Category: Climate Cult

Y2Kyoto: The Planet Has A Fever

Y2Kyoto: Targeted For Extinction

Peter Hitchens;

It will soon be impossible to criticise the fanatics of Extinction Rebellion.
In fact, I will not be at all surprised if, in years to come, I and others face prosecution for having dared to doubt them.
Soon we will be sitting in an impoverished, dark country, with a trashed economy, incessant power cuts and dismal standard of living, caused by their dogma.
Putting people on trial for warning against this will be one way to keep warm and occupied.
So, while I still may, I’ll say that this is one of the nastiest and stupidest outbreaks of intolerant, irrational zealotry since mankind emerged from the Dark Ages. I speak as a former intolerant zealot, who grew out of it.
I know the fierce joy which comes from despising others, only too well. And I fear it.
So, off we go into the cold and dark, while the red-clad propaganda mummers simper and gesticulate. Protesters are pictured at a ‘grief march’ in London last week
Will sane people have to glue themselves to aircraft and bridges to get anyone to listen? And if they do, will they be indulged by our politicised, biased police, as the Warmists are?
Perhaps the most dispiriting version of it is to be seen in the painted, beatific faces of the red-robed mime-artists who are to be found on so many of the demonstrations demanding that this country commits economic suicide.
Who can tell what is going on behind those self-satisfied, ethereal expressions? But they give these marches a strong whiff of the Age of Inquisitions, which I once thought we had escaped.
I won’t try to argue here on the rightness or wrongness of the Warmists’ theory about the causes of climate change.
I know from long, multiple experience that they respond to reasonable doubt with fury and defamatory cries of ‘denier’.
I spend much of my life in debate, and will take on any rational opponent. But there are some causes you can’t reason with, and this is one of them.
They prefer fury to logic. This is always the sign of someone who is not sure of his own case, and hates to hear his inner doubts spoken.

Y2Kyoto: Academic Enforcement

There shall be no dissent;

A world-renowned expert in animal bone identification has lost her position at the University of Victoria (UVic), she believes for telling school kids politically incorrect facts about polar bears.

Zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford is routinely hired by biologists and archeologists in Canada and abroad to identify the remains of mammals, birds and fish. She has helped catalog museum collections, and assisted police with forensic analyses. But UVic students will no longer benefit from her expertise, and her ability to apply for research grants has come to a screeching halt. In May, the Anthropology Department withdrew her Adjunct Professor status, depriving her of a university affiliation.
Crockford describes her expulsion as “an academic hanging without a trial, conducted behind closed doors.” After being renewed unanimously in 2016 for a three-year term, her adjunct status was not renewed the next time around.
Crockford is the author of a popular blog,, as well as five books about these animals. Polar Bear Facts and Myths has been translated into four languages. She says that, contrary to the claims of environmental activists, polar bears are currently thriving and are at no risk of extinction from climate change.

Faux Members of the Climate Cult

Federal Green Party leader, Elizabeth May, and Montreal Mayor, Valerie Plante, claim that they are environmental crusaders. The facts suggest that they’re merely political opportunists:

“What do Canadians need to give up?” asked Barton, to which May replied: “Our plan doesn’t ask people to give up anything … I don’t see it as discomfort to plug in your car instead of going to a gas station … We’re not asking Canadians to take on a cost. We’re asking the federal government to show the kind of leadership that existed in the 1980s.” And she went on to talk about the chlorofluorocarbon agreement, which required banning aerosol propellants, not overturning an entire civilization.

The thing about ships, planes and personal vehicles powered by fossil fuels is that they are immensely empowering. Last month a friend and I got into a car and in roughly 12 hours transported ourselves from Montreal to Prince Edward Island, a journey that in the 19th century took several days by steamship. Yes, maybe we were acting irresponsibly from the planet’s point of view. But all across the world billions of people have got used to the unprecedented empowerment fossil fuels bring.

Lest We Forget: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

If any SDA readers have any Swedish connections, would you kindly share this article with Saint Greta:

Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today.

None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.

What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science.

More than merely spotlighting the failed predictions, this collection shows that the makers of failed apocalyptic predictions often are individuals holding respected positions in government and science.

While such predictions have been and continue to be enthusiastically reported by a media eager for sensational headlines, the failures are typically not revisited.

h/t Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew PinskyDiscussion on this subject

Saint Greta Talks with Canada’s Prime Nitwit

One can only wonder if Greta Thunberg’s superpowers give her the ability to detect the vacuousness of this guy she was talking with in Montreal on Friday:

Rex Murphy has further thoughts:

It’s good to see the Prime Minstrel, as some wit on Twitter termed him, back on familiar waters. In their desperate fervour to chase away the images of Justin Trudeau in blackface, this week the Liberal campaign brought him out in a more familiar guise, paddling about on some sweet lake, and returning to the one element of his ferociously “woke” brand, P.M. Climate Superman, not in tatters.

The image could not have been more bucolic — the lone Voyager for Global Warming. Add a hooting owl or two on the soundtrack and another loon skipping along on the water and we’d be back to those classic Hinterland’s Who’s Who vignettes of the ’60s and ’70s.
