Category: Pallywood

Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

However much you hate the media, it’s not enough.

On October 7, four photojournalists who provide reporting and photos for the likes of the Associated Press (AP), CNN, the New York Times, Reuters, and other outlets were allegedly at the Israeli border with Hamas terrorists who committed acts of atrocities against innocent Israeli civilians that shocked the world. Since an Israel-supporting news watchdog website reported the claim, everyone wants to know if these Gaza-based reporters knew in advance about the attack and, more importantly, if they could have saved lives by alerting the world about it. The question arises: Did the AP, CNN, the New York Times, and Reuters know about the Hamas terror attack in advance?

The allegations have sent major media into panic mode and generated even more mistrust in the corporate press. […]

In war reporting, journalists are often given a heads-up and allowed to chronicle American troops heading into battle, for example. But this wasn’t an act of war — it was terror. It was murder for murder’s sake. There hadn’t been an Israeli offensive to which the Gaza terror organization was responding. Indeed, if Hamas had been wearing uniforms and acting as an “army” they would be accused of war crimes. As it is, they’re accused of crimes against humanity.

Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Breitbart has the latest on an allegation that’s been picking up steam over the past day or two.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration is demanding answers from several prominent news agencies after criticism emerged of their photographers appearing to have been embedded with Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attack.

As Breitbart News reported Wednesday, the Associated Press said that it had no foreknowledge of the attack, even though its photographers appeared alongside Hamas terrorists from the first moments that they broke through the Gaza border fence.

The pro-Israel media watchdog organization brought up ethical concerns Wednesday, noting that media photographers seemed to have known about the attack and were quite at ease among the terrorists, who were shooting every other civilian they found.

Later, photographs emerged of one of the photographers posing for selfies with the local Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar.

Honest Reporting;

What were they doing there so early on what would ordinarily have been a quiet Saturday morning? Was it coordinated with Hamas? Did the respectable wire services, which published their photos, approve of their presence inside enemy territory, together with the terrorist infiltrators? Did the photojournalists who freelance for other media, like CNN and The New York Times, notify these outlets? Judging from the pictures of lynching, kidnapping and storming of an Israeli kibbutz, it seems like the border has been breached not only physically, but also journalistically. […]

HonestReporting has obtained screenshots of Eslaiah’s now-removed tweets on X in which he documented himself standing in front of the Israeli tank. He did not wear a press vest or a helmet, and the Arabic caption of his tweet read: “Live from inside the Gaza Strip settlements.”

More: Impartial CNN Gaza Reporter Joined Hamas Terrorists During Mass Slaughter of 1,400 Jews on Oct. 7. – Was Filmed Carrying Grenade to the Kibbutz Massacre

“Culture spreads through believers.”

John Hayward;

In the two decades since 9/11, we spent trillions of dollars and lost countless lives, without doing much to liberalize the Islamic world. On the other hand, we now have massive rallies in support of terrorist gangs in our cities.

It’s similar to the way globalist “engagement” with China did nothing to liberalize Communism. If anything, it’s become more autocratic and hostile to Enlightenment values. Instead, WE became more like THEM. We imported authoritarian ideas like their social credit system.

Part of the reason for these failures to win the clash of civilizations is that population movement only occurs in one direction. For all the bleating about “colonizers” from the radical Left, it’s the Western world that has been colonized, as is painfully evident in Europe.

Via Ace of Spades with plenty more.

I saw someone on Twitter point out this picture of “Anti-Colonialist” protesters in Paris.

Who are the colonizers here? The French, who have been living in France for 3000 years, or the Muslims, who started arriving in the 1960s, and most of who came during the past ten years?

How far do they want to press this “decolonization” theory? Do they really think that anyone who’s ever moved 100 miles from his place of birth is an evil colonizer and must be made to go back?
