Category: New Rules

Is Racism Rampant in Winnipeg?

According to an SJW group called Black Space Winnipeg, the Winnipeg Jets and their fans are … wait for it … RACISTS!!! Here’s the press release on the group’s Facebook page:

If you’re not aware today the Winnipeg Jets kicks off its downtown street party series—making downtown ‘white again’ we had to share this. For people who come downtown to take part in the Jets festivities, just remember a massive street party called a #whiteout does not make all #Winnipeggers feel safe.

Now, if you’re reading this and thinking “calm down, it’s harmless fun, it has nothing to do with race—it’s apart of the Jets culture. It’s a tradition. It’s how we show our team and city pride. Whiteout represents a blizzard and a play on our extreme Winnipeg weather, it’s for everyone.” Have a look at these photos from past Jets pandemonium / fan appreciation (the four men wearing all white Jets outfits with pointed hoodies….remind you of anything)

Not only is the province spending a significant amount of money for these street whiteout parties—this will be going on for the next few weeks. Mayhem ensues when these parties take place. It’s triggering to see a sea of white when you’re walking home from work or school—witnessing aggressive ‘Jets culture’ as Jets fans flood the streets yelling ‘True North’. We thought, if you can’t change the party, at least revise the name because a headline that reads: ‘Jets parties will turn downtown white again’ reminds us of a similar phrase started by a very problematic politician in the states.

New Rules

It’s called “Alinsky Rule No. 4,” pals. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” Cue the sad trombone. Somewhere, Brett Kavanaugh is laughing into his Budweiser.
I know I am, except it’s Dos Equis.
But this hilarity does bring up something serious we need to consider on the conservative side. We need to prepare for the next time some Republican gets besieged by SJW witch-burners, and be ready with our response to their unwarranted demands for his/her/xir’s head.
Our response should be, “Go pound sand.”

Because, as someone once warned –“Pleasing your enemies does not turn them into friends.”

Showing Up To Riot

Richard Fernandez;

If anyone thought the 2016 revolt against the institutions was transient recent events may force a reconsideration. Instead of dying down open political war now permanently grips Washington. Abroad, time has healed no wounds; immigration issues have not dissipated in Europe, on the contrary riots are rocking Germany  The British are still rushing bald-headed toward Brexit with all the incalculable consequences that entails.  What can’t be happening is.


Ace of Spades;

…when Disney fired a leftwing Trump opponent — who, by the way, himself celebrated Disney/ABC’s firing of Roseanne Barr for objectionable tweets — the defenders of poor defenseless corporations’ free speech rights started singing a different show tune entirely.
No longer was it just a Private Business’ Unchallengeable Right to fire any employee who scuffed up their image.


They’re not going to like the new rules.

Reviewers flooded the Yelp page of a Canadian restaurant with one-star reviews after a manager was fired for kicking out a man wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.


The Teahouse in Vancouver’s Stanley Park has come under fire for the incident, which occurred less than a week after White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a Virginia restaurant.

