Category: Baiting The Left

Whoever It Was Elevated Lizzy May To “Opposition” Status

I’d like to thank you.
Generally speaking, I’m a bit of a stickler about leaders of political parties having achieved some sort of electoral legitimacy before expecting their public policy views to be widely reported…

Ms. Woodfield, who has unsuccessfully run for office provincially and municipally, said the federal Greens disrespected Canada’s troops when Ms. May said Tuesday that “the (report’s) recommendation of more ISAF forces from a Christian/Crusader heritage will continue to fuel an insurgency that has been framed as a jihad. This, in turn, may feed the recruitment of suicide bombers and other insurgents.”
The “Christian/Crusader” reference prompted the federal Conservatives to fire off a release condemning the Greens. Ms. May’s party shot back with a release Wednesday criticizing the Tories for spinning the Greens’ message to suit their own agenda.
Ms. Woodfield, mother of Pte. Braun Scott Woodfield, 24, who died in Afghanistan in 2005, said the initial release from the Greens was offensive.
“I fear that with the words (Ms. May) used, that she’s painted a target on the back of every uniformed member of NATO that’s over” in Afghanistan.

But given her high profile alliance with Stephane Dion, all I can say about the press’s eager coverage of the dizzy Lizzy is “faster, please!”

How capitalists are saving the planet

John Robson does a fine job reminding us that real environmental progress comes from capitalists:

It’s opera. My wife is listening to opera while jogging. The heroine will, one assumes, come to a tragic end. But the batteries won’t, because she’s using a digital player. On which, I trust, I can record the sound of environmentalists applauding the technological advances capitalism brings.

We’ll wait for the applause, but somehow I’m just not hearing it.

Liberal Fascism

Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning, available at Amazon;

Liberal fascism: The Fondest Dreams of the American Left, available at the Baltimore Chronicle;

The important thing is that we, on the higher ground both actually and figuratively, need to remember that, when they begin their historic migration from their doomed regions, we not give them the keys to the city. They certainly should be offered assistance in their time of need, but we need to keep a firm grip on our political systems, making sure that these guilty throngs who allowed the world to go to hell are gerrymandered into political impotence in their new homes.
There will be much work to be done to help the earth and its residents—human and non-human—survive this man-made catastrophe, and we can’t have these future refugee troglodytes, should their personal disasters still fail to make them recognize reality, mucking things up again.
It should be considered acceptable, in this stifling new world, to say, “Shut up. We told you this would happen.”

Liberal Fascism: Lighting The Way for the American Left available at a Canadian Human Rights Commission nearest you.

I wanted to let you know that linking to non-public officials who may be involved in this process could make things worse. Even if you do not live in Canada, at best it will increase the sympathy of the Tribunal to the complainants. It doesn’t matter if you’re not officially affiliated with Steyn, because they can use it as an example of harrassing behaviour that his articles and books are encouraging.

The Richard Warman Conundrum

Try your luck with this Skill Testing Question:

Since the Nazis imposed state censorship over speech they deemed offensive, and the Canadian Human Rights Commission imposes state censorship over speech they deem offensive, does this mean that those that use the CHRC to impose state censorship over speech they deem offensive are “Nazi sympathizers”?

Send in your answer and receive an entry in a draw for a free Canadian Human Rights Commission Reaction Figure!

A perfect choice for the unsympathetic Jew on your Holiday gifting list, designed and recommended by Danish cartoon censorship advocates everywhere.


The rise of soggy-assed relativism has brought us to a point where putative spokespeople for parties and groups regularly insist on conflating, as if it’s a human right, completely different things. For example, the common-sense, obvious observation that it’s inappropriate for a journalist to collude with a political party to manipulate parliamentary proceedings which the reporter then reports on are regularly met with a sneering “Oh, so you’re saying that reporters shouldn’t ask questions…” and other such “arguments.” The lack of accountability to reason is betrayed by the apparent belief that reasonable interlocutors will be forced to say “touche”.
And now we’ve got Kinsella suggesting that someone who defends free speech is a hypocrite if he has ever taken legal action — and submitted the challenge to due process, not some kangaroo court — against the publication of false statements damaging to his reputation.
It’s apparent that Kinsella doesn’t know the difference between an argument and an assertion, or an argument and a cheapshot, and that he measures the cogency of whatever case he’s making by the amount of foam that builds up in the corner of his mouth when he’s making it.
Alas, it’s only other people who can see the foam, so he’s probably the only one who doesn’t understand that the National Post was doing him a favour when they wiped the spittle off their site.
“Some might say Ezra Levant is not fit to carry Richard Warman’s water bottle. I won’t.”
Well, as Me No Dhimmi pointed out, you did say it. And pretty much everyone says that Warren Kinsella is a craven, would-be tyrant who is prone to juvenile, self-destructive public meltdowns that he mistakes, remarkably and publicly, for personal victory and renown. In terms of convincingness, nothing Kinsella’s ever typed out in his life would come up to Ezra Levant’s proverbial ankles; is it even possible that Kinsella doesn’t understand that? You wouldn’t think so, and yet he goes and writes a piece like that. It’s like Joel Gray challenging Vladimir Klitchko to a fist fight. Go figure.

The Face Of The Feminist Media Left

Complete with egg;

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Now in the Sudan, there’s a British teacher who is possibly going to be stoned or lashed.
JOY BEHAR: A woman.
GOLDBERG: A woman, yeah. Because, in her class they had some teddy bears and she, one of the kids wanted to name his kid- his teddy bear Muhammad and she said “fine.” Apparently, other children complained to their parents, which is how it ended up in the hands of the religious leaders, and the religious leaders are very very upset. Now, do you think that they’re-
GLORIA ESTEFAN: They arrested her.
GOLDBERG: Yeah, they arrested her. It is a huge thing.
BEHAR: There are a lot of Muhammads, though, in that part of the world.
GOLDBERG: Yes, but they’re people, and not animals.
BEHAR: Right, but this isn’t even an animal. This is a stuffed toy.
GOLDBERG: Yes, it’s a stuffed toy.
SHERRI SHEPHERD: I think it’s like it’s sacrilegious to name a stuffed toy Muhammad. But you know, you would think that with her being in Sudan, she would know the rules and customs. Because I know I performed stand up in Turkey, and they gave me a big thick packet on the customs, and what you could and could not do, and how you would offend people. So I’m surprised that she didn’t know it might be offensive.
GOLDBERG: Yeah, because you’d think if you’re going overseas, I mean, we had this discussion yesterday about people coming to America and learning the customs and knowing what is cool, and what isn’t cool. But I find that maybe we are not- and I say we just as European and American, we’re not as anxious to learn the customs before we go places. It’s just one of the reasons we’re called the ugly Americans.

By extension, one can only assume Ms. Goldberg’s culturally relativist “View” extends as generously to the Sudan’s widespread practice of slavery.

Breaking: Decision Overturned In War of 1812

They used to just move the goalposts. Now, they reverse them.

Let’s see. We still have troops in Kuwait, so we must have lost the Gulf War.
But we pulled our troops out of Mogadishu so we beat Somalia.
No American troops in Vietnam. Yeah, we won.
But we still have troops in Korea. Darn it, we lost the Korean War.
Troops still in Japan? We lost World War II.
Troops still in Germany? We lost World War I.
Troops still in the Philippines? We lost the Spanish-American War.
Troops still in the South? We lost the Civil War.

Related – mapping of Al Qaeda in Iraq, before and after.

Macleans Will Never Be The Same After This

Mark Steyn;

[A] recent panel convened at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London to discuss the topic “Is All Modern Art Left Wing?” The formal discussion was dreary and predictable but things turned livelier when it was opened to the floor, and the question of double standards was raised: “Courageous” artists seemed happy to mock Christianity but curiously reluctant to hurl equivalent jibes at Islam. Grayson Perry, the Turner Prize-winning transvestite artist who looks very fetching in his little Disney-princess frocks, reveals that he self-censors when it comes to Muslims because “I don’t want my throat cut.”
But that doesn’t entirely explain it, does it? Earlier this year, Channel 4 in London broadcast a documentary called Undercover Mosque in which various imams up and down the land were caught on tape urging men to beat their wives and toss homosexuals off cliffs. Viewers reported some of the statements to the local constabulary. The West Midlands police then decided to investigate not the fire-breathing clerics but the TV producers. As the coppers saw it, insofar as any “hate crime” had been perpetrated, it lay not in the urgings and injunctions of the imams but in a TV production so culturally insensitive as to reveal the imams’ views to the general public. As The Spectator’s James Forsyth put it, “The reaction of West Midlands police revealed a mindset that views the exposure of a problem as more of a problem than the problem itself.”


Bush Derangement Impersonation Contest Winners

To Bill D. Cat goes the revered Rosie O’Donnell statuette:

pu leze
4 teh
bush 2

I know you’ll treasure it, Bill.
The coveted Moonbat Purity Award goes to jonathan horsington, who scored a perfect 10 on style points:

everbody knows bush cheny runsfelt setup and enginered 911 and its proven in 40000 websites, the list is endless!!
ibet uyou dont know that the illuminatii bildrberger congress MIC are under ordees from them to spray chemtrails for the new order. i know. googleit and see.

Leftie Logic Award goes to jetski:

Watch out people, At this moment Bush & the Neocons are slaughtering innocent Iraqi babies & when they’re done they will be going after a Womans’ Right to Choose!

Alex is winner in the CanCon Division. Because we needed it for the arts grant:

The only reason there were election wins for Harper in Canada and Sarkozy in France were because the evil Chimp McBushitler sent Cheeky’s evil minions from Haliburton to steal wins for those people! I wouldn’t be surprise if even Saskatchewan’s election was stolen! It happened in the US, people! It happened here! Look it up! There are documentaries on this!!!

Friend of USA gets the nod for Spot The Evil Genius:

“We know every thing is not a Bush conspiracy.
But we also know the only reason Bush chooses to not be behind everything is to make us look paranoid.”

Glenn was just clever, so gets this honourable mention:


Runner-Up to Wimpy Canadian. [If for any reason the winner cannot complete his reign, you will take his place as Moonking]:


And (drum roll) this year’s winner for Best Overall goes to Canadian Infidel (sorry for the nick mixup!) for this work of art.

Two words – Bush, necrophilia

One final honourable mention to irwin daisy for this retort to a sniffy leftie. While it doesn’t strictly qualify as an entry, it does seem the perfect way to close the evening:

“Is this little exercise designed to make you guys feel better about backing the wrong horse?”
He won, or should I say, stole, two elections. And personally gave the orders to fly two planes into the twin towers, in order for his cabal to secure oil rights in Iraq.
I’d say he’s the winning horse.

(You can read the full list of entries here).

What’s The Opposite Of Diversity?


Students living in the university’s eight housing complexes are required to attend training sessions, floor meetings, and one-on-one meetings with their Resident Assistants (RAs). The RAs who facilitate these meetings have received their own intensive training from the university, including a “diversity facilitation training” session at which RAs were taught, among other things, that “[a] racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of race by a white supremacist (racist) system. The term applies to all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality.”

Update – University of Delaware President Patrick Harker:

“While I believe that recent press accounts misrepresent the purpose of the residential life program at the University of Delaware, there are questions about its practices that must be addressed and there are reasons for concern that the actual purpose is not being fulfilled. It is not feasible to evaluate these issues without a full and broad-based review.
Upon the recommendation of Vice President for Student Life Michael Gilbert and Director of Residence Life Kathleen Kerr, I have directed that the program be stopped immediately. No further activities under the current framework will be conducted.”

It Was 21C In Saskatoon Today

Warmer winters, wetter summers, and now – deader rodents.
I’m failing to see the downside in this.
Update – Commentor Raphael Alexander; “You can’t on the one hand say it isn’t happening, and on the other say ‘but if it is… x’.”
Yes we can – because we’re smart enough to understand that no matter whether it’s happening or whether it’s not, no matter whether we’re causing it or whether we’re not – that the only folly more profound than the notion that mankind can “change the weather”, is the folly that argues that we can change it back.
