Category: Republicans

The Red-Pilling of Loudoun County

Matt Taibbi;

One of the biggest stories in electoral politics in the Trump years has been the near-absolute conquest by the Democratic Party of places like Loudoun County, i.e. well-heeled districts with high percentages of college-educated voters. With Trump on the ballot, voting red became all but impossible for residents in these places, not just intellectually and politically, but socially. In certain suburbs, voting Republican while Trump still breathes air is an act that will put you “a notch below child molester” in the community, to use the Woody Allen phrase.

The significance of Youngkin’s win is that it signals Republican competitiveness in those districts again, something that would have been unthinkable even a year ago. These white-collar, highly educated voters, the kind of people who get their shots, don’t watch wrestling, and send their kids to Harvard and Princeton, are the Democratic Party’s base. It took something pretty weird and intense to drive them to defection, and don’t trust anyone who tries to explain it in a tweet. This one really is a long story, and a wild one at that.

More from Jim Treacher: But as it turns out, it was a mistake to call parents “terrorists” for caring about what their kids are being taught in schools.

The Less Stupid Party

Washington Times;

House Republicans on Wednesday ousted Rep. Liz Cheney as House GOP conference chair and set the stage for her to be replaced with someone less keen on challenging former President Donald Trump’s stolen election claims and lingering grip on the party.

Ms. Cheney was removed from the post by a voice vote.

The leadership shakeup comes as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy tries to keep members on message and unified in the run-up to the 2022 midterm elections.

“It comes down to this: A leader has to put their personal interests and biases aside when they are speaking for the Republican conference,” Rep. Tom McClintock said Wednesday on C-SPAN. “She has always been unwilling to do that.”

“It is about whether our leaders will speak for us, or they will attack us,” the California Republican said. “It is not all that complicated.”

No, it’s not.

Update: “I look forward to soon watching her as a Paid Contributor on CNN or MSDNC!”

“This is why these people sound so weird.”

They’ve never held a real job in their lives.

They have barricaded themselves behind razor wire and armed men because they are absolutely sure the crackpot theories are true. Again, people are most certain of the things they least understand. The Cloud People know so little of the Dirt People, they will believe anything about them, because they have no way to know otherwise. It is why we find ourselves ruled by increasingly foreign fanatics spouting bizarre conspiracy theories.
