Author: Robert

Primetime Propaganda: Rampant Discrimination in Hollywood

In a comprehensive new book, Ben Shapiro outlines example after example of how the Hollywood Elites systemically discriminate against conservative thought and anyone who “dares” subscribe to it. Here’s but one example:

Dennis Miller talks with Shapiro about the book in an absolutely hilarious interview, in which he describes his entrance pass into these interviews was his “Jew Cloak” = His name plus a Harvard Law ball cap.
Steven Crowder shares his own experiences about being blacklisted, as well as interviewing the author.

Radical in the House

In an unprecedented move, a 21 year-old over-indulged narcissist of the Far Left (is that redundant?) was fired from her job as a Parliamentary page on Friday. This totalitarian thug/nitwit, who completely rejected the Democratic Will of the Canadian people, tried to spin her selfish little actions as “The Canadian version of an Arab spring”.
Undoubtedly all of her life her parents told her how “special” she was. What would be really special is if her actions made her unemployable for at least the next few decades. But undoubtedly she’ll get a job with some Radical Left activist group . . . funded directly or indirectly by your tax dollars. Ain’t our modern society with entitlements but no responsibility just grand?!
Update: Further info here, including a job offer from PSAC.
Open Question: Is it possible for the federal government to change the law, forbidding unions to exist amongst government employees on the grounds that their existence are an antithesis to civil democracy and good governance?
Update 2: A poll on the matter! (h/t maz2)

Afghanistan: Time to Leave?

No one has been a more staunch supporter of Canada’s presence in Afghanistan than yours truly but with the war having dragged on about the same length as World Wars 1 & 2 combined, perhaps the time is soon coming to pull the bulk of our forces out? This article by Dan Lamothe, inspired by an e-mail from Retired Marine Sergeant John Bernard is a real eye opener.

North Korean Pollsters: Must Suck to be an American

Here’s the list of the happiest five nations on earth, according to a poll conducted in North Korea:
1. China
2. North Korea
3. Cuba
4. Iran
5. Venezuela
And the unhappiest place on Earth? Last place, #203, is the United States. Those poor Americans with their pursuit of liberty, free speech rights, and relatively high standard of living. They’re not happy though; pollsters told us so – with their “scientific methods” and all.
Perhaps one thing we can all agree upon is that North American socialists now have no more excuses from making the big move over to any of these Top 5 Nirvanas that perfectly match with their ideals!

The Ignorance of Evil on the Left

A controversy has erupted over a Top 5 List of Worst People in History, published in an Arkansas middle school yearbook. Here’s the list:
1. Adolph Hitler
2. Osama Bin Laden
3. Charles Manson
4. George W. Bush
5. Dick Cheney
If you’re a Far Left zealot then this list undoubtedly makes a great deal of sense. But if you’re a mentally balanced person who has the ability to look at things objectively then who is missing from this list? Pop Quiz: What historical figures in the 20th Century might a Left leaning public sector teacher be reticent to teach their students about, let alone condemn?

The ‘Geniuses’ on the Left

On his radio program a few days ago, comedian & talk show host, Dennis Miller, went through example after example of the ‘geniuses’ on the Left side of the political spectrum in America. Talk with any devout member of the Left and you will be told, with absolute conviction, that all of the following people are geniuses: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Andrea Mitchell, Paul Krugman, Katie Couric, the ladies on The View, and even Ed Schultz.
Listen a little longer and you’ll be informed that not only are they brilliant but they’re also well balanced, thoughtful moderates who are striving to do nothing more than save America from the “hateful” Republicans.
Up here in Canada, things aren’t altogether different. For years we were told that Stephen Harper is “evil” and “has a hidden agenda”, that Mark Steyn & Ezra Levant are “hatemongers”, and that anyone who supported the Tories was greedy, unenlightened, and lacking “Canadian values”. Such “progressive” rhetoric has been subdued of late after Canada’s self-proclaimed Natural Governing Party (aka the Liberals) were dealt a massive knockout punch in the recent federal election. But the antipathy towards conservatives hasn’t gone away. Just wait until after the summer and the first “controversy” in Ottawa comes to the fore. The Leftist fear mongering will return like a hungry bear coming out of hibernation.
What seems apparent is that a civil war of sorts is afoot, especially in America. Let’s just hope the temperature of said war doesn’t change from cold to hot. But in the coming years, when the U.S. comes to grips with the fact that its public sector commitments are well beyond affordable and need to be pulled back … watch for the violence of Greece & Spain to come to America! 🙁

Reader Tips

Just to let you all know, EBD is alive & well but just busy with a whole lot of other things for the next 40 days or so. During that time Kate & I will do our best to select interesting/quirky videos and/or musical selections that will strive to entertain & delight.
Prior to this evening, I think I may be one of a handful of Canadians who was fully aware that June 1st every year is Mexican Navy Day. Why did I know this? Well, the father of a very special lady in my life was both an admiral and a doctor in the Mexican Navy. Which meant, of course, that he owned both a gun and a scalpel. To say that I am intimidated by this gentleman would be the understatement of the century!
In honour of the Mexican Navy, please enjoy this musical tribute entitled El Siete Mares (The 7 Seas). As an added bonus, here are some members of the Mexican Navy rescuing a beached whale.
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

What Twisted Road is Jack Layton Driving Us Down?

It would be interesting for a pollster to find out if there’s a growing concern amongst non-Quebecois Canadians about what plans Monsieur Jack Layton has for Quebec over the next four years. In this comprehensive column, Jeff Jedras carefully outlines a number of data points that justify much concern. Here’s a snippet:

What they can’t do, however, is try to have it both ways. They can’t tell Quebecers one thing and Canadians another. They can’t say Sherbrooke is their policy but claim support for the Supreme Court opinion and the Clarity Act, because the two aren’t compatible. They need to pick a position, own it and stand by it in all of Canada.

Layton is like a 12 year-old boy playing with firecrackers, except that he’s not using his own fingers but rather those of the Canadian public. Fueled purely by his own ego, he’s opening up a can of worms that is likely to be more than a little rancid. Do the majority of Canadians really want to spend this next decade dwelling on Quebec sovereignty issues … yet again?!
One thing’s for sure: when this doesn’t turn out well, and it won’t, Jack will accept NO responsibility for the disastrous results. For that would require character. To quote Dennis Prager, “one of the beautiful things about being on the Left is never having to apologize for anything!”
Update: Charles Adler discusses the issue with Dan Cook and then with Lorne Gunter.

In Honour of Our American Friends & Family

Canadians remember our brave soldiers who have died every November 11th. Americans remember their fallen on the last Monday of May, in what they call Memorial Day.
A year ago at this time I was fortunate enough to be over in Hawaii. I made a point of driving up to the magnificent and sacred Punchbowl National Cemetery to witness the events first hand. Here’s a video I put together to commemorate that solemn day:

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Rex Murphy Offers Bob Rae a Hug

Rex Murphy provides a few words of support to newly anointed Liberal leader, Bob Rae.
This Murphy video from 2 years ago is well worth a watch too.
Anyone care to predict how things will transpire for Monsieur Rae over the next 2+ years?
Featured comment:
Bob Rae stepping in as leader is roughly the same as Wiley Coyote having a stunt double jump in half way down the cliff. The good part is that the end result will be the same, a coyote shaped hole in the ground…..” — Ian Vaughan
