Category: Climate Cult

Y2Kyoto: That Was The Moment That The Rise Of The Oceans Began To Slow

Prepare yourself to be shocked.

Remember when President Barack Obama was running around telling everyone how he’d convinced China to get serious about cutting its carbon dioxide emissions? A new report shows that Obama was easily duped.

Over the course of three years, Obama met with Chinese President Xi Jinping to, he said, agree to “climate targets” (in 2014), “lay out additional actions” (in 2015), and sign the Paris Agreement (2016). […]

Worse, even before Obama made his boast it was clear that China’s state-controlled emissions data were unreliable. In late 2015 it came to light that the country had far more coal plants that it had admitted, and as a result had been emitting a billion tons more CO2 that it officially proclaimed. A report in Skeptical Science last year notes that CO2 emissions for China still “aren’t known with any accuracy.”
In other words, while Obama wanted the U.S. to actually cut emissions, neither he nor anyone else in the industrialized world knew what China was up to, other than what it claimed.
Now a new study shows that while China was telling Obama that it was taking bold steps on climate change, it was business as usual inside the Middle Kingdom.

It’s hard to understand the “long view” Chinese. The act as though they think the whole climate emergency thing is just a gigantic fraud.

The Sound Of Settled Science

Mapping the Medieval Warm Period;

About 1000 years ago, large parts of the world experienced a prominent warm phase which in many cases reached a similar temperature level as today or even exceeded present-day warmth. While this Medieval Warm Period (MWP) has been documented in numerous case studies from around the globe, climate models still fail to reproduce this historical warm phase. The problem is openly conceded in the most recent IPCC report from 2013 (AR5, Working Group 1) where in chapter 5.3.5. the IPCC scientists admit […]


Surprisingly, the media have not picked up on this important issue. Maybe because the information is hidden in small print on page 415 of the voluminous report and omitted in the Summary for Policy Makers? The implications of the mismatch of model vs. reality may be serious: It is common practice in all fields of modeling to test models first on existing data, i.e. a known development, before using them as predictive tools. Models first have to pass the ‚hind cast‘ or ‚history match‘ before they qualify to be used for predictions. According to the IPCC, the climate models seem to have failed this test, appear to be on the road without driving license – so to speak – and are therefore unfit for future climate predictions.

Climategate: Ten Years On

Judith Curry;

Last week, an email from Rob Bradley reminded me of my previous blog post The legacy of Climategate: 5 years later. That post was the last in a sequence of posts at Climate Etc. since 2010 on Climategate; for the entire group of posts, see [link] Rereading these was quite a blast from the past.
While I still mention Climategate in interviews, the general reaction I get is ‘yawn . . . old hat . . . so 2010 . . . nothingburger . . . the scientists were all exonerated . . . the science has proven to be robust.’ I hadn’t even thought of a ’10 years later’ post until Rob Bradley’s email.
Now I see that, at least in the UK, the 10 year anniversary looks to be rather a big deal. Already we are seeing some analyses published in the mainstream media…

It’s excellent. Grab a coffee.

Greta, The Magical Retard

Sails on the sea

Greta Thunberg continues to set the bar high when it comes to rethinking the way we travel. The young environmental activist has refused to fly to the up and coming climate conference in Madrid, setting sail from America yesterday.

Via email (lightly edited);

I’m not wishing them any ill luck but I’ve made two trips from Sidney to Glacier Bay by slow boat. It can get real nasty out there and there’s a good reason why real sailors don’t cross the North Atlantic at the end of November. The Met forecast for that area really sucks – that big red blob is every bit as nasty as it looks.
She’s onboard Lavagabonde. Its crewed by a husband and wife who are internet darlings with 4 years of ocean passage “experience”. Their Facebook page is a hoot. There’s 4 adults plus Greta and their 11 month old baby on this publicity stunt. That’s the two principals on Lavag plus Greta’s dad plus one woman who may actually have some real blue water experience. They left New York (?) on Thursday.
If you look closely you can see some disagreement about the course in the early going. This is obviously just a WAG but it looks to me as though they chickened out and followed the coast so they could duck back in if it got too nasty. Then whatever happened early Saturday in the dark and they abruptly turned through 100+ degrees to head where they want to go. That’s a 3 week crossing in a capable boat and there’s some dispute whether this is the right boat. The heroes were given the boat as a publicity stunt by the mfr. They’re not going to want to see it go down and I’d be willing to bet there’s a chase vessel somewhere nearby.
I’ve never done this kind of a passage but I have some experience with bad conditions and long (18 hour) passages. Even the most capable sailors get seasick and it can completely debilitate you. You can’t think straight and you just want to curl up in a ball. My experience is on power boats where you don’t have to manage sails and move around on slippery decks with big things banging at your head in the wind. On a power boat when it gets ugly you close the doors, turn up the heat, turn on the autopilot and slow down. If you look at the Met forecast they’ve got 30+ foot stuff ahead of them and that means that the average height of the largest 1/3 of the waves are over 30 feet. Individual waves could be more than twice that and they’re short period waves which are the absolute worst. Long rollers can be huge and not bother you but short square shit is just plain nasty.
That big red ball is forecast to move slowly SE before turning NE. Right now its about where George Clooney went down in The Perfect Storm.

The Greta Effect

We have a successor!

Climategate: The Disappeared

History is being wiped out.

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has not only disappeared the Very Hot Days graph but they have wiped out thousands of 40 plus hot days in the years from 1910 – 1963 — years when almost all temperatures in Australia were recorded on Stevenson screens by trained officials under the central management of the Bureau. Volunteer, Chris Gillham, found the data and the changes between ACORN 1 and ACORN 2 and created this transformative graph below.
1952 had more hot days than any year since. Not any more. All those poor sods in 1952 who endured an average twenty one 40-degree-plus days will find now that it wasn’t really that hot. The BoM is like an air conditioner that cools the country 70 years in the past. And it’s only a million dollars a day…
As Craig Kelly MP points out — 2011 had the fewest “very hot days” of the last century, but even the recent data from expert equipment can change eight years later.
