Category: nannystate

The World Is Being Run By Crazy People


The City of Brotherly Love and communities across the U.S. face the specter of hundreds of millions of dollars in useless hydrants after a surprise ruling last month by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that requires fireplugs put in after Jan. 4 meet stricter standards for lead content, said Tom Curtis of the American Water Works Association in Denver. That means cities must scrap or retrofit inventory or buy hydrants and parts that some vendors aren’t even making yet.


The Children Are Our Future

With the battle to eliminate “math” and “grades” behind them…

On Wednesday, Campeau — along with [Saskatchewan] Education minister Don Morgan — released the report which included a number of recommendations that the province plans to implement. Changes to education policy will supposedly make for a more consistent reaction from teachers when it comes to bullying. They also plan to “support” students in improving online behaviour and consult with them to build better bullying solutions.
But perhaps the most tangible recommendation is to build an “online tool” that allows students to report bullying online anonymously.

What could possibly go wrong?
The relentless “anti-bullying” drumbeat of the industrial media complex is no spontaneous development. Somewhere out there, PR firms have been hired to make it happen.

Peak Pill

Via American Thinkier;

A high-ranking official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared in an interview with PBS that the age of antibiotics has come to an end.
‘For a long time, there have been newspaper stories and covers of magazines that talked about “The end of antibiotics, question mark?”‘ said Dr Arjun Srinivasan. ‘Well, now I would say you can change the title to “The end of antibiotics, period.”‘

I say close the FDA and see what happens.

We just got rid of the registry.

Why on earth would PMSH think we need another?

CALGARY — The feds say they’re also examining possible further uses for DNA, as Calgary’s top cop pushes for permission to collect DNA samples upon suspects’ arrests.
On Wednesday, Calgary Police Chief Rick Hanson said he’d like to see legislation amended to allow police to collect DNA samples upon a person’s arrest in order to clear cases faster.

This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society

In this hypothetical place, you cannot easily own an intact animal. In order to qualify, you must show your dog in competition, belong to a breed club with an enforced code of ethics, and pay a hefty fee. Breeding is out of the question because government requires you to qualify for an expensive breeding permit before you can ever consider the possibility. Any pet that is “adopted” through a shelter or rescue MUST be sterilized BY LAW. There are limits on how many pets you can own. All the while, you hear grumblings on the street that there aren’t enough homes to absorb the strays. Well, that last part about not enough homes for the strays is a lie, but you have heard so many lies told so often, that you now just accept those lies at face value and believe them as truth.
Now imagine that you don’t care too much about any of that, because you don’t have any plans to be a dog breeder. You are happy to own an occasional pet or two. None of those problems affect you, right?
Let’s see about that.
Believe it or not, our hypothetical state actually exists. It’s called CALIFORNIA.

The Sound Of Settled Science


The drive to bring about “sweeping,” sharp reductions in salt consumption is based more on zealotry than science, and should be halted until there’s better evidence, one of Canada’s foremost heart researchers charges in a provocative new commentary.
Reducing ingestion of sodium has been a major focus of public-health advocates in recent years, and generated widespread, sometimes-alarming media coverage.
But there is only modest evidence that cutting back on salt radically will reduce high blood pressure, and little or none that it would actually prevent heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems, argues Dr. Salim Yusuf in a journal article.

Michelle Obama, Call Your Office

In Germany, it looks like the Radical Leftists in the Green Party went one step too far:

In what could be a cautionary tale for First Lady Michelle Obama’s efforts to tweak Americans’ diets, Germans look set to punish the Green Party for urging that public cafeterias go meat-free on a designated “Veggie Day” each week in order to help the environment and reduce cruelty to animals. Borrowing colorfully from English, German newspaper Bild described public reaction to the idea as a “shitstorm.”

At her party’s final campaign rally on Saturday, Merkel joined in, slamming the Green proposal.

“You will never hear from the Christian Democratic Union party when you should eat meat and when you shouldn’t,” Merkel said to loud applause from her supporters and campaign workers in the Tempodrom theater.

“I grew up in a Christian house. We didn’t eat meat on Fridays. I think every restaurant should have a vegetarian dish, but we are a party confident people can manage their own lives,” the German prime minister added. “We are confident people will live a reasonable life and we don’t want to deprive them of this opportunity.”

BC’s Daily Physical Activity Requirement

A parent in Coquitlam, BC received this letter from his child’s School Board. The Daily Physical Requirement is explained here. While exercise is a good thing, one wonders if the education bureaucrats should be intruding into a family’s life outside of school hours? It’s unclear what would happen if a parent refused to fill out the form.
h/t ‘Pongo’

When It’s Done for Barack Obama, Then It’s Not Illegal

The continuing scandal of the IRS targeting conservative groups provides an interesting juxtaposition with a recent Climate Change Rally in Washington, DC where no one showed up. What precisely is the website that organized this and other rallies? A visit to the site’s About page provided this explanation:

Organizing for Action
Statement of Purpose

Organizing for Action is a nonprofit organization established to support President Obama in achieving enactment of the national agenda Americans voted for on Election Day 2012. OFA will advocate for these policies throughout the country and will mobilize citizens of all parties and diverse points to speak out for speedy passage and effective implementation of this program, including gun violence prevention, sensible environmental policies to address climate change and immigration reform. In addition, OFA will encourage the formation of chapters that will be dedicated at the grassroots level to this program, but also committed to identifying and working progressive change on a range of issues at the state and local level. In carrying its work, OFA will operate as a “social welfare” organization within the meaning of section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

So what precisely constitutes a “Section 501(c)(4)” group devoted to “Social Welfare”? The IRS’s website provides a long explanation. A portion of the last paragraph is key:

The promotion of social welfare does not include direct or indirect participation or intervention in political campaigns on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. However, a section 501(c)(4) social welfare organization may engage in some political activities, so long as that is not its primary activity.

Interesting. One wonders how an organization devoted to promoting the objectives of one political party, purporting to be a grassroots group specifically for one politician, does not violate everything stated in the IRS’s own rules?!? Perhaps there’s an unwritten exemption from any & all rules if the work you’re doing is for Barack Obama PBUH.

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