Category: Baiting the Right

Genesis, the King Obama version

Jonathan Swift, eat your heart out.

1 In the beginning Govt created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the economy was formless and void, darkness was over the surface of the ATMs, and the Spirit of Govt was hovering over the land.
3 And Govt said, “Let there be spending,” and there was spending. 4 Govt saw that the spending was good, and that it separated the light from the darkness. 5 Govt called the spending Investments, and this he did in the first day.

That Which The Left Can’t Defeat, They Infiltrate

We have seen the enemy and he is James Moore.

“The government is committed to ensuring that foreign investments benefit Canadians. We will review Target’s proposal and make an announcement in due course,” James Maunder, director of communications for Moore, said Thursday in an emailed statement.
Target’s plans to sell cultural content such as books, CDs and DVDs will be subject to a net-benefit test under the Investment Canada Act. Cases are approved based on a commitment to Canadian content.


Very fun reading the time-line and replies of @TheBrazman today. Seems he’s upset a certain Toronto journalist. She, of course, threatens to ask ‘tough questions’.
Sun News Network will be broadcasting the match between Senator Brazeau and Justin Trudeau on the 31’st. Tune in and maybe send a little something to the Canadian Cancer Society, eh?
For the record…Brazeau wins in a walk.

Brazen and bold

#TheyAreAllBreitbart More available from the Seattle Times.

Jeff McMorris, a caucus organizer, said turnout appeared to be “at least double” numbers in the 2008 presidential caucus, when an estimated 12,000 attended statewide.

Also, that damnable CPC strikes again (from the same article):

In a last-minute twist, the King County Republican Party warned Saturday morning of robo-calls to voters falsely claiming that the caucuses had been delayed a week.

Now is the Time at SDA When We Juxtapose

Nov, 20, 2011: I’ve been a Republican all my adult life. I have worked on the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal, at Forbes magazine, at the Manhattan and American Enterprise Institutes, as a speechwriter in the George W. Bush administration. I believe in free markets, low taxes, reasonable regulation, and limited government. I voted for John ­McCain in 2008, and I have strongly criticized the major policy decisions of the Obama administration. But as I contemplate my party and my movement in 2011, I see things I simply cannot support.
Feb 10, 2012: “Anyone who is willing to stand next me, to fight the progressive left. I will be in that bunker. And if you’re not in that bunker ’cause you’re not satisfied with this candidate…More than shame on you…you’re on the other side.” (12:20 to end, but listen to the whole thing)

We need you!

“The report by the council also said keeping employees will be a challenge with 18 per cent of the construction workforce or about 6,600 workers expected to retire within the next 10 years.” – CKOM
“Over the next five years, between 75,000 and 90,000 skilled workers will be needed to plug the labour shortage. Recruitment will mainly be in areas of advanced technology, construction, mineral exploration, agriculture and petroleum.” – and we’ll go to Europe to get you.
I wonder if this tweet might have something to do with that?
“Brad Wall ‏@PremierBradWall In Sask we’ll make decisions that ensure our budget is balanced, promises are kept and programs that help people are sustainable. #skpoli”

A Government Agency with Nothing To Do

Your tax dollars “at work”:

A federal agency created by the Conservative government to mediate complaints about Canadian mining operations abroad has spent more than $1.1 million in the past two years, but has yet to mediate anything.
At the same time, the agency — the Office of the Extractive Sector Corporate Social Responsibility Counsellor — has racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in travel, entertainment, training, meetings, reports and other expenses, documents obtained by CBC News show. Renovations to a federal government office to accommodate the agency’s three employees alone cost Canadian taxpayers $189,000.

Time to Evict the Alberta CINOs

The National Post editorial board has just published a stunning indictment of the Alberta “Conservatives”.

Since 2001, Alberta has seen a remarkable expansion of provincial revenues, due mostly to rising oil and natural gas prices. Even excluding health, education and welfare transfers from Ottawa, Alberta’s provincial revenues have risen 56% in the past decade, despite the worldwide economic downturn.
So where has all this additional money gone? According to the U of C study, public sector wages have “consumed 95% of the increase in provincial revenues over the past decade.” For every new dollar Alberta has brought in — nearly $11-billion extra a year — 95¢ has gone into the pockets of civil servants and other public-sector workers.

Hopefully enough voters in the province are fed up and have seen the light.
P.S. Within a few years could there possibly be true conservative governments across the 3 Western provinces?
