Category: Saskatchewan Elections

Saskatchewan Election Contest: Bumped with Results

The recounts are finished, the results are final.

Our prediction contest winner is matt smythe.

September 29, 2020 at 4:49 pm Edit

SaskParty –48
NDP –13
Buffalo –
PC –
Green –
Liberal –
Independent* –

Tiebreaker: Share of popular vote by winner – 55

    Original post below.

Meili at left, Moe at right.

The Sask Party holds 46 seats and the opposition NDP has 13. There are also candidates running for the following: Buffalo Party, Progressive Conservatives, Green Party, and Saskatchewan Liberals. Further details at CBC.

Update with correction. There are actually 61 seats to distribute, as two were vacant at dissolution. Thus I have to void the first group of entries accordingly and allow you all to post again. My bad, I was sloppy there.

Please use the following format for your prediction — should total 61;

SaskParty –
Buffalo –
PC –
Green –
Liberal –

Tiebreaker: Share of popular vote by winner –

The most accurate prediction will win a free book from the SDA Free Book Library. Winner will be announced on election night or as soon as possible afterward.

Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!

October 27, 2011:

New Democrat leader Dwain Lingenfelter’s promise to get more electricity from wind turbines is being criticized by the Saskatchewan Party.
The party says if elected on Nov. 7, an NDP government will add 400 megawatts of new wind power over four years.
But Sask. Party Leader Brad Wall says there’s a huge hole in the NDP platform because it’s not being costed out.
According to SaskPower planning documents, large wind power projects have capital costs of between $2 million and $3 million per megawatt…
Wall said that’s another example of the NDP making unaffordable promises.
“Are you going to make SaskPower borrow the money? Is it going to come from the general revenue fund? Or are people going to pay higher electricity rates?” Wall asked.
The wind power promise is part of the NDP’s environmental plan to ensure that by 2025, 50 per cent of the province’s electricity is clean, renewable energy.

November 23, 2015:

A plan to generate half of Saskatchewan’s power from renewable sources by 2030 is “ambitious,” but the provincial government insists it can be done.
Days after Premier Brad Wall announced that by 2030, wind, solar and geothermal power would be developed to meet a 50-per-cent renewable target, minister responsible for SaskPower Bill Boyd on Monday said he was “confident SaskPower can meet the target by taking an ‘all of the above’ approach to planning.

Wynneing, flatlander-style.

Saskatchewan Election Map

9:21pm Update: Historic results: No NDP leader ever defeated, highest popular vote ever for winning party. Knife twist: Liberals get .6% of vote
Sun News Freudian slip of the evening: David Akin’s reference to Brad Wall as “premier of Alberta”. Not “premier of Alberta Lite”. We’ve arrived, baby!!!
(Original continues below)
As of 6:40 pm the CBC, CTV, Global, Star Phoenix/Leader Post, Sun News and Canadian Press election desks have called it for the Sask Party. (University Of Saskatchewan’s the Sheaf is the lone holdout.)
Now, we wait for polls to close.
At time of dissolution, the SaskParty held 38 seats to the NDP‘s 20. The Greens are the only other party with candidates in all ridings. The once mighty Liberals have been reduced to a shadow of their former selves. If I may offer some advice, it would be for the Liberals to merge with the few stragglers that comprise the old Progressive Conservatives to form a new part….. oh, wait.
Follow results across the province with this nifty interactive map at or the live poll results at Elections Saskatchewan. The map is running WAY behind Elections SK.
For those out of province and away from a TV, you can listen live to election banter with Rawlco radio talk host John Gormley beginning at 7pm. (You’ll have to sit through an ad).
Oh, and…. sucks to be you!

“Out, Damned Spot!”

Now is the time in Act V, Scene 1. The Surrogates Of Lady MacLink that we Juxtapose!
“Saskatchewan man” (NDP) complaint over political ad, November 2011;

Scott, the Canadian Press reports, says the image, the audio and the words leave the viewer with a subconscious impression that Lingenfelter is a criminal with blood on his hands. Scott has even filed a complaint with Canada’s Broadcast Standards Council.

“Saskatchewan Federation of Labour” (NDP) paid political ad, April 2008;

h/t Tyler
