Category: nannystate

Showing Up To Riot

A nanny-state tobacco ban goes horribly wrong;

Twenty-five minutes into the meeting, the hearing was closed by Board of Health chairwoman Andrea Crete, “amid shouts of ‘America!’ and ‘Freedom Now.’ ”
WBZ’s Julie Loncich captured video of the crowd protesting at the meeting.
“The crowd’s getting out of control and the room’s filled to capacity,” Crete said. “We don’t want any riots.” Crete and two other board members were escorted out by the police. The crowd sang “God Bless America” as it was cleared out of the room.

It’s not enough to be angry. You’ve got to show them you’re angry. (Via)

The World Is Being Run By Crazy People


The rubber plantation has 8,000 workers with 71,000 dependents. It is an hour north-east of Monrovia, surrounded by Ebola outbreaks. The virus arrived on the plantation in March. Knowing that the UN and the Liberian government were not going to save them, the managers sat around a rubber tree and googled “Ebola” and learned on the run instead.

h/t John Lewis

Nanny and the Inspector

From Kevin D. Williamson’s “They Are Coming for Your Children:

“(Connecticut Governor Dannel) Malloy’s committee on the Newtown shootings is recommending that Connecticut require home-schooling families to present their children to the local authorities periodically for inspection, to see to it that their psychological and social growth is proceeding in the desired direction.

That would be the bureaucrats‘ desired direction, of course, not that of the parents.
Read the whole thing.

What was deadly at Fukushima?

The only thing to fear, is fear itself;

In common with Three Mile Island, Fukushima doesn’t seem to have caused any deaths from radiation; even at Chernobyl the demonstrable death toll which resulted from radiation exposure was small compared to events like Bhopal or the Banqiao dam failure.
What created the human misery at Fukushima was the response – not the immediate precautionary evacuation but what followed and ironically what preceded. The only other area currently excluded because of human activity is Chernobyl. It follows, to the rational non-expert, that the levels of radiation throughout these exclusion zones must represent a higher risk than any other man-made threat on the planet.

h/t Eric A.

The Road to Hell

Is paved with nanny state intervention.

On Monday, by a vote of 36 to 2, Toronto City Council voted in favour of a Board of Health recommendation which would prohibit e-cigarette use in all City of Toronto workplaces. The Board also called on the provincial government to amend the Smoke-Free Ontario Act to ban e-cigarette use wherever cigarettes are banned and to prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes to minors.

I have no problem explicitly banning the sale to minors. Any retailer I’ve used does that already.
I can guarantee you that if Saskatchewan jurisdictions start along the same road I’ll probably be back on cigarettes when I work in those areas. You don’t get anywhere near the nicotine dose from electronic nicotine delivery as you do from smoking. When working on-site it’s more efficient to puff a cigarette for 5 minutes than to vape for 30.
No cigarette since February, thanks to electronic devices, at risk because people say it looks like smoking and have absolutely no facts supporting any serious health issue.

Your Tax Dollars At Work

Andy Radia;

In a story that sounds almost too ridiculous to be true, both La Presse and the Toronto Star are reporting that John Baird’s Twitter account is being investigated by Graham Fraser, Canada’s language watchdog – after someone complained that the foreign affairs minister’s tweets were mostly in English.

The Tolerant Left


It’s increasingly ridiculous to use the word “liberal” to describe the modern American collectivist. There’s nothing liberal about them at all. They’re shooting for the ultimate subversion of liberty, by re-defining “liberty” as a form of compulsion. In other words, they’re saying you are being oppressed unless a wise and virtuous dictatorial authority can force other people to give you what the authoritarians have decided you “deserve.” You aren’t “free” as long as you must provide for yourself. Liberty becomes a term used to describe its exact opposite: a set of active obligations placed upon other people. It’s right up there with any perversion of language and thought described by George Orwell in “1984.” Actually, it is one of the perversions he laid at Big Brother’s feet: “Freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.”

h/t EBD

Asthma Inhalers are next.

The Allison Redford, nanny-land of Alberta strikes again. Red Deer bans e-cigs in public places.
They’re calling it smoking and I imagine this will be challenged at some point, as it isn’t smoking. The basis for banning smoking from public places was always sold as a safety move, second-hand smoke is a danger. Vaping doesn’t hold that danger. No one even knows if it’s dangerous for the primary user.
So, Red Deer is banning something they know nothing about except that it’s a nicotine delivery system, that hurts no one. Banning it on the basis that when I exhale, it looks like smoke…for about two seconds.
I still haven’t smoked since I started vaping in February, and I’m down to an 8mg nicotine blend from 24mg when I started.

If at first you don’t succeed.

Try, Try, Try and Try again.
So, 2005, 2009, 2012*, and now 2014. I noted 2012 because while along the same lines as the others, C-51 didn’t really allow warrant-less search and seizure.
h/t, Spinal Tap
In a humour related theme, the 2005 thread contains this nugget.

Let me put it like this, to give some perspective. If anyone down here in the U.S. (land of the much-maligned Patriot Act) proposed this type of legislation, they would never be elected to any political office again. As we say down here, “He couldn’t be elected dog catcher.”

Umm, yeah….


Being in the forty-fifty bracket that Coyne identifies as ‘troubled’ I can relate.
We all just did our taxes. Being a self-employed small business owner I like doing taxes. They help me develop my annual plan and budget. I know I’m going to have to bump up my capital costs next year and that means I have to budget for new hardware and software. I know power costs are killing me as running four computers and a NAS 24/7 grossly inflates my power bill. So the percentage I declared as a business expense was more than the 12h/40% sq ft. function that I used with other utilities.
I also know what I put in retirement funds. You should know exactly how much CPP cost you last year. Now whether you think that’s a good investment or not is totally subjective. I know I’d very much prefer to have that money go into my self-directed retirement savings, and honestly, if I still lived in Ontario then having an even less trust-worthy gov’t handling my pension would scare the be-jesus out of me.
