Author: Robert

Does Multiculturalism Trump Canadian Culture?

If asked at a dinner party in front of strangers, many Canadians would likely think twice before saying they disagree with Official Multiculturalism in Canada. Failure to answer that question “correctly” might very well cause a bullseye to be drawn on one’s forehead, followed by a series of “Racist” barbs soon after.
Stepping back a moment though, when someone says they support “multiculturalism”, what exactly are they actually stating they believe in? Many undoubtedly think they’re affirming “support for multiple ethnicities in Canada”. But that’s not what multiculturalism means whatsoever!
Official Multiculturalism proponents in our country firmly believe that all cultures around the world are exactly the same; no better or worse than Canadian culture. Furthermore, anyone who does not believe this baseline premise is tarred & feathered with any number of pejoratives such as: Racist, Bigot, Xenophobe, etc.
I, for one, think such Multicultural views are absolute nonsense. Turns out that some immigrants do too. In fact, some moving to our country don’t appreciate our federal government trying to guide them into the sub-culture of their homeland and much prefer being an unhyphenated Canadian.
This past weekend I had the great honour of being a guest on Roy Green’s radio program, along with two ladies, Carmen & Sara, who left Egypt to move here, plus a regular guest on the show, William Gairdner. You can listen to the entire segment here.

Green Policy: Keeping more & more teachers unemployed every year!

SDA reader, David, provided a link to a very interesting article. Even though the Vancouver School Board has an $8.4-million funding shortfall, they have to buy $405,725 worth of carbon offsets as per provincial government legislation instituted by BC’s last premier, Gordon Campbell.
Lest anyone forget, the Greens among us have frequently said that “going green” won’t cost us anything. Well, in this case 5 teachers are going to lose their jobs in order to pay for these absolutely ridiculous carbon offsets.
The arrangement with the provincial government will see the money going to Encana, a billion dollar drilling company.
No Green evangelist can condemn this because it’s exactly what they’ve been pushing for all of these years! And Campbell bought into it hook, line, & sinker. He’s now gone but the powers at be will be scared to ever change things for fear of getting demonized by the Green Lobby. What would be beyond sweet would be to see both parents of school children and the BC Teacher’s Federation publicly condemning the Greenies!
Related: The founder of Encana is closely affiliated with BC’s current premier, Christy Clark. And make no mistake, if when the NDP ever gets back in power in this province, it’ll be the same or worse.
Update: BC Hospitals are not immune either. (h/t pkuster)

An Important Lesson for Voters

Lorne Gunter has published a column that should serve as an important reference and wake-up call for all voters in the future. Here’s an especially brilliant portion:

One NDP supporter in Ms. Brosseau’s new riding asked the other day whether he and his fellow voters where victims of some sort of scam. No, sir, not victims — participants.
Who votes for someone who was never seen in the riding during the election, someone who doesn’t live anywhere near the riding, doesn’t articulate any policies and doesn’t even speak French all that well, but who is seeking to represent a constituency in which over 90% of the residents list their at-home language as French?

I must admit to being guilty of this ignorance myself. Sometimes I know quite a bit about my local candidate, other times I know nothing. I suspect that I’m not alone.
Update: Listen to Vegas Brosseau being interviewed! (h/t James)   If you don’t speak French, give it a minute or so and the interview will switch to English.

Elections and the Reticence to Discuss Important Issues

Have you noticed that the news media generally refuses to discuss important issues during election campaigns and instead just focuses on ridiculously unimportant, mostly fabricated “scandals”. The People of Canada deserve better than this.
Imagine how engaged voters would be if our political debate were focused on real issues such as:
Item #1: Health Care
In an interview from a few days ago, Dr. Brian Day, past president of the Canadian Medical Association, spoke about the state of Canada’s Health Care:

Part 2

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Liberal Viewpoints vs. Mental Delusions

This recent commentary by Bill O’Reilly is most fascinating. Listen very carefully to what the liberal pundits are espousing.
Isn’t it absolutely amazing how a group of individuals can invent a complete delusion about threats from “far right Christians”? No evidence, no facts, no nothing. In the old days one would say that such individuals had mental delusions and needed to be under the care of a psychiatrist. Does it now just suffice to say, “Oh don’t mind him, he’s just a liberal” ?

 Helping out ‘Friends of the CBC’ – the SDA Way!

In a previous thread, several commenters pointed out that a write-in campaign has been started by the “Sycophants Friends of the CBC”. Their intent is to stop the federal gov’t from cutting funds to the CBC. Perhaps you have a somewhat different view?! Feel free to use their web page as a template for your thoughts but also be sure to copy & paste your thoughts to Stephen Harper’s office directly. Also don’t hesitate to share your e-mail in the comments here.
If you’re stumped for ideas, you might want to watch this video by Lee Doren. Whenever you hear or see “NPR” or “PBS”, just substitute in “CBC”!

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The Details Behind the NPR Sting

Here’s a link to a pair of videos where you can hear interviews of Hugh Hewitt talking with James O’Keefe and Andrew Breitbart about the recent NPR sting. It’s absolutely fascinating!
When will some enterprising young journalists do a similar exposé on CBC execs? I have little doubt that the latter would be espousing similar or worse views about Canadian conservatives!
NPR President & CEO, Vivian Schiller, forced to resign by the NPR Board – h/t Brent Weston
James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas – h/t Marc in Calgary

Muhammad Yunus: “Credit should be a human right”

Looks like Paul Krugman has competition in the area of hairbrain “progressive” ideas. Bangladeshi economist, Muhammad Yunus, is insisting that guaranteed credit for everyone should be a “human right”. Hmmm, what could possibly go wrong with this idea, if implemented?!
Turns out we don’t need to look very far into history to find out. This article and this one too are well worth a read. Here’s an excerpt from the former:

The story of Boiana and of Palivelupa is that of a good idea gone dras­tically wrong, dev­astating the lives of millions of des­perately poor people, threat­ening a bank­ing cri­sis and re­vealing the dark side of India’s eco­nom­ic growth. Pio­neered in Bangladesh in the late 1970s, micro­finance in­volves grant­ing small loans that no conventional bank would give to the very poor, al­lowing them to launch small-scale eco­nom­ic ven­tures. Around 30 million house­holds in India have received £4bn in such loans over the past 15 years.
In re­cent months, howev­er, the indus­try has been thrown into cri­sis as it has become clear that a signif­icant number of borrowers – be­tween a tenth and a third, depending on the es­ti­mate – cannot afford to repay their loans.

February 28, 2001: The Nisqually Earthquake

When the recent earthquake in Christchurch, NZ occurred I immediately contacted a friend of mine whose husband is a Kiwi and still has lots of family down there. At the tail end of our conversation she reminded me of the earthquake that occurred 10 years ago on the West Coast of North America.
The Nisqually Earthquake hit at 10:54am on Feb. 28, 2001. In the minutes before I happened to be in my 12th Floor Vancouver apartment, talking on the phone with one of my colleagues, who was over at our office in Victoria. The shock wave hit there first so I had about 10 seconds to prepare before it arrived in Vancouver. That was the LONGEST 10 SECONDS of my life!!!
Here are some more personal stories from that day, here is what it looked like inside of Microsoft in Redmond, WA when the quake hit, and here’s a fairly comprehensive video about the event and its after effects.
If you’ve ever been in the midst of a large scale natural event, please do share your story!
