Category: Canada’s Bolsheviks

Collective Farming

Why are the Tories split on this issue? Do some of them actually think that the supply mismanaged dairy and poultry sectors should be allowed to hold the rest of the economy hostage?

This week, farming groups and former trade negotiators took turns trying to convince the upper chamber to either support or reject the Bloc’s private member’s bill to protect supply management from future trade negotiations.

The government voted in favour of the legislation last year, as did most Liberal MPs, the Bloc, the NDP and the Greens. The Conservatives were split on the vote.


Punishment Will Increase

Until morale improves.

Blacklock’s- Feds Want 3% Irish Land Tax

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland yesterday said cabinet would like to adopt an Irish-style three percent annual federal tax on vacant lots.

“Such taxes would be intended to discourage speculative holding of land and making it more costly to keep land undeveloped,” the finance department wrote in a Consultation Paper. “Taxes could provide a source of revenue for various orders of government which could be used to fund the construction of more new homes,” it added.

A Tax, Is A Tax, Is A Tax

Globe and Mail- A look at Halifax’s climate property tax, ahead of a civic election that could determine its future

This is unique among larger Canadian cities – many of which have put little money toward climate change even as they declare it an emergency – and raises about $18-million in dedicated funds each year. But its prominence on the bill is a recurring worry to the city bureaucrat who helps dole out the money.

“Usually when things are called out on the tax bill, they’re at risk,” said Shannon Miedama, Halifax’s director of environment and climate change. “Every year I freak out that it’s going to get debated and pulled, and it hasn’t happened yet.”

Your Home Is Not Your Castle

When a society accepts the premise that those with wealth deserve to have it strip mined, nothing is off limits.

Governments’ extraction of value from our homes has accelerated in recent years as they have became more desperate, both to raise revenue and to find scapegoats to deflect blame for their own starring role Canada’s housing shortage. As the byzantine extractions multiplied, our homes, once considered our main assets, have morphed for many into our main liabilities. Once upon a time, “safe as houses” was a no-brainer investment strategy. Anyone who now sees a house as a safe investment needs his head examined.

Tax Me Harder!

It’s too bad that the Conservatives continue to remain largely silent on the critical issue of repealing Justin’s capital gains tax hikes. The impact is far from trivial.

Based on conventional assumptions that an increase in the tax-inclusive cost of capital by 10 percent causes the capital stock to fall by 7 percent, I estimate that Canada’s capital stock would fall by $127 billion. Employment would permanently decline by 414,000. To put this in terms of its impact on unemployment, the capital gains tax hike would increase unemployment from 1.5 to 1.9 million Canadian workers as of August 2024. GDP will fall by almost $90 billion and real per capita GDP by 3 percent.


We Have A Dream

Geoffrey Moyse- British Columbia could disappear under a sea of Aboriginal title

Below is the sixth of several outstanding opinion pieces about indigenous land claim issues in British Columbia that will be posted without a paywall over the next few weeks.

All are written by Geoffrey S. Moyse, K.C., a retired senior lawyer who served as legal counsel to the Province of B.C., advising six successive governments on aboriginal law matters over more than 30 years.

His writings rebut the current NDP provincial government’s indigenous land ownership and use policies.

Great Moments In Public Education

Sun- Students attending protest told to ‘wear blue’ to mark them as ‘colonizers’

Mona, the cousin of one of students compelled to take part, told the Toronto Sun the Grade 8 student was instructed to wear a blue shirt to identify her as a “colonizer.”

“She was very upset,” Mona said of her cousin, who is Jewish and approached her teacher at the rally to express her discomfort once the anti-Israel chants began.

“The teacher told her, ‘You’ll get over it.’”

The Reification of Net Zero

By the time farms are forced to go net zero, their net income statements will have beat them to that number anyway.

The University of Manitoba is getting $7.6 million in federal funds to study net-zero farming systems.

U of M researcher Martin Entz, best known for his work on organics, is the project lead.

“This is a huge amount of money. It’s certainly the largest grant that I’ve ever been involved in,” he said.

The team is also engaging with industry partners including Keystone Agricultural Producers, the National Farmers Union and Ducks Unlimited Canada to learn about sustainable agriculture initiatives…


“Mayor Jyoti Gondek” Is Not A Character In A Tim Burton Movie

But she should be.

Calgary is dumping over $500 million into electric buses.

There was supposed to be a pilot program starting in 2022 with a handful of community shuttles. The purchase was done, but they still haven’t been delivered.

Meanwhile, the city said to hell with the pilot and committed to blowing half a billion on this. They felt that they didn’t need a pilot program because it worked so well in Edmonton. This was shortly before Edmonton’s electric bus fleet fell apart.

This is the next big boondoggle folks.

Dispatches from the Maple Gulag Truck Stop


Yesterday evening, Thursday August 29, saw the end of sentencing hearings for Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert at Court of King’s Bench in Lethbridge, Alberta. Those hearings lasted four days, with both the Crown and Defense presenting various arguments for what they believed would be appropriate sentences regards the minor charges both men were found ‘guilty’ of in relation to the major charge of ‘conspiring to murder police officers’, for which they were found NOT GUILTY.

Final sentencing has been adjourned until September 9th, as briefs were submitted by the defense late on Wednesday evening, to my mind possibly related to the very concerning rhetoric of Justice Labrenz which was heard on Tuesday.

More here…

Hostage Situation

Harry Siemens- #railstrike

The Canadian rail strike has escalated to a full shutdown of both of Canada’s major freight railways, Canadian National Railway Co. (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd. (CPKC), following a failure to reach a new contract agreement with the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference before the midnight deadline on August 22, 2024. Here’s what’s happening:

Blacklock’s- Calls Rail Shutdown Sabotage

“It is totally unacceptable for us as a country to sabotage ourselves right now,” said Freeland. “We have been through a lot. We have made so much progress with our economy. Canadians from coast to coast to coast are depending on the employers, are depending on the union to get a deal done and to get it done with alacrity.”

“What kind of contingency plans does the government have?” asked a reporter. “Our plan is for the parties to listen to Canadians,” replied Freeland.
