Category: Pallywood

Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

The UN is a Joke.

On Wednesday, the United Nations General Assembly showed us all, for the umpteenth time, what a sewer it is. This time, as is often the case, it’s Israel that finds itself the target of the bloated grifting bullies, I mean diplomats. An insane resolution that in effect denies Israel its right to self defense passed overwhelmingly (124 – 14, with 43 abstentions). The resolution calls on the IDF to withdraw to pre-1967 borders within 12 months, and also calls on member states not to sell arms or military equipment to Israel that would be used in Gaza, the West Bank, and east Jerusalem. It calls for a boycott of all Israeli products produced over the pre-1967 lines.

For any masochists out there, here’s a copy of their diligent taxpayer funded work.

Yes, we are.

Exploding pagers

Some folks in Lebanon had a bad day today. Apparently Israel figured out a way to make all their pagers blow up at the same time. Kinda like the Godfather taking out all the family’s enemies at the same time.

Also, this will clearly indicate whose involved with a certain organization.

Photos here.

Update (from Kate);

According to Arabic news: the H!zbollah pagers were imported 5 months ago and contained 20 grams of explosive PETN in the pager batteries, Mossad detonating them by increasing the temperature.

This does indeed sound like an Eli Cohen special.

Keir Starmer’s Britain

Where the foxes caper unmolested, the government packs your school lunch and the British Broadcasting Corporation has an Arabic language channel;

The BBC breached its own editorial guidelines more than 1,500 times during the height of the Israel-Hamas war, a damning report has found.

The report revealed a “deeply worrying pattern of bias” against Israel, according to its authors who analysed four months of the BBC’s output across television, radio, online news, podcasts and social media. […]

It also found that the BBC repeatedly downplayed Hamas terrorism while presenting Israel as a militaristic and aggressive nation.

It claimed that some journalists used by the BBC in its coverage of the Israel-Gaza conflict have previously shown sympathy for Hamas and even celebrated its acts of terror.

The report claims that a number of BBC reporters have shown extreme hostility to Israel, including BBC Arabic contributor Mayssaa Abdul Khalek, who is said to have called for “death to Israel” and defended a journalist who tweeted: “Sir Hitler, rise, there are a few people that need to be burned.”

It also accuses Marie-Jose Al Azzi, a Lebanese reporter, of being anti-Israel after she reportedly described the country as a “terrorist apartheid state” in a post that was subsequently deleted.

Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s international editor, is accused of excusing Hamas’s terrorist activities and comparing Israel to Putin’s Russia, while Lyse Doucet, the BBC’s chief international correspondent, is also cited for allegedly “downplaying” the October 7 attacks on Israel.

The report singles out the BBC’s Arabic channel, saying that it is one of the most biased of all global media outlets in its treatment of the Israel-Hamas conflict.


Today In The Vote Rich Rapey-Beheader Community

Doing the Jew hatin’ that Canadians won’t do.

More than 200 Gazans have arrived in Canada under a special temporary residency program launched in January, according to Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

“As of August 24, 2024, 209 people have arrived in Canada under the temporary public policy,” wrote IRCC spokesman Jeffrey MacDonald in an email to the National Post.

This is a four-fold increase in arrivals since late May, when the program’s cap was expanded from 1,000 to 5,000 visas. At the time, officials said that 41 displaced Gazans had arrived in Canada, receiving visas under both the new policy and a pre-existing one.

Not to say they won’t have community support.

Today In The Vote Rich Rapey-Beheader Community

Trouble in Rainbow City…

The Liberal Party of Canada is the latest major group to withdraw from the annual Ottawa Pride parade after organizers pledged solidarity with Palestinians in a statement earlier this month.

The federal political party’s decision comes as some embassies, civil servants, and local organizations pulled out of the event amid the controversy.

“In light of recent decisions made by the Capital Pride board, the Liberal Party has decided not to participate in Capital Pride events this year, and instead will host our own event to celebrate Ottawa’s 2SLGBTQI+ communities,” said Liberal Party spokesperson Parker Lund in a statement.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has previously taken part in the Pride parade in the nation’s capital, as have some other prominent political leaders. […]

The wave of backlash began after Capital Pride issued a statement on Aug. 6 expressing solidarity(opens in a new tab) with Palestinians and accusing the Israeli government for “pinkwashing” the ongoing Israel-Hamas war by citing its LGBTQ2S+ inclusivity in an effort to “draw attention away” from its actions in Gaza.

The statement condemned, “in the strongest possible terms,” the Hamas terrorist attack on Oct. 7, 2023. It also pledged to “recognize the ongoing genocide against Palestinians” in opening remarks at 2024 Capital Pride Festival signature events, among other commitments.

While some organizations, such as Queers4Palestine Ottawa applauded Capital Pride for pledging to boycott Israeli companies, the statement drew considerable backlash from Jewish residents and advocacy groups such as B’nai Brith Canada and the Jewish Federation of Ottawa.

Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

A fish rots from the head. Here we are at the tail.

Another day, another tiny anti-Israel protest being given breathless coverage in the Canadian news media.

In a June 27 front-page article published in The Regina Leader-Post entitled: “Demonstrators demand Regina take action as city hall protesters denounce genocide,” author Larissa Kurz reported on a group of approximately 20 anti-Israel protesters in the Saskatchewan capital of Regina.

Beyond raising questions as to how such a marginal group merited to be given a lengthy news article, Kurz’s report also repeated terminology used by the protesters, referring to their “strong anti-genocide message,” blurring the line between reporting and stenography.
