogs.

With Hiromi, Luca and some of the loot.

We were back in Saskatchewan on Tuesday night, but it’ll be another day or two before I’m fully caught up on sleep and back to my regular routine.

Thank you once again to our guest bloggers – Francisco, Dennis, OJ, Robert, David and Brian – who donate so much of their time to support the site and diversify the content, and keep our readers informed and amused while I escape to this peculiar alternate universe with my dogs, where the news of the world seldom penetrates, and the only politics under discussion are a judge’s choices on a muddy horse grounds in Pennsylvania.

More Pavilions At Folkfest

I’m old enough to remember when a mention of Muslims cheering 9/11 could get a person cancelled.

We’ve witnessed in recent days these tensions and limits inherent to Canadian pluralism. While most of us mourned and lamented the inhumanity of Hamas’s terrorist attacks on Israel, a small minority among us have defended and even celebrated them. These individuals and organizations have relied on Canada’s promise of freedom to countenance and glorify the indiscriminate violence of a group designated as a terrorist organization by our own government.

There have been pro-Palestinian demonstrations across the country that have effectively affirmed Hamas’s terrorism. The videos from these pro-Hamas rallies in cities such as Mississauga and Montreal have been shocking. It must be said that rallies in support of a terrorist organization that has carried out a systematic campaign of killing women and children are incompatible with Canadian values.

Israel Under Attack

This post is late getting up as I’m on the road with no time online, and only learned of events a few minutes ago. Consider this your open thread to drop links and other information. Perhaps the guest bloggers will have more in the hours to come.

@ezralevantHamas has taken rape slaves. That’s the terrorist group Trudeau funded with $50 million tax dollars. That’s who CUPE supports.


“They shot people in cars and at bus stops, they rounded up women and children into rooms like Einsatzgruppen and machine-gunned them. They went house to house to find and murder civilians hiding in their closets, and they dragged the bloody, dead bodies of Israelis back into Gaza where they are now being paraded, beaten, and mutilated in front of exultant crowds. One young Israeli woman was murdered and stripped to her underwear, and her corpse was thrown in the back of a pickup truck so it could be paraded around Gaza while young Hamas men beat and mutilated her body.”

@NoahPollak details the horrors of the Hamas invasion of Israel and the brutalizing and murder of innocent Israeli civilians including women and children. He calls this Israel’s 9/11 and he’s right.

Whatsisname’s Britain

Where the foxes caper unmolested, the government packs your school lunch and Big Brother gets a few pokes in the eye;

At least 510 Ulez cameras were stolen or vandalised between 1 April and the end of August this year, figures from the Metropolitan Police show.

The force is dedicating a “significant amount” of resources to tackling Ulez camera-related crime, Met Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has said.

Two arrests have been made so far, with one person charged and released on bail and the other case discontinued. Sir Mark told LBC there were “other investigations ongoing”.

The ultra-low emission charging zone was expanded on 29 August to include outer London, with cameras installed to enforce it.

Drivers must pay a charge of £12.50 per day to drive a non-compliant vehicle anywhere in the zone under the controversial clean-air plan.

The Met commissioner said of the figures: “Clearly this is quite serious damage it adds up to in terms of property and that is the basis [on which] we judge it.

“So it is getting, I guess, a significant amount of policing resources.”
