Author: Robert

Notice a Pattern?

Is it just my imagination, or is there a pattern here:
John Ibbitson: “Debating multiculturalism gives a voice to the angry, the frustrated and yes, the bigoted. It makes newer Canadians feel less welcome.”
Barbara Kay: “Last Thursday, environmentalist guru David Suzuki stormed out of a Toronto AM640 radio interview with host John Oakley because Oakley dared to suggest that global warming might not be the “totally settled issue” Suzuki insisted it was . . . Suzuki’s very public censure of Oakley for his perceived blasphemy is disquieting because it smacks of the totalitarian impulse to silence and humiliate the dissenter –or even, as in this case, the dissenter’s messenger.”
Michael McBane, Canadian Health Coalition: “[Canadians] have told us they flat-out reject Dr. Ouellet’s proposal to provide us with American-style, two-tier medicine.”
Might there be a connection between the fact that so many Canadians have tuned out of political debate in our country and that one side continuously says there’s nothing left to discuss?
Update: And now is trying to stifle Sun TV News, or as they call their campaign, “48 hours to save Canadian journalism“.

Detroit: Not Dead Enough!

A constant that one hears from all recovered drug addicts is that what was necessary to get them onto the path to recovery was to hit absolute rock bottom. Prior to that, denial holds too strong a grip on the brain to let them see the error of their ways.
In a not too dissimilar way, such is the case with communities that for too long have consumed the “drug” of Leftism. In this regard, Detroit, Michigan is clearly the poster child in North America for failed cities run into the ground by the policies of the Left. This earlier post on SDA and the comments therein explain this most succinctly.
Yesterday Mark Steyn guest hosted Rush Limbaugh’s radio program and had a few biting, but accurate, comments about Detroit. Some in Michigan were not pleased.
This morning Steyn appeared on Detroit radio station WLQV-AM. The full interview can be listened to and should be by all because the points raised have repercussions far beyond the hulking ruins in what was once an industrious, thriving city.

Egypt 2011 = Obamaland 2016 ?

Is it just my imagination or is there a striking similarity between the economic problems of Egypt today and where Obama was clearly taking America?

To open a small bakery, our investigators found, would take more than 500 days. To get legal title to a vacant piece of land would take more than 10 years of dealing with red tape. To do business in Egypt, an aspiring poor entrepreneur would have to deal with 56 government agencies and repetitive government inspections.

Update: Excellent video showing how bureaucratic red tape destroys economies.  h/t Oz

Oh, Canada

There’s a peculiar story out of Winnipeg about a dozen Muslim families who have recently arrived in our country and absolutely don’t want their children enrolled in music classes or the boys & girls in the same phys-ed classes together.
This is a perfect opportunity for a Jason Kenney moment, when someone, be they in the local Muslim community or the school board, looks these parents squarely in the eyes and politely but firmly says, “You are in Canada now, not your homeland. A big part of your responsibility as a newcomer to our nation is to allow your children to become somewhat integrated into the society where they are now privileged to be. Failure to do this is disrespectful to every Canadian around you.”
Will that happen? No, I doubt it. Expect a “Human Rights” grievance to be filed against Winnipeg’s Louis Riel School Division within a few months and CBC News to do an in-depth “analysis” of why it’s racist & bigoted to not respect the cultural sensitivities of these families.

The Liberal MSM Echo Chamber

Just like we saw the CBC did earlier, it looks like the Red Star has received their talking points from the Liberal Party of Canada and recycled an old editorial advocating that unionized child-care indoctrination centres are far better places for young children to learn & thrive than with their parents.
Oh, and the inference from the Star editorialists is that Stephen Harper was responsible, at least indirectly, for the death of a 14-month old child. What a terrible man we’ve elected as PM, eh?!
Lest we forget, the Liberal Party Child-Care Plan is modeled after one already in place in Quebec. The one for les Quebecois enfants is completely unaffordable for the province if it weren’t for the generosity of taxpayers elsewhere in the country. Secondly, as we learned very clearly when Monsieur Stéphane Dion presented this plan to voters in the last election campaign, it will not cover all children but only a relatively privileged few. As there will be no means test, the taxes from minimum wage workers who don’t have children or couldn’t get their kids enrolled will subsidize the children of the rich elites who could.
What “brilliance”, worthy of The Onion, but apparently suitable for intelligent discussion in Canuckistan in 2011.

Jeffrey Simpson Throwing Red Meat to His Choir

In what may well turn out to be the run-up to a federal election campaign, Jeffrey Simpson is doing his duty as a loyal apparatchik for the Liberal Party of Canada by reassuring the base that all is well in the Leftist Echo Chamber known as Toronto.
Like a cop waving pedestrians past an accident, “Nothing to see here, folks, move along”, Simpson is assuring his narrow minded focused audience that all is okay in their elitist worlds/minds.
It’ll be interesting to see if the rest of the country has a different opinion.

A CBC Poll Goes Horribly Wrong

In Question Period on Thursday, Minister of Human Resources & Social Development Diane Finley said, “It’s the Liberals who wanted to ensure that parents are forced to have other people raise their children. We do not believe in that.”
So we’d like to ask you,
– Yes
– No
– Unsure

Maybe if just a few more people voted “No”, two CBC polls in a row would mysteriously disappear!
h/t Steve
Update: Additional similar poll here  h/t Bluetech

BC NDP Candidate on the Leading Edge

That would be none other than Adrian Dix, chief architect of former BC Premier Glen Clark’s successful plan to bankrupt the province, who has been deemed to be on “the leading edge of 18th-century socialism”. So says opponent George Abbott after Dix promised “higher taxes for corporations, [and] a proposed tax shift that sends shivers down the collective spine of the province’s business elite.”
Who would have ever guessed that a devout socialist, heretofore never known for any prowess as an inventor, has figured out how to travel back in time!
N.B. Lest you think otherwise, Comrade Dix has a legion of loyal [low rent*] Bolsheviks who get a thrill up their legs with such talk.

Canada’s Injustice System

If you’ve ever thrown up your hands in frustration thinking that the justice system across our country is more focused on helping criminals than protecting law-abiding citizens, know that you are not alone.
I just got back from the recording of the weekly TV show of my friend, David Berner. This week he was interviewing retired Justice Wallace Gilby Craig. To say that Justice Craig “gets it”, while so many other justice officials do not, would be the understatement of the century!
Though there are some specific Vancouver references, what Craig says will hit chords with Canadians from coast to coast. You can view the show here: Part 1 and Part 2.

Why “Progressives” Should Always Remain in Quotes

Here’s a most educational video from a recent “progressive” rally in Palm Springs, California. It was sponsored by Common Cause, The Ruckus Society, Greenpeace, Code Pink, the Progressive Democrats of America, and others. Watch the peace & love spew forth:

“Progressives” say the darndest things don’t they? It’s interesting how, when you let them open up their hearts & minds, you too often find absolute darkness and unparalleled hatred towards all who disagree with them. Plus, the added bonus of being a “progressive” is that you never have to say you’re sorry for … anything! Undoubtedly, if any of these folks were called out for what they’d said, they would have been “joking” and wondered why YOU don’t have a sense of humour.

Interesting Insight into the Situation in Egypt

Marshall Stocker is a most interesting and extremely well spoken American who runs a company called Freedom Economics. He has been living in Egypt but just returned to the U.S. a few days ago. Yesterday he was on Dennis Miller’s radio program and elucidated the audience with a first hand account of what has been happening in Egypt. It’s well worth a listen.
Related: It’s not easy being a journalist in Egypt these days.
Live video feed from BBC News
Update: I received a link to the following Facebook group from an Egyptian friend. Some of the photos & videos are quite disturbing but most interesting to see nonetheless.

Dick Morris: Teachers Unions are Directly to Blame for America’s Failed Education System

As a final post at the tail end of my guest blogging gig I would like to share this video I put together from a discussion yesterday between Dick Morris and Dennis Miller. Most of it is focused on America’s Failed Education System but I think there is direct relevance to what’s going on here in Canada. It seems that barely a week goes by when we don’t hear of one provincial teachers’ union or another doing something that is clearly not in the best interest of the students. In the interview, Morris pulls no punches in his disdain for American teachers’ unions and provides example after example why.

Related: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie proposes forfeiting raises and losing tenure for the worst unionized teachers. My opinion: A good start but in the REAL world NO ONE should have tenure.
A big thanks to Kate for the opportunity I was given and much thanks to all of you, the regular participants here at SDA. The conversations were most enlightening and I learned a lot. A pretty good way to start 2011, I think!

Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach Exiting Stage Left

Fast Eddie is leaving the scene before the door hits him . . . you know the rest.
Here’s his official resignation (oddly, in point form). In his comments notice that he couldn’t help himself from taking a [very unfair] shot at Danielle Smith and the Wildrose Alliance

• There is a profound danger that the next election campaign will focus on personality and US style negative, attack politics that is directed at me personally.
• The danger is that it could allow for an extreme right party to disguise itself as a moderate party by focussing on personality – on me personally.
• This type of US style wedge politics is coming into Canada, and it comes at our peril.
• Albertans deserve to have better level of public debate on our policy options.

If he had stayed, do you think the Conservatives would have been defeated by the Wildrose Alliance? Now that he’s going, can the Conservatives regroup and salvage a win?
Live Twitter comments about his departure can be seen here.
Update: Interesting follow-up discussion between Charles Adler, Ezra Levant, and Kevin Libin.
Also, one of SDA’s most eloquent writers (and speakers), Gord Tulk, shares some very insightful analysis, far superior to any of the usual dreck one gets from the MSM!
