Author: Kate

Ban All The Things!

Hot Air;

In a statement issued by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, a person with absolutely no education or professional history in the energy sector, we were informed that new “energy efficiency regulations” are on the way that will directly impact residential natural gas furnaces. It’s not a “ban” in the traditional sense, but the new efficiency requirements being proposed will either be impossible to achieve or will drive the price of these furnaces beyond the reach of many working-class American homeowners.

Coincidentally, I’m in the US collecting plastic grocery bags from my unsuspecting American friends who have no idea why.

He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship

Dan Knight;

In an era where information flows as swiftly as a river’s current, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seems eager to dam the waters. Many have suggested that Trudeau and his administration are determined to dictate the narrative, controlling the free flow of information in the digital realm. This, critics argue, is not only a threat to the democratic principles of free expression and access to information but also a misdirection from more pressing issues plaguing Canadians.

With a nation grappling with skyrocketing inflation, rising interest rates, exorbitant fuel prices, and grocery bills that pinch harder each day, Trudeau’s apparent focus on controlling the digital narrative seems out of touch. For a generation that grapples with the disheartening reality that homeownership might remain an unattainable dream, their frustration and resentment grow. Yet, every time their voices rise in criticism, they are quickly dismissed or labeled.[…]

In a world burgeoning with diverse digital content, a world where the power of voice is no longer the monopoly of a select few, we witness a potentially perilous encroachment by the CRTC, wielding legislative control over the once-free realm of podcasts. The unregulated charm of podcasting, its organic and unfiltered essence, stands at risk of being suppressed by the looming spectre of the CRTC’s regulatory machinations, seemingly imbued with the motives of the Trudeau government to infiltrate and manipulate the narratives within social media platforms.

The Trudeau government’s subtle quest for control within the social media realm, under the guise of the revamped Broadcasting Act and the nuanced ordinances of the CRTC, is indicative of a larger, ominous agenda. The alleged oversight and regulation, cloaked in terminologies of caution and prudence, are not mere protective measures but perhaps are intricate designs of an overarching governmental grip on the digital information landscape.

Net Trudeau: “Let the Western bastards freeze in the dark”

Toronto Sun;

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has launched an $8-million national ad campaign urging Canadians to protest Ottawa’s plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions from Canada’s electricity sector to net zero by 2035, saying it will lead to skyrocketing energy costs and blackouts.

The rest of Canada should listen, especially provinces such as Ontario, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, which would be particularly hard hit, along with Alberta.

The Libranos: Business-As-Usual


Documents reveal the Liberals’ Climate Change department paid the World Economic Forum (WEF) to produce a report that made an economic case for their environmental agenda, including the ever-increasing carbon tax.

In August 2019, the Environment and Climate Change (ECCC) department’s then-minister, Catherine McKenna, gave $493,937 of taxpayer dollars to the WEF to produce the report, as revealed in response to an Order Paper Question sent by Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis.

Specifically, the documents reveal the ECCC gave money “to enable [the WEF] to produce and disseminate a report that will establish the business and economic case for safeguarding nature.”

“This report will be directed at senior decision makers in governments and businesses who have the influence and ability to shift business-as-usual approach,” the ECCC stated. [Emphasis added]

In the report provided six months later, the WEF sourced papers favouring a carbon tax. It concluded its policy recommendations by stating, “What is required is bold policy ambition and decisive political leadership to signal that business-as-usual is no longer viable.” [Emphasis added]

In the report provided six months later, the WEF sourced papers favouring a carbon tax. It concluded its policy recommendations by stating, “What is required is bold policy ambition and decisive political leadership to signal that business-as-usual is no longer viable.” [Emphasis added]

Diversity Is Their Strength

Sweden has asked its military to help police fight gang crime, following a sharp increase in deadly shootings and bomb attacks in the Scandinavian country.

Ulf Kristersson, the centre-right prime minister, said after a meeting on Friday with the head of Sweden’s defence forces and its police that he would next week ask the military to help.

He would also look at changing the law to allow the armed forces to give even more assistance, he said.

“I cannot emphasise enough how serious the situation is. Sweden has never seen anything like it before. No other country in Europe sees anything like it currently,” Kristersson said in a televised address to the nation on Thursday night.

Police chiefs have said that Sweden is facing its most serious domestic security situation since the second world war as immigrant drug gangs engage in a bloody conflict.

Police believe the gangs are increasingly using children to commit the crimes, as those under 18 often go unpunished or receive low sentences from the courts.

Last year already set a record for the number of deadly shootings in Sweden, and this September is on track to become the worst month since records began.

“It is political naivete and cluelessness that has brought us here,” said the Swedish prime minister. “It is an irresponsible immigration policy and failed integration effort that has brought us here.

“Social exclusion and parallel societies feed the criminal gangs. There they can ruthlessly recruit children and train them as future killers,” he said.

I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords

Over the weekend, so-called “video-assisted referees” (or VAR) made a major mistake in the Liverpool-Tottenham match that denied Liverpool a goal, which proved to be the difference in the match. It was not the first error made by VAR — Sky Sports has documented 14 instances of VAR errors in the Premier League over just the past 2 seasons, for which an apology was later issued […]

Part of the application of technology to refereeing games is about reducing the uncertainty in judgments, but another part is about legitimacy; that is, the general acceptance of referee judgments and the overall integrity of compe­tition. Technology, it turns out, presents challenges to legitimacy and the key to preserving legitimacy. Let me explain.

One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest

Architect of the biggest cya operation in modern history.

Last month, Committee Chair Brad Wenstrup made headlines when he revealed that seven CIA analysts “with significant scientific expertise” on the agency’s COVID-19 Discovery Team (CDT) received performance bonuses after changing a report to downplay concerns about a possible lab origin of the virus.

Now, a months-long investigation by Racket and Public, which included interviews with the CIA whistleblower behind last month’s revelations and others in a position to know, reveals that Fauci not only visited the CIA but also pushed the controversial “Proximal Origin of SARS CoV-2” paper, published by Nature Medicine, in meetings at the State Department and the White House.

Previous reporting already showed that Fauci “prompted” the “Proximal Origin” paper, according to its authors. Lead author Kristian Andersen expressed grave doubts about the natural origin theory even months after Nature Medicine published the paper. And they described themselves as pressured by “higher ups,” referring to individuals in the White House and other government agencies.

Now, the new information from multiple sources, including a CIA whistleblower, a senior government investigator, and a senior official, suggests a broad effort by Fauci to go agency by agency, from the White House to the State Department to the CIA, in an effort to steer government officials away from looking into the possibility that COVID-19 escaped from a lab.

“Fauci’s expert opinions were a significant consideration and were part of our classified assessment,” said the CIA whistleblower, a decorated and long-serving CIA officer with expertise in Asia. “His opinion substantially altered the conclusions that were subsequently drawn.”

Fauci had reasons to push scientists and intelligence analysts to believe the virus had a zoonotic origin since his agency had issued a grant to fund research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China.

I Did Nazi That Coming

Everyone’s piling on now, including the Guardian: ‘Canada has a dark history with Nazis’

When he took the stage of Canada’s parliament a week ago, Zelenskiy praised the city of Edmonton for being the first place in the world to erect a commemoration of the Holodomor famine, a deliberate policy from the Soviet Union which killed millions of Ukrainians.

Five miles north, a bust of the Ukrainian military leader Roman Shukhevych atop a stone plinth has long outraged Jewish and Polish groups. Shukhevych, who fought for Ukrainian independence, served with the Nazis and is believed to have been a perpetrator of massacres in Volhynia and eastern Galicia.

Paul Ausborn was man who heard voices – a flashback.

Ezra Levant’s commentary with Andrew Lawton.

Smartest People In The Room

CBC: There’s now a Bank of Canada number for carbon tax’s impact on inflation. It’s small

And that’s why they pay them the big bucks.

“…this estimate applies only to the direct impact of the carbon tax on those three products that are included in the consumer price index (gasoline, heating oil and natural gas). It does not attempt to capture any second-round or pass-through effects.”
