Author: Trent The Trucker

Dispatches from the Maple Gulag Truck Stop


Yesterday evening, Thursday August 29, saw the end of sentencing hearings for Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert at Court of King’s Bench in Lethbridge, Alberta. Those hearings lasted four days, with both the Crown and Defense presenting various arguments for what they believed would be appropriate sentences regards the minor charges both men were found ‘guilty’ of in relation to the major charge of ‘conspiring to murder police officers’, for which they were found NOT GUILTY.

Final sentencing has been adjourned until September 9th, as briefs were submitted by the defense late on Wednesday evening, to my mind possibly related to the very concerning rhetoric of Justice Labrenz which was heard on Tuesday.

More here…

Dispatches from the Maple Gulag Truck Stop


This will be the first in a multi-part series on what has happened with the Coutts trial, and the many, many questions which flow from it. As we all know, the mainstream media are not going to ask these questions, nor tell you the truth about what went on, because that is not their job, and the Canadian government is going to do everything they can to pretend like the last four years didn’t happen, and absolve themselves of any responsibility.
WIth what’s going on in the UK, and the looming possibility of Bill C-63 passing in Canada, getting to the bottom of the conspiracy against the Coutts men is of grave import to rights Canadians hold dear, such as the right to freedom of expression, and to protest. –  Gord Magill

Part 1

Most Recent Newsweek Article


Dispatches From the Maple Gulag Truck Stop

This past week I was a guest on the Shaun Newman podcast to talk trucking with the legend, Kim Wylie, and Shaun’s dad, Steven Newman.

Gord Magill goes after Trudeau in a way that only an expatriot dares. Gord even found time this week to interview Steve Viscelli.

What would a Canadian debt crisis look like?

And just a reminder, 5 years after Kathy Tomlinson published her award winning investigative report, slavery is still legal in Trudeau’s Canada.

Trudeau’s Canada: Political Prisoners & Lawfare Abound

Lawfare Comes to Canada as the Coutts Four Get Their Day in Court | Opinion

A trial is currently underway in Canada, and the rights of every Canadian citizen are at stake. Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert are facing farcical charges stemming from their participation in a peaceful protest against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s COVID-19 response. It turns out, the United States is not the only country where the ruling political establishment is using lawfare to test the limits of the freedoms we all once took for granted. Olienick and Carbert may be average working-class men, but their trial is comparable to that of President Trump’s many legal battles; as in the U.S., the Canadian court system has been turned into a crucible upon which elite warfare is being waged against the masses—or their duly elected representatives.

Olienick and Carbert are the remaining two of a group of political prisoners arrested in Canada and held without bail since the Freedom Convoy in 2022. The Freedom Convoy was a populist revolt against Trudeau’s authoritarian approach to COVID-19 in the form of a mass act of civil protest led by truck drivers. To combat this peaceful protest, the largest of its kind in Canadian history, Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act to suspend civil liberties across Canada, freezing bank accounts and laying numerous spurious charges against hundreds of peaceful protesters.

Read the full piece by Gord Magill

Trudeau’s Canada

Pity Me; I’m a Narcissist

Debbie Dingell’s well rehearsed statement about Anthony Fauci, describing him as such a good man who just wants to help people, lead up to her question about the “credible death threats” Fauci and his family  received, was a sad attempt to martyr Fauci in a way most narcissists only dream about.

If you get a chance, pick up a copy of The Real Anthony Fauci, if you haven’t already.

Trudeau’s Canada – Coutts Trial Update From Autonomous Trucker

The Convictions of The Convicted: One case closes, another decomposes – updates and clarifications.

Full article Here

Related: By contrast, what does the Dear Leader do to a foreigner in Canada who has been arrested at least 10 times for road and rail blockades, and convicted of mischief charges? Why he vetoes his deportation.

Canada’s Bolshevik’s: The Art Of The Shakedown

Rob Shaw: B.C.’s opposition parties demand probe into alleged government grant kickbacks: An electric vehicle manufacturer said it was solicited by the firm administering certain programs; the province says it has found no wrongdoing


This alleged shakedown has an eery similarity to the Shumiatcher Deals of the Tommy Douglas government in Saskatchewan.

Morris Shumiatcher was a lawyer and former Attorney General under Tommy Douglas who would help people secure business development grants from the Saskatchewan government. The process worked that an existing business person would hire Shumiatcher and Shumiatcher would then put together a deal inwhich the applicant would sell shares in their business to Tommy Douglas and Clarence Fines, Fines  being the Minister of Finance. Once the shares were purchased Shumiatcher would arrange for the business to receive a very generous grant from the Saskatchewan government for business development. Shortly after the grant was paid the business person would buy back the shares from Tommy Douglas and Clarence Fines at an enormous profit. This scheme was repeated numerous times. The similarity to the current allegations in BC are obvious.

To read more on this scandal and several more I suggest picking up The Road to Jerusalem.

Shumiatcher had numerous legal shenanigans throughout his career and often found himself on the wrong side of the law.

In the early 1960’s Clarence Fines ran off to Grenada with his secretary and a ton of Saskatchewan taxpayer money. One of the last things he did was write a letter to the bank explaining a cheque for $1,500 from the Alberta Distillers was to be deposited into a CCF party slush fund and that Tommy Douglas would be looking after the account henceforth, but that’s a Saskatchewan Mafia story for another day.

Breaking: NDP Add A Free Granola Bar To Go With Your Child’s Free Fentanyl. Why? Because They Care.

Jagmeet Singh is boasting about the NDP forcing the Liberal government to provide a national school lunch program…

I guess all that free recreational fentanyl is making children hungry…

‘No minimum age listed in protocols for providing youth with taxpayer-funded recreational fentanyl.

It seems that parents will actually be powerless to stop the government from supplying their children with fentanyl, as safer supply technically counts as a health-care intervention and youth have substantial control over their own medical decisions in Canada.

While some provinces set a minimum age (typically between 14 and 16 years old) for when minors can make such decisions, British Columbia has no minimum and relies instead on a fluid idea of “capability” — youth in the province are considered “capable” if they understand what a medical intervention involves, why it is needed and its risks and benefits.

Yet it is hard to imagine any scenario where a drug-addicted minor would be capable of providing informed consent for safer supply fentanyl, given that addiction hijacks the brain and inhibits rational decision-making. While adults have extensive rights to personal self-determination, which permits them to make impaired or self-destructive decisions if they so choose, it is hard to see why this same freedom should be extended to youth when it comes to using hard drugs.

It is true that many drug-addicted youth are in foster care or estranged from their parents, and that, for them, securing parental consent is near-impossible. Yet making an exception for this subpopulation, and permitting them to receive free fentanyl, could incentivize other underage drug users to cut ties with their families and run away from home to secure free drugs.

As parents are often a youth’s greatest asset for recovery, any safer supply system that undermines child-parent relationships is harmful.

In a sad twist, the same laws that allow the government to give recreational fentanyl to kids without parental consent also prohibit parents from sending their children to involuntary addiction treatment — in other words, the government won’t help you force your kid to get clean, but they will give them unlimited “safe” drugs against your will.

As I argued in my MLI report, “By reframing the provision of unlimited recreational fentanyl as medical care, the provincial government may inadvertently turn itself into a parent’s worst nightmare — an unstoppable drug dealer with endless supply and unrestricted access to their child.”

While Health Canada confirmed to me in an email that it did not play a role in the development of these protocols, it did not respond to a follow-up email where I asked if the federal government had any objections to giving recreational fentanyl to minors.’

Canada’s Bolsheviks – Who is Behind Canada’s Move to the Left?

Many people have asked why the New Democratic Party (NDP) continue to support Justin Trudeau’s far left policies and tactics? The reason they do so is because for Canada’s Bolsheviks, Trudeau hasn’t gone far enough.

From their beginning in 1932 as the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) – now the NDP after a merger with the Canadian Labour Congress in 1961 – has always wanted to turn Canada into a socialist country. The Regina Manifesto was their earliest blueprint for Canada.

The CCF/NDP have always denied their far left intentions, even though they have committed them to paper on numerous occasions. So it is to be expected that they will deny them today. But once they gain power, they waste no time nationalizing the means of production. The NDP in Saskatchewan nationalized the mining, oil & gas, and forestry industries and made move to nationalize agriculture as well, something they swore they would never do.

Looking at the federal politics today, its is obvious that Jagmeet Singh and the NDP are not just supporting Justin Trudeau’s censorship bills and false promises, they are leading the way.





Trudeau’s Political Prisoners

“It is a small comfort that two of Canada’s political prisoners are now free. But no Canadian is free when their civil liberties can be trampled at will by their Prime Minister.”

No Canadian Is Free. Justin Trudeau’s Political Prisoners Are the Proof | Opinion (

Gord Magill is a trucker, writer, and commentator, who writes at and can be found on Twitter @gordmagill.
