Category: Canada’s Bolsheviks

National Bankruptcy

I personally know some people who would choose to be a care-giver to their XBox if the math of Universal Basic Income worked out for them. In all likelihood, it would do so in many cases. At least enough to send us over the cliff into default and an inflationary currency collapse.

Sen. Kim Pate and NDP MP Leah Gazan introduced bills S-233 and C-223, respectively, in a bid to create the first national framework to provide all people over age 17 across Canada, including temporary workers, permanent residents and refugee claimants, a guaranteed livable basic income.

Based on Ontario’s basic income pilot project, the Parliamentary Budget Officer estimated that the basic gross cost of guaranteed basic income(opens in a new tab) nationally would range between $30.5 billion and $71.4 billion from November 2020 to March 2021…

Too Much Freedom

As Terence Corcoran notes, it’s no longer debatable that the productivity of the Canadian economy has taken a beating recently. The problem is that most analysts seem to believe that the problems arose from too little government oversight over the economy, not too much.

Faced with the medical pandemic, Ottawa ordered unprecedented social and economic closures to “flatten the curve” of contagion. To offset the inevitable economic decline, government spending soared and the Bank of Canada unleashed a major monetary expansion, claiming at the time that it could do so with minimal inflationary disruption. The Bank was wrong.

In Road to Freedom, Stiglitz argues that post-pandemic shortages, inflation and unemployment were the product of free-market failure rather than state interventions and bungled monetary policy. When COVID struck, everyone turned to the government to save the economy “and it worked remarkably well.” Therefore, he says, we need more government. “It wasn’t a one-time thing,” he claims. “As the world faces the existential crisis of climate change, there is no alternative but government action.”

Revolutionary Justice

Making veiled threats ought to at least get you investigated by the police. Or maybe your bank account could be frozen…oh, wait… that’s a punishment reserved for conservative protestors. The vanguard of the proletariat is apparently exempt from such scrutiny.

Kevin Bryan, a University of Toronto business professor who visited the encampment and spoke with activists on Thursday, said he found that the “majority of people I talked to are neither students nor affiliated with our university.”

Bryan’s tweets highlighting the non-student element of the anti-Israel encampment prompted Vic Wojciechowska, a communications officer with the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), to threaten the professor with “consequences.”

“There need to be street-based consequences for clumsy buffoons like Kevin.

The Potholes Will Have To Wait

There’s more important things to deal with first.

Calgary Herald- ‘Just get rid of it’: Single-use items bylaw repeal public hearing to be held Tuesday

The new rules — still technically in effect — require grocery stores, restaurants and other food vendors to impose a minimum $0.15 surcharge on customers for a paper bag or $1 for a new reusable cloth bag at the point of sale. Those rates would have climbed to $0.25 and $2 respectively in 2025.

The bylaw also put the onus on customers to request single-use items and foodware accessories, such as napkins and plastic utensils.

The Tables Are Not Diverse!

I thought I would post this story as a great example of a short-circuited thought process. The cultural wrecking ball is swinging full force these days.

“This is a very personal issue for me,” said Anand, who is the first person of colour to hold the federal government’s purse strings as Treasury Board president.

“I still walk into rooms and look at tables that are not diverse.”

Case in point: in February, Anand walked into a briefing regarding mental-health counselling for Black public-service workers.

There were no Black employees in the room, she said.

“I said to the individuals briefing me: ‘Why aren’t there any Black individuals facing me?’ This is not acceptable.”

We’re All In This Together So painfully full of it. Right now in BC the NDP is sending cancer patients to private clinics in Washington State. Numeorus NDP cabinet ministers have used the private Cambie Street Surgery Centre, which was established at the urging of the NDP in order to allow union workers to avoid the public system wait lists.

As an MP you join federal prisoners, military RCMP in using private clinics – as did former CAW head Buzz Hargrove to get knee surgery in a week in a private clinic while the average Cdn waits over a year in the public system. 17,032 patients died waiting for diagnostic scans and surgery in 2022-23 – but not one connected politician. They don’t wait b/c they use private clinics.

Your ideology is dangerous to Cdns health.

Follow up.

Revolutionary Justice

If I had a dime for every time I found something “hard to listen to” I’d be a billionaire. That said, Mao’s Little Red Guards were out in full force in Dauphin when, God forbid, a school trustee expressed his opinions on the residential school system. I’m sure the anti-racism struggle session that followed his remarks must have been a real treat.

A school trustee in western Manitoba is facing calls to resign, and the province says it’s launching a review, after a presentation in which he made comments decried as hateful, including questioning the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on residential schools.

The trustee also said reference to white privilege is a “racist comment” because groups shouldn’t be labelled based on the colour of their skin, and argued acronyms such as BIPOC and LGBTQ are “degrading.”


Trudeau’s Canada – Coutts Trial Update From Autonomous Trucker

The Convictions of The Convicted: One case closes, another decomposes – updates and clarifications.

Full article Here

Related: By contrast, what does the Dear Leader do to a foreigner in Canada who has been arrested at least 10 times for road and rail blockades, and convicted of mischief charges? Why he vetoes his deportation.

Strip Mining Investors

Perhaps the most drastic change in the recent federal budget is the hiking of the capital gains inclusion rate. This supporter of the change works out the math and finds that effectively treating a capital gain as wage income is just fine with him. The fact that an investor risks the loss of assets if the business fails is, to him, equivalent to the risk borne by the wage earner who gets paid every two weeks and never has to deal with the loss of a dime of capital to sustain the business.

Here’s the text of his X post:

$1 in wages. Top marginal tax rate = 53%.

Keep $0.47. $1 in corporate profit –> 26% corporate tax rate = $0.74 distributed as capital gains –> 50% inclusion rate = $0.37 taxed at 53% personal. All in, roughly 46% tax rate overall. Keep $0.54. Better than wages (and better than interest or dividends).

At 67% inclusion: roughly 52% tax overall for capital gains. So keep $0.48. Close to treatment of wages!

Infinite Mortgages

The Bank of Canada’s efforts over the past year to hike interest rates are now at the point where you can call the policy utterly laughable, considering that whenever the policy threatens to have consequences, those consequences are speedily legislated out of existence. The government of Canada has just issued new mortgage measures whereby anyone who can’t pay their mortgage can simply make whatever payments they can afford. That’s a pretty sweet deal, if your goal is to turn homebuyers into blatant parasites.

…the government will allow 30-year mortgage amortizations for first-time home buyers purchasing newly built homes, effective August 1, 2024.

Third, the enhancements to the Canadian Mortgage Charter will also include an expectation that, where appropriate, permanent amortization relief will be made available to protect existing homeowners that meet specific eligibility criteria. Amortization relief means eligible homeowners can reduce their monthly mortgage payment to a number they can afford, for as long as they need to.

Leaving The Left Coast

But not necessarily the left.

Calgary Herald- Why thousands of British Columbians are leaving for Alberta

StatCan estimates the number to be 37,650 in 2023 alone. For the first time since 2012, B.C. lost more people than it gained, and almost all of those who moved in the final quarter of 2023 flowed to Alberta — a break from a trend where people in the prairie province sought out the West Coast as a place to live after retirement.

Losses For The Masses

Maybe central planning didn’t work at this time, but trust us, it will work at some point in the future. The question remains, why do we even have such a bank in the first place?

The head of the Canada Infrastructure Bank defended $900,000 spent on a now-cancelled power line project, arguing the project will ultimately get built and the due diligence the bank did was entirely reasonable.

The bank agreed in 2021 to offer a $655-million loan to the project and spent $900,000 on due diligence involving lawyers and outside experts. The project has since been suspended and the original owner sold its interest to another company. The loan did not go through, but the $900,000 had already been spent.

Canada’s Bolshevik’s: The Art Of The Shakedown

Rob Shaw: B.C.’s opposition parties demand probe into alleged government grant kickbacks: An electric vehicle manufacturer said it was solicited by the firm administering certain programs; the province says it has found no wrongdoing


This alleged shakedown has an eery similarity to the Shumiatcher Deals of the Tommy Douglas government in Saskatchewan.

Morris Shumiatcher was a lawyer and former Attorney General under Tommy Douglas who would help people secure business development grants from the Saskatchewan government. The process worked that an existing business person would hire Shumiatcher and Shumiatcher would then put together a deal inwhich the applicant would sell shares in their business to Tommy Douglas and Clarence Fines, Fines  being the Minister of Finance. Once the shares were purchased Shumiatcher would arrange for the business to receive a very generous grant from the Saskatchewan government for business development. Shortly after the grant was paid the business person would buy back the shares from Tommy Douglas and Clarence Fines at an enormous profit. This scheme was repeated numerous times. The similarity to the current allegations in BC are obvious.

To read more on this scandal and several more I suggest picking up The Road to Jerusalem.

Shumiatcher had numerous legal shenanigans throughout his career and often found himself on the wrong side of the law.

In the early 1960’s Clarence Fines ran off to Grenada with his secretary and a ton of Saskatchewan taxpayer money. One of the last things he did was write a letter to the bank explaining a cheque for $1,500 from the Alberta Distillers was to be deposited into a CCF party slush fund and that Tommy Douglas would be looking after the account henceforth, but that’s a Saskatchewan Mafia story for another day.

Odd Behaviour

Manitoba’s NDP government is doing something that’s seemingly out of character: they’ve slashed a spending item by 50%. The opposition Tories are critical of that move, but for the wrong reasons. If they were real conservatives, they would demand to know why the government stopped at a 50% cut.

The provincial government has set funding for park-related capital investments at $6.8 million in its first budget, delivered Tuesday. That’s down from about $12.7 million last year, when the PCs were in power.

“It’s obvious this government doesn’t value parks, the experiences they provide or the tourism dollars they bring to the province,” [Conservative MLA] Nesbitt said during question period.

The MLA for Riding Mountain told reporters later on Thursday that Manitobans and other visitors to the province’s parks will all be disappointed by the funding cuts.

Breaking: NDP Add A Free Granola Bar To Go With Your Child’s Free Fentanyl. Why? Because They Care.

Jagmeet Singh is boasting about the NDP forcing the Liberal government to provide a national school lunch program…

I guess all that free recreational fentanyl is making children hungry…

‘No minimum age listed in protocols for providing youth with taxpayer-funded recreational fentanyl.

It seems that parents will actually be powerless to stop the government from supplying their children with fentanyl, as safer supply technically counts as a health-care intervention and youth have substantial control over their own medical decisions in Canada.

While some provinces set a minimum age (typically between 14 and 16 years old) for when minors can make such decisions, British Columbia has no minimum and relies instead on a fluid idea of “capability” — youth in the province are considered “capable” if they understand what a medical intervention involves, why it is needed and its risks and benefits.

Yet it is hard to imagine any scenario where a drug-addicted minor would be capable of providing informed consent for safer supply fentanyl, given that addiction hijacks the brain and inhibits rational decision-making. While adults have extensive rights to personal self-determination, which permits them to make impaired or self-destructive decisions if they so choose, it is hard to see why this same freedom should be extended to youth when it comes to using hard drugs.

It is true that many drug-addicted youth are in foster care or estranged from their parents, and that, for them, securing parental consent is near-impossible. Yet making an exception for this subpopulation, and permitting them to receive free fentanyl, could incentivize other underage drug users to cut ties with their families and run away from home to secure free drugs.

As parents are often a youth’s greatest asset for recovery, any safer supply system that undermines child-parent relationships is harmful.

In a sad twist, the same laws that allow the government to give recreational fentanyl to kids without parental consent also prohibit parents from sending their children to involuntary addiction treatment — in other words, the government won’t help you force your kid to get clean, but they will give them unlimited “safe” drugs against your will.

As I argued in my MLI report, “By reframing the provision of unlimited recreational fentanyl as medical care, the provincial government may inadvertently turn itself into a parent’s worst nightmare — an unstoppable drug dealer with endless supply and unrestricted access to their child.”

While Health Canada confirmed to me in an email that it did not play a role in the development of these protocols, it did not respond to a follow-up email where I asked if the federal government had any objections to giving recreational fentanyl to minors.’
