Category: Pollspotting

A Climate Change Poll Goes Horribly Wrong

But first, this message from the poll sponsors;

A large group of Canadian climate scientists, environment advocates, business owners and corporate executives want climate change to be the No. 1 issue for voters this fall, including problems and solutions beyond the federal carbon tax.
A hundred of them signed an open letter to Canadians this week, urging them to understand the impacts of climate change and the solutions each party offers before casting their ballots in October.
Those behind the letter fear important discussions about climate change are being lost in the sea of political rhetoric for or against a national carbon price.
“It’s a national emergency,” said Gavin Pitchford, the CEO of recruiting firm Delta Management and executive director of Clean50.


h/t BC

US Mid-Term Prediction Contest

All 435 seats are being contested in the House, while 35 in the Senate are up for grabs. Current seat distribution:

House (435)
235 Republican
193 Democrat
7 vacant

Senate (35)
24* Democrat
9* Republican
2 Independent

(*corrected, sorry!)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to predict the outcome in both.

To make my job easier, please copy the structure provided above and edit accordingly, ensuring your numbers add up to 435 and 35 respectively.

Tie breaker: Predict the outcome of Menendez[D] vs Hugin[R] in New Jersey.

Winner (or winners) will receive their choice of a book from the SDA Free Book Library.

Related: Mid-term watch list.

Reference: Table of state, territorial, and federal results (Wikipedia)

No chatter on this thread, please. I’ll open a results watch thread later in the day.

ACME Prime

Update: Harmless. All of the devices carried a parody ISIS flag featuring comedian Larry the Cable Guy’s signature slogan, “git ‘er done,” NBC News reported late Wednesday.

Er.. yeah.

I’m not sure this event rises to the level of hoax, much less false flag. I’m leaning towards “prank”, myself.
