Category: New Rules

PM Trudeau Emerges

And blames some “individuals” for disruptions, economic problems.

(Those individuals would be Justin Trudeau, Katie Telford, Omar Alghabra and Dr. Theresea Tam among others.)

It’s the pot calling the kettle blackface.


“The Honking Will Continue Until The Freedom Improves”

I’m not sure it is possible for me to love the truckers any more. I’m thinking of possibly starting a new organization: “Jews for Truckers”, or maybe “Jewish Mothers For Truckers” (I mean philosophically of course-not literally, don’t get me wrong mmmmmkay??). Doesn’t that sound so much better than those other kook lefty Jewish organizations like Jews for Jihad-I mean Jews for Palestine?

In the meantime, PM Hairdo continues to play with fire.

We need still more HonkHonk in this country and a lot less woke. It’s all so incredible to watch.

That Went Well

Pretty sure I saw a Hutterite van in there. Mighty neighbourly!


This is the most organic movement I have ever seen. Here is how it is happening. It started with farmers, planning a protest, on a private chat, lots from the Coutts area, when fishy stuff started happening they added all the people from the area they knew /1

The locals all planned out how to block the area, because they know the area best. As they looked over to the next town they added all their friends to the chat to work on that area /2

They are literally organically networking and growing out the road blocks by adding people they know into a private chat as it grows outward. It’s just getting to Lethbridge /3

New Rules

Sit up straight and pay attention, Canadian Conservatives…

[I]f Democrats thought he would just rattle his saber and then settle into being a typical Republican, they were mistaken. Youngkin is also taking on one of the left’s sacred cows — the woke establishment — and doing so in a way that is incredibly satisfying.

The governor has renamed the state’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer the Diversity, Opportunity, and Inclusion Officer. Further, he appointed a conservative to the spot and also listed one of the job requirements as being an “ambassador for unborn children.”

Democrats are not used to being fought on their own ground. By and large, the left has come to expect that while they may be opposed, the guardrails they’ve set up will be respected. That’s why a change like this makes them so upset, and to be sure, the wailing in response has been deafening. You aren’t supposed to actually retake territory when you fight the left. You are, instead, supposed to kowtow to their institutions and work around the edges. That’s what they’ve come to expect from Republicans like Larry Hogan.

Youngkin continues to impress, though. Instead of playing by the left’s rules, he’s decapitating their sacred cows.

Kick the Overton window to the curb — and then kick it again.

h/t Ed Driscoll

“Youngkin went hard on issues where other mainstream Republicans would flee”

Youngkin Brings the Pain.

Trump’s gift to the party was to demonstrate how Republicans can win going forward. And it’s not with some warmed-over perversion of Reaganism that the consultant class pushes. It’s easy. Focus on the concerns of the voters, not the donors or the elite, and then keep your promises. Simple, but effective. That’s the recipe for GOP success in the post-Trump era.

And Youngkin did it. A Republican moderate is not supposed to attack the institutional racism of CRT in the schools even though the people are screaming about it. That kind of cultural issue is icky, and people at the country club will turn up their noses at you. Talk about tax cuts, about liking the cops, and about building a bridge across the aisle to a better tomorrow.

But Youngkin was having none of that. He smelled blood and went for the jugular. He listened to the people, instead of trying to tell them what they wanted.

There’s a lesson there. Actually several.

For Canadian conservatives as well.

We have supply chain shortages, escalating fuel prices, raging inflation — and a carbon tax, a tax on everything, that Erin O’Toole could be using as a political cudgel, slamming the Liberals with it every single day.

But of course he can’t. Because he’s weak and stupid, he tossed it away. Because he’s a follower, not a leader. Where is O’Toole, anyway?

Social Disease

h/t Colonialista – Oh, they’re gonna hate their new rules”

Twitter acknowledged on Friday that a new policy it unveiled this week to protect users from harassment is being abused by malicious actors — days after journalists, left-wing activists and self-described “sedition hunters” reported their accounts had been locked for sharing publicly available images of anti-maskers, anti-vaccine protesters and suspected Capitol insurrectionists.

The acknowledgment highlights how Twitter has been caught flat-footed by what it described in a statement as “a significant amount of coordinated and malicious” activity that led to “several errors” in Twitter’s enforcement.
“We’ve corrected those errors and are undergoing an internal review to make certain that this policy is used as intended — to curb the misuse of media to harass or intimidate private individuals,” Twitter said.

Unveiled on Tuesday, Twitter’s new policy prohibits the sharing of images of private individuals without those people’s consent. The rule was created, Twitter initially said, in a bid to prevent its platform from being abused to harass and intimidate people, particularly women, activists and minorities.

But right-wing groups and anti-mask activists have quickly determined that the new Twitter policy offers an opportunity to strike back at those who might draw attention to their real-world identities. And in a matter of days, they established a coordinated campaign to flood Twitter with complaints that left-wing activists, Jan. 6 investigators and journalists covering rallies have published their faces without consent in violation of the new rule.

In January, Samuel Braslow was covering an anti-mask protest at a Los Angeles mall for the Beverly Hills Courier, the 56-year-old local newspaper where he is a staff reporter. During the public event, Braslow tweeted a video of a standoff between anti-maskers and a mall official — a common practice in the age of digital reporting.
Braslow couldn’t have known that, this week, someone would file a report about that same photojournalism and cause Twitter to lock down his account. The complaint led to Braslow being unable to tweet until he either successfully appealed the report or deleted the old tweets. He was stuck.

Good work, lads.

Six Gun Alec

Alec Baldwin got to play his dream role last week, and unfortunately for an innocent woman, it was a method-acting version of Ted Kennedy. Now, you note that I am mocking a guy whose probable gross negligence killed a lady and maimed a man, and this raises an important question – do we really want to live in a world where our reaction to a tragedy caused by an enemy is not sorrow and compassion but mockery?

It doesn’t matter what we want.

Capital Letters are Now Racist … in Calgary No Less!
