Category: New Rules

Welcome To The Clown Quarter

Regarding those rubber boobs and the subsequent contortions of ‘progressive’ commentators:

Two thoughts occur. Firstly, he is not a she. The teacher in question is a forty-something man with a mental health problem, and children should not be coerced to pretend otherwise. Secondly, using the word traumatising to mock or dismiss the children’s possible feelings on the subject is a sly evasion, a deflection by hyperbole. It seems more likely that some pupils will find the educator’s behaviour distracting, uncomfortable or obnoxiously gratuitous. A piss-take or shit-test at their expense.

Female students, for instance, may not feel entirely affirmed by a grotesque parody of their sex being enacted daily by a supposedly grown man, to whom they are expected to defer. Some may see such behaviour as an imposition, a provocation, a wilful overstepping of boundaries. Which of course it is. Whether the motive is lawsuit-trolling – “I’m an oppressed sexual minority, I dare you to fire me” – or just an unhinged narcissistic compulsion. Neither of which bode well for any involuntary participants.

Oh, there’s more.

New Rules

DeSantis finds sanctuary for illegal migrants…

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday flew two planes of immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, escalating a tactic by Republican governors to draw attention to what they consider to be the Biden administration’s failed border policies.

Flights to the upscale island enclave in Massachusetts were part of an effort to “transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations,” said Taryn Fenske, DeSantis’ communications director.

And they don’t want them.

And neither does Kamala: As many as 100 illegal immigrants from Texas were let off two buses in front of Vice President Kamala Harris’ official residence early Thursday, just days after she claimed the border is secure.

Punching Back, Twice As Hard

What’s good for El Paso…

Overwhelmed city officials are struggling to provide a promised intake center and hotel rooms to migrants being shipped by the busload from Texas to the Big Apple, The Post has learned.

The Department of Homeless Services acknowledged to The Post that it has abandoned its initial plan to operate an intake and processing center dedicated to the recent arrivals alongside a 600-room shelter at the ROW NYC hotel on Eighth Avenue in Midtown.

Officials would only say Sunday that they have finally selected a finalist to operate the-yet-to-open Manhattan facility but would not reveal the contractor’s name or its location.

Related: Cartel Bunkers on the AZ Border

When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Breitbart has published everything without redaction and the leftynet is crying.

The document, obtained and reviewed by Breitbart News, shows that the DOJ and FBI waited several days after Reinhart approved the warrant to conduct the raid, something that severely undercuts the talking points issued by Attorney General Merrick Garland in a public statement on Thursday when he broke his silence to discuss the matter in televised remarks.

New rules.

You Must Pretend He Isn’t There, Madam

When an 80-year-old lady encounters the pointy end of transgender ideology:

When [Julie] Jaman asked… why no signs had been posted informing women that males could potentially be in the locker rooms, she says she was told: “‘We post pride signs, and we assume that lets women know what to expect.’”

What is expected, it seems, is that women who are not entirely comfortable with dysmorphic men using ladies’ changing rooms and showers, and watching small girls undress, should simply pretend that it isn’t happening. As is the custom, a kind of farce ensues, including accusations of “hatred,” bigotry, and being “unscientific.”

One of these.

Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

New Rules.

There has been a rash of media handwringing because GOP superstars like Ron DeSantis are not allowing the media access to candidates or events. At the Sunshine Summit the other week in the Free State of Florida, Ruthless Ron and his superstar comms staff simply refused to allow the mutants in. Dave Weigel, apparently back on the job after his utter humiliation at the hands of some fussy girls at WaPo, was rejected and ejected and sat outside the velvet rope away from the action.


Related: The DiSantis campaign responds to an invite from The View

Read it and learn, Canadian conservatives. And fast.

How Dare You Take An Interest

More questions you aren’t allowed to ask:

Again, as so often, the umbrage seen above is pretentious and implicitly non-reciprocal. If I were to migrate to live in, say, South Korea and Korean people sometimes asked me where I was from, even if they did this several years after my arrival, I wouldn’t think it inherently impolite or malicious. It might get a little hackneyed, a little boring, but I very much doubt that it would make me feel “sick, frustrated, and uncomfortable.” And were I to get all pissy and indignant about being asked this humdrum question, I suspect Ms Vasudevan and her peers would be ready to scold me for my “privilege” and “fragility,” my “whiteness.”

Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.

Mugabe rules from the grave

Consumer prices rising too fast while your currency craters? That citadel of sensibility, Zimbabwe, has discovered the solution: just stop all bank lending. What could possibly go wrong?

President Emmerson Mnangagwa ordered banks to stop lending with immediate effect on Saturday, saying the unprecedented move was meant to stop speculation against the Zimbabwean dollar, which has been rapidly devalued on a thriving black market.

Before Mnangagwa’s announcement, the Zimbabwean dollar was officially quoted at 165.94 against the U.S. dollar, but had been trading at an exchange rate of between 330 and 400 to the greenback on the black market.
