Category: Great Moments In Socialism

Recycle Everything

Including the old slogans, propaganda and failed strategies.

European Council- Council agrees on emergency measures to reduce energy prices

The agreement reached today will bring relief to European citizens and companies. Member states will flatten the curve of electricity demand during peak hours, which will have a direct positive effect on prices. Member states will redistribute surplus profits from the energy sector to those who are struggling to pay their bills.

We Said, No Talking

Zerohedge- VPN Usage Surges Amid Protests, Conflict, & War In 2022

In Iran, demand for VPN downloads increased by more than 3000 percent in September, according to

Yet, other countries too have seen surges this year. For instance, Sri Lanka saw a 17,000 percent increase in VPN downloads on April 3 2022, when social media platforms Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp were banned.

The internet blackout came as the government enforced a curfew, attempting to keep protesters from hitting the streets over a disastrous economic downturn, mainly attributed to governmental mishandling, which led to major food and fuel shortages.

“China’s Chew Toy”

Globe and Mail- Why are Chinese police operating in Canada, while our own government and security services apparently look the other way?

This is an outrage. Chinese police setting up offices in Canada, then “persuading” alleged criminals to return to the motherland to face “justice” – while our own government and security services apparently choose to look the other way – represents a gross violation of Canada’s national sovereignty, international law and the norms of diplomacy. China is extending the grip of its Orwellian police state into this country, with seemingly no worry about being confronted by our own national security agencies.

Net Zero

This is big. Story is still developing. And there’s a lot of speculation going round.

ZeroHedge- Damage To Nord Stream Pipelines “Unprecedented;” May Have Been ‘Sabotaged’

eugyppius- Apparent Sabotage Disables Nord Stream 1 and 2, Cutting Off All Direct Gas Supply to Germany from Russia

Jerusalem Post- Blasts occurred near Nord Stream gas leaks, seismologist tells SVT

Seismologists in Denmark and Sweden on Monday registered powerful blasts in the areas of the Nord Stream gas leaks, Sweden’s National Seismology Centre (SNSN) at the Uppsala University told public broadcaster SVT on Tuesday.

There is no doubt that these were explosions,” SNSN seismologist Bjorn Lund told SVT.


Do we have any readers who’ve made the move?

Armstrong Economics- The Flight to Mexico

The Biden Administration has been at war with fossil fuels from the beginning, despite trying to blame Putin. This has benefited Mexico from a value perspective, but while claiming to be on board with this Great Reset, they are not as gun-ho as Canada and the USA.

Our capital flow model has been pointing to tremendous inflows to Mexico since they have had the best anti-COVID mandates so there are a lot of Europeans leaving for South and Latin America and Mexico has been a primary target.

This trend appears to be continuing into 2024.


Our app is more important than your emergency. It keeps you “safe”.

Global- Feds deny Nova Scotia’s claim that ArriveCAN delayed U.S. Fiona assistance

The Nova Scotia premier’s office had told Global News earlier Sunday that power crews from Maine were delayed at the border due to the app. In a subsequent phone call following the federal government’s denial, the premier’s office stood by the allegation.

Klaus Iz Appy

Michael Shellenberger- The “Great Reset” Is Real And Wreaking Havoc

But there is no question that it was the Haitian government’s announcement of fossil fuel subsidy cuts that triggered the current chaos, nor that it was encouraged by WEF, IMF, and the World Bank. Conspiracy theories aside, the influence of the WEF is quite real, and one of the central demands of the Great Reset was, upon its launch, the phase-out of fuel subsidies in poor nations. And after the government of Haiti, last week announced it would do just that, thousands of Haitians surged into the streets to burn tires for roadblocks. “The population cracked,” a truck driver told the Wall Street Journal.

Cheap Like Borscht

Institute of Public Affairs- Australia’s Covid-19 Pandemic Response Failed Us

The direct economic, fiscal and inflationary cost of pandemic measures stand at $938.4 billion as at the end of the 2021-22 financial year.

Students have suffered significant setbacks, particularly in Victoria where Year 9 students reading and numeracy skills have fallen behind by 12 weeks and 17 weeks, respectively.

The costs of joblessness and not working on life expectancy as a result for the first nationwide lockdowns in March and April 2020 were 31 times greater than the maximum possible benefits of all lockdowns.

If It Wasn’t for Government Jobs

There’d be hardly any jobs at all.

Armstrong Economics- Canada’s Private Sector on the Decline

Canada’s job recovery last year seemed strong according to standard measures. However, it was recently revealed that the majority of jobs were created in the public sector. Nearly 9 in 10 jobs created between 2020 and 2021 were in the public sector. Government, not business, is expanding. Between February 2020 and July 2022, private sector growth remained relatively stagnant after posting just a 0.4% increase. The public sector, on the other hand, rose 9.4% in that same period.

Working in 2022: Remote vs. At the Office

To the best of my knowledge, San Francisco (SF) was the first major city in North America to shut everything down in their reaction to the Covid pandemic.  I remember having dinner with friends at a restaurant in the Mission District of SF on Friday, March 13th.  One of them, who did some part-time work for a virologist, kept telling us that everything was about to change.  I thought she was being hyperbolic and dramatic but . . . she was absolutely correct!  Three days later, on Monday, March 16th the stay-at-home order was issued and everything instantly changed.

I was part of a small software engineering team in SF and, on a dime, we all started working from home.  I arguably had a better tech setup at home than at the office and had worked on my own from my home in Vancouver for many years so it wasn’t a problem for me.  For some of my colleagues, it was probably a bit weird at first but soon they grew to like it, and then love it.  Most of them lived far outside of the city and now no longer had to engage in a 90 – 120 minute commute each way to get to work.

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