Category: Climate Cult

The Sound Of Settled Science

Ross McKitrick made the same argument over a decade ago: Why Should We Trust A Statistic That Might Not Even Exist?

“Discussions on global warming often refer to ‘global temperature.’ Yet the concept is thermodynamically as well as mathematically an impossibility,” says Science Daily, paraphrasing Bjarne Andresen, a professor at the University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute, one of three authors of a paper questioning the “validity of a ‘global temperature.’”

“The temperature obtained by collecting measurements of air temperatures at a large number of measuring stations around the globe, weighing them according to the area they represent, and then calculating the yearly average according to the usual method of adding all values and dividing by the number of points.”
But a “temperature can be defined only for a homogeneous system,” says Andresen. The climate is not regulated by a single temperature. Instead, “differences of temperatures drive the processes and create the storms, sea currents, thunder, etc. which make up the climate”.

The Sound Of Settled Science

A new study;

… has found winters in northern China have been warming since 4,000BC – regardless of human activity – but the mainland scientists behind the research warn there is no room for complacency or inaction on climate change, with the prospect of a sudden global cooling also posing a danger.
The study found that winds from Arctic Siberia have been growing weaker, the conifer tree line has been retreating north, and there has been a steady rise in biodiversity in a general warming trend that continues today. It appears to have little to do with the increase in greenhouse gases which began with the industrial revolution, according to the researchers.

Lead scientist Dr Wu Jing, from the Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said the study had found no evidence of human influence on northern China’s warming winters.

Y2Kyoto: Google Summer Camp

Rex Murphy;

The hypocrisy of politicians is as a bead of sand, a pimple in the shadow of Everest compared to the hollow, fake piety of the mega rich and famous gospellers of global warming.
Those howling loudest at people to use public transport — “for the planet’s sake” — should not, per exemplum, own $400-million yachts, travel themselves by private jet, have a dozen vast mansions in a dozen countries, and hold suppers that cost $100,000 in ancient Greek temples. But they do.

Y2Kyoto: Green New Steal

Via Ed Driscoll;

Chakrabarti had an unexpected disclosure. “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal,” he said, “is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.” Ricketts greeted this startling notion with an attentive poker face. “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti continued. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

Finally, some honesty.



The global warming issue depends heavily on computer model forecasts about climate problems that greenhouse gas emissions will supposedly cause decades from now. But it turns out that climate experts and government officials have been making these kinds of forecasts for a long time, warning about things that, by now, should already have happened, if their models are as accurate as they claim.
And I think it’s time we checked how good their crystal ball turned out to be. Before we put any trust in their new forecasts, we’re entitled to see how good the old ones were.

h/t Ken (Kulak)

YNoKyoto: (Not) Showing Up To Riot

AP News;

The president of the Oregon Senate said Tuesday there weren’t enough votes in his majority Democratic caucus to approve a landmark climate bill that has sparked a walkout by Republicans and exacerbated tensions between urban and rural areas.
All 11 Republican senators extended their walkout involving the issue for a sixth day, denying Democrats enough lawmakers to muster a vote on the plan that calls for capping and trading pollution credits among companies.
Hundreds of protesters flooded the capitol steps to protest the GOP walkout then unexpectedly found themselves pushing back against Democratic Senate President Peter Courtney, who disclosed that the climate plan has lost support among members of his own party.
The legislation “does not have the votes on the Senate floor,” he said. “I’ve done as much as I can, and I’ll continue to try.” […]
Conservative senators have fled the state to avoid taking a vote on what would be the nation’s second statewide cap and trade program after California, saying it will kill jobs, raise the cost of fuel and gut small businesses in rural areas.
Senate Minority Leader Herman Baertschiger said in a statement that Republicans still won’t return to the Capitol until they receive further assurances from Democrats that the legislation is dead.

Good for them.

Coulda Had Max

Rex Murphy: Scheer, just like Justin Trudeau, had to show that he, too, has a plan to meet those sacred Paris commitments

As for Andrew Scheer’s cloud of blather (“Canada, yes us, is going to ‘invent’ the world out of climate doom”), it was another tepid spasm of “I’m the reasonable one here.” Instead of going to Fort McMurray, which is where energy policy should be announced if he wanted to show where his heart is, Scheer was in front of a picture-postcard calm lake under a beautiful blue sky — the kind of PR background you might find in a Greenpeace fundraising ad. It lacked only a swan with blue feathers and someone reciting Wordsworth.

Pleasing his enemies: All of a sudden, Trudeau has conservatives boxed in

h/t Nancy Ross, WTF

Canada is America’s Useful Idiot

Licia Corbella writes:

If you ever doubted whether Canada’s government is acting like a useful idiot for U.S. interests, the passage Friday of Bills C-48 and C-69 in the Senate provided ample proof. Independent researcher Vivian Krause has stacks of documents to prove it.

But first, in Alberta, Premier Jason Kenney went appropriately nuclear over this.

“The passage of these two bills not only undermines Canada’s economy, but also the Canadian federation,” Kenney said. He’ll undoubtedly be criticized for saying this by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other members of the Laurentian elite. But this isn’t so much a threat as a warning.
