Category: Saskatchewan Elections

Dwain Lingenfelter: Just This Week

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Just this week;

The NDP’s environmental platform includes:
* By 2025, 50% of the electricity grid will be clean, renewable energy
* Investing in research and development to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
* Grants for homeowners to use solar hot water and space heating systems.
* Reducing emissions 38% below current levels by 2020, and 80% by 2050.
* Improve municipal recycling programs with better funding.
* Increasing net-metering payments and buy-back rate incentives for green energy production.

Just this week:

* Spain announced a 40% reduction in its wind power subsidy.
* The European Commission’s energy department is questioning the wisdom of its go-it-alone global warming policies, citing loss of economic competitiveness.
* The British government pulled the plug on its budget-bending carbon capture and storage facility. That’s where carbon dioxide from the combustion of coal is pulled out of the exhaust and sent back into the ocean floor. It sounds expensive and fanciful, and it is.
* Japan announced it is reconsidering its plan to cut carbon dioxide by 25% in the next 8 years. Minister Nobutani, of the Global Environmental Affairs Office stated that “Japan’s wealth has been draining out” in its attempt to meet the target.
* The price of carbon credits—what you buy as a “permit” to emit—has dropped off the table because the Greek and Italian (and soon, Spanish) crises are crashing the European economy. No one needs to buy a permit to emit carbon dioxide when the factory is down.

