Category: Pallywood

From The Sea To The Swimming Pool

A thread by Seth Frantzman;

The reports that almost 1 million people have evacuated Rafah as the IDF operation has taken place there since May 6, in the wake of the Hamas attack on Kerem Shalom…shows that it was possible to get civilians to evacuate. It also shows something else

Israel has expanded greatly the number of crossings into Gaza since March. These include Gate 96 (Netzarim corridor), the Erez Crossing and Erez West Crossing (Zikim). The US put in place the temporary pier. There are now a lot of options for aid to reach central and northern Gaza.

This comes as the Rafah crossing from Egypt remains closed. Hamas used its control of that crossing to hijack humanitarian aid and likely to sell it or control it to make people suffer. Hamas wanted to exploit suffering to prevent the battle of Rafah, so Hamas could keep control of smuggling tunnels and weapons stockpiles.

The fact that so many people left Rafah, many of them already displaced from other areas of Gaza, reduces the strain on Kerem Shalom crossing and reduces the need for the Rafah crossing which Hamas wants to return to. This can potentially be a gamechanger.

Well maybe… “One of the first aid shipments to arrive in the Gaza Strip through a U.S.-built pier was looted

More: The United Nations casually concedes the falsity of its incendiary Gaza casualty data

Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

Hamas can’t or won’t produce water, electricity, food, jobs, or prosperity, but the terrorist organization is adept at producing bullshit statistics and contorted logic for antisemitic, gullible, and/or servile Westerners. In fact, Hamas propagandists aren’t very competent with statistical science, but the United Nations has always been happy to validate the output and share it with earth’s least discriminating audience.

Sometimes, however, the burden of complicity becomes a bit much, so on May 8, the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) acknowledged without adornment, apology, or explanation that their casualty statistics since October 7 have been grossly exaggerated.

Meet The New Commies, Same As The Old Commies

Andy Gno;

Blaming outsiders was a left-wing tactic when the 2020 George Floyd riots burned down neighborhoods and killed people.

But those weren’t and aren’t outsiders.

These are people on their side, in their movement, with similar goals.

From the immediate hours after Oct. 7, Nazi imagery, leftist justifications and Islamic extremism have been at protests’ forefront.[…]

Today’s anti-Israel extremism is part of the same moving train that drove violence in 2020, the anti-MAGA riots before that and the campus social-justice craze before that.

In fact, the people and tactics are largely the same.

Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

The BBC used an anti-Israel journalist bankrolled by Iran as a key source in its reporting on the Gaza conflict, it has emerged.

In a report over the weekend, the BBC analysed video and eyewitness accounts of a rush on an aid convoy in Gaza that led to the deaths of more than 100 Palestinians.

The report cited an eyewitness account from Mahmoud Awadeyah, who was described as a journalist on the scene.

But it has emerged that Mr Awadeyah works for Tansim News Agency, an Iranian outlet with links to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which has vowed to destroy the Israeli state.

In social media posts, the activist praised violence against Israelis and posted photos of himself dining with militant leaders.

Danny Cohen, the former director of BBC Television, accused the corporation of “failing in the most basic of journalistic practices” by not checking one of its key sources.

Writing in The Telegraph, he said: “The BBC has a habit of accepting at face value what they are told by people who present as Palestinian civilians or officials from civic authorities and either don’t understand or don’t care that they are representatives of terrorist organisations.
