Category: Freespeechers

Canadian Bloggers Exposed To Hatred And Contempt

National Post;

Both she and Ms. Eliadis had harsh words for the growing contingent of bloggers who lambaste the commissions, and have been invigorated by the prominence of the Maclean’s complaints.
Ms. Eliadis singled out one in particular,, as “poisonous” for referring to her panel at the conference as a “Texas cage match.”
She said it was evidence of the “appalling tone” that is “illustrative of how badly this debate has gone.”

More material for the poisonous debate“Take a moment to see how hard Jennifer Lynch, the chief commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, works. She jets off to Africa, at a cost of $5,800; then Geneva, for a mere $8,300, Australia, for a bargain of $7,500. I can’t remember the last time I spent $90 on breakfast, but then again I don’t work for the CHRC.”

How about 8 things he hates about you?

Rachel Lucas unloads on a high maintenance girlfriend writing about her relationship in Men’s Health magazine:

I’m not even going to blockquote it; you really gotta read it to get the full punch. I’m just going to write a helpful very-slightly-altered version to balance out the evil karma resulting every time one of these articles is published. I’m compelled to go after other women like this for one primary reason: they embarrass me and bring shame upon my gender with their superficial double standards. Someone’s gotta fight back and guys can’t do it lest they be accused of piggery and sexism.

And we thank you for this important service, Rachel.
