Category: nannystate

Are York Regional Police Now the Self-Proclaimed Arbiters of Free Speech?

Well known American blogger Pamela Geller is scheduled to speak in Toronto this month. But if the allegations are true, then some in the York Regional Police force appear to have decided that she should not appear:

Insp. Ricky Veerappan of the force’s diversity, equity and inclusion bureau, confirmed he and officers from the force’s hate crimes unit met with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan of the Chabad Flamingo Synagogue on Tuesday.

In North America, we call it ‘Fisker’

‘Solyndra’, and crony capitalism.

“My wife has been crying for three or four days now saying: ‘Why should we pay and not them?'” says Andreas.
It was revealed last week in Greek media that Laiki, the Bank of Cyprus and the Hellenic Bank forgave loans amounting to millions of euros to companies, local authorities and individual politicians.

It’s what happens when politicians and business people spend time together on the golf courses.
H/t: Dick Slater

How dare you take away our Illegal votes!

Mr. Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said True the Vote, a national tea party group, and its Ohio spin-off, the Ohio Voter Integrity Project, are attempting to intimidate voters.
“They target people in trailer parks, minorities, people who would normally vote for Democrats — and students,” Mr. Cummings said in an appearance Saturday on MSNBC. “Students are a big target for them.”

O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas

Hear my prayer.
Who is the ‘they’?
“What are they doing to us?” said Marilyn Tucker, a FedEx employee, as she stopped pumping at a central Los Angeles gas station at $37, well before the tank of her sedan was full. “It’s just ridiculous.”

“California requires a specific blend of gasoline that only the refineries on the West Coast make,” said Bill Day, a spokesman for Valero. “So when there is a shortage of that blend, you can’t just send supplies from somewhere else.”


Be Careful of What you Ask.

You might just get it.

“I have actually proposed to the public sector union leadership that this is a long, drawn-out process for a lot of people and we would be perfectly willing to have a dialogue with them if they were to see fit to change some of this to make it a little bit less stressful on people,” said Mr. Clement in an interview this week in Toronto. “So far I haven’t had a lot of co-operation on that but the door is always open.”

In Canada “you’re either a sucker or a supplicant”

Richard Anderson, formerly known as Publius, on government-encouraged duff-sitting:

The argument that the welfare state in general, and the equalization in particular, are demonstrations of Canadians caring for other Canadians rings hollow. Refusing to recognize economy reality and sustaining people in economic nostalgia is not compassionate. It is a soft headed short-term view of the economic and social life of the nation. We’ll keep people happy today and not try to think about tomorrow. Heck, perhaps we’ll even given them some “job” training for jobs that will never return to this continent. All the while a near decade long labour shortage continues in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Taking the long view, which in this case is only a few years ahead, the sensible thing would be to move low skilled unemployed or underemployed workers in Central Canada to the West and East where they are needed. This is what would happen naturally in a free market. Even if we had only a modest welfare state, one which was financed by each province’s own fiscal resources, we would still see far greater inter-regional mobility. A broke province cannot afford to keep people on the dole indefinitely, unless richer regions of the country subsidize that behaviour.
Rather than promoting national unity transfers payments, both equalization and the health and social transfer, undermine it…

Europe envious

Great. After ruining their own countries with disastrous entitlement programs they want to come here? Just what we need.
We need to make more cuts to get our (admittedly small) deficit back under control. A further benefit is that maybe it will dissuade some of the entitlement hunters.
