Category: Freespeechers

My Bags Are Packed

Speaking of which, a new meme template just dropped.

They’re always in the last place you look The current Chair of the Board of the Trudeau Foundation spent 10 years working for the President of Russia

The Totalitarian Mindset

If the Green Party ever gets ahold of the levers of government, western civilization will be done like dinner.

“We must stop the spread of anti-human and anti-constitutional content on the internet,” demanded Hofreiter, who serves as the chairman of the European Affairs Committee in the Bundestag. Violations of applicable law must be punished consistently. With regard to social networks, this means that they “will be blocked if necessary,” said the Green politician. This would also include the X platform owned by Elon Musk, which the left views as an imminent threat due to its emphasis on free speech, according to Frankfurter Rundschau.

Let That Sink In

Ezra Levant reports from the huge free speech rally in Brazil;

As you may have heard, a crusading Brazilian judge named Alexandre de Moraes has been waging a secret war against Elon Musk’s social media platform, Twitter. Moraes would routinely order Twitter to suspend political opponents of the ruling president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, usually just called “Lula”.

It wasn’t just that the judge was silencing Lula’s critics, including elected political opponents and journalists. Moraes often went further, demanding that Twitter make those suspensions but ordering Twitter to keep the judge’s role a secret. A secret trial with a secret punishment. That’s against Brazilian law, but that didn’t seem to bother this judge.

And since Musk refused to comply, Moraes simply banned the entire social media platform from Brazil, silencing millions of citizens. When Musk made a fuss about it, the government went even further, seizing property belonging to other companies owned by Musk, including the Internet service, Starlink.

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

People often share with me, with great exasperation, that they can’t seem to trust anyone any more. I understand this sentiment but share my belies that one can generally trust Robert Barnes and David Freiheit (aka Viva Frei). Such is the case with the recent Tenet Media takedown.

Megyn Kelly and friends seem to have bought in wholesale to the DOJ indictment, convicting Lauren Chen without any qualms. But something smells very odious about this indictment.

Robert Barnes has thoughts:

Viva Frei started off his show today about the same.  Paul Joseph Watson chimes in.

Update: Dan Bongino is also stating that this is a Deep State psyop.

Brazil Should Serve as a Warning, not a Playbook

Brazil is no longer a free democracy. This should frighten Americans.

Elon Musk vs. Corrupt Brazil

Michael Shellenberger chimes in.

Update: Right on cue, the little dwarf, Robert Reich, is calling for Elon Musk’s arrest in the UK. Interestingly, he’s ashamed to post a link to his article on But people instantly connected the dots and are lighting him up big time!

Show Me The Man

Andrey Mir;

Telegram is not just a popular text messaging app; it is an ecosystem that also includes news and expert channels, photo and video sharing, and online communities of all kinds—from local to professional to hobbyist. The app offers encrypted communication that is impossible to crack. The feature seems to be attractive to criminals and terrorists. But regular people—almost 1 billion of them around the world—also enjoy Telegram. To compare: X/Twitter has about 340 million monthly users. Telegram is used by 45% of online users in India, almost 40% in Brazil, 34% in Mexico, and so on.

There is one more specific category of users that particularly values encrypted messaging: political dissidents and protesters. Telegram played a significant role in the 2017-2018 Iranian protests, as more than half of the population there uses the app. The 2020-2021 anti-Lukashenko protests in Belarus were even labeled the “Telegram Revolution,” mirroring the “Twitter revolutions” of 2009-2011.

But there is also another big player in the field: the state. The state wants to know what criminals and terrorists are doing, but also what protesters and regular folks are up to. And so do corporations. As the latest memes go, “Mark Zuckerberg sells people’s personal information, and he is a free man. Pavel Durov doesn’t, and he is in the jail.”
