Category: 2024

Scratch A Leftist

This is brilliant.

A little-known super PAC called Future Coalition PAC is airing ads highlighting Kamala Harris’s support for Israel, such as it is. “Vice President Harris has chosen a side—the right side,” a narrator says. “Harris has made herself clear, she stands with Israel and the Jewish people.” Another notes that Harris’s husband, Doug Emhoff, would be “the first Jewish presidential spouse ever”—that Harris and Emhoff are “making history, standing up for what’s right, supporting Israel.”

In every way, they echo what Harris and Emhoff have said they stand for. But the New York Times doesn’t like these ads. Neither do they link to them and allow viewers to decide for themselves, but it tells readers they are “antisemitic,” “intended to stoke more division,” and that they “signal a new level of ugliness in the race.”

Oh, we forgot to mention: The ads are airing in the Detroit area. Dearborn, Mich., is an inner-ring suburb of Detroit home to the country’s largest Muslim population, and what the Times report from Katie Glueck doesn’t say is that the 40,000 or so odd Arabs there don’t like Jews.

Google Commemorative Logos You’ll Never See

Via Ed Morrissey;

Google “growth strategist” Dakota Leazer got confronted by James O’Keefe after telling an undercover reporter that his company had been “definitely coordinating” with the Kamala Harris campaign. He had told the woman, who had set up Leazer on a date, that his platform and other Big Tech companies were promoting Harris in an attempt to “get her to win.” […]

Be sure to watch the whole video, which dropped on Wednesday, the day after the debate. Reasonable people may think Leazer looks a bit too low-level to reach a definitive conclusion about Google’s intentions, and maybe he just was trying to impress his date. Perhaps, but … Google’s actions at higher levels raise exactly the same suspicion.

For instance, did you know that Google’s attorney in their DoJ anti-trust case helped Kamala Harris prep for the debate that took place the night before O’Keefe released this video?

Joy Ride

Nate Silver Douses Operation Demoralize: Harris ‘on the Decline’ in ‘Key Swing State’ Polls

Julie Kelly digs deeper.

Well, this should help turn things around.
