Category: 8 Mile Rule

Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
January 22nd, 2016Anyone But Him!: Top GOPers Openly Support Donald Trump Over Ted Cruz

March 10th, 2016To Stop Trump, GOP Establishment Must Rally to Cruz

By now it is clear that Marco Rubio’s abrupt turn toward mockery and confrontation of Donald Trump was a catastrophic error that turned his campaign, which not long ago led prediction markets, into a laughingstock. Rubio has even conceded his mistake (“if I had to do it again I wouldn’t”). Sadly for Rubio, now that his negativity has darkened his once-sunny persona, and rendered him useless as a vehicle for anti-Trump Republicans, the very people who egged him on are now kicking him to the curb.

Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

Victor Davis Hanson swings a wrecking ball;

The children of Republican elites do not sit in classes where a quarter of the students does not speak English. When that specter of diversity looms, parents yank their kids and put them in the prep schools of Silicon Valley that are rapidly reaching New England numbers (or maybe better southern academies that followed integration). Their children are not on buses where an altercation between squabbling eight-year-olds leads to a tattooed parent arriving at your home to challenge you to a fight over “disrespecting” his family name. The establishment Republicans have rarely jogged around their neighborhoods only to be attacked by pit bulls, whose owners have little desire to speak English, much less to cage, vaccinate or license their dogs. They have never been hit by illegal-alien drivers in Palo Alto. In other words, they do not wish to live anywhere near those who, as a result of an act of love, are desperately poor, here under illegal auspices, and assume California works and should work on the premises of Oaxaca.

Also excellent: Sympathy for the Donaldites

Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

Watch, and learn.

Donald Trump has been blowing up the traditional GOP certainties left and right, and this week he overturned another one. In what seemed like an embarrassing rebuke, on February 1, Adele told the Republican front-runner that he didn’t have her permission to use her songs at his massive campaign events. Adele might just be the world’s most popular singer at the moment, and any normal candidate would have folded his tent, chastened. Not Trump.


Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

An excellent piece by Tucker Carlson;

All of which explains why almost nobody in Washington caught the significance of Trump’s finest moment in the first debate. One of the moderators asked, in effect: if you’re so opposed to Hillary Clinton, why did she come to your last wedding? It seemed like a revealing, even devastating question.
Trump’s response, delivered without pause or embarrassment: Because I paid her to be there. As if she was the wedding singer, or in charge of the catering.
Even then, I’ll confess, I didn’t get it. (Why would you pay someone to come to your wedding?) But the audience did.

Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

This is what I was looking for when I checked here;

What is the one best thing he can do to separate himself from the Republican machine and show that he can be a deal-maker for everyone? Answer: Punch FOX News in the mouth. Right in front of you.
Democrats are watching. Trump is framing himself as an enemy of their enemy. (Democrats hate FOX News.)

That’s what I was thinking. Forget what Republicans are saying. Millions of Democrats just sat up and cheered for Donald Trump.
(I haven’t linked to the Dilbert blog more than once or twice, but I’ve been reading it every day.)
OH. And if I may add: these talking heads asking “is he going to walk out on Putin?” as though it’s a rhetorical question?
YES, you MORONS. That’s what the art of the deal is based on. The ultimate leverage is knowing that your opponent knows that you can walk away from the table and give him nothing.
If you can’t fold your cards, if you’re not prepared to walk away, you’re not a deal maker.
You’re a hostage.
You know what just happened?
Trump just fired the air traffic controllers of the Republican party.

Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

Others are starting to catch on;

“It troubles me that there can’t be a serious discussion about immigration issues because people are afraid of being called racist. People are afraid of being called a bigot. And I think one of the things that people like about Donald Trump — those who like him — is that he’s going ahead and saying it, and it’s creating a kind of inoculation against something people have feared so much, which is being called a bigot. It’s just too effective to call people bigots, and a lot of people are very intimidated and silenced and don’t even want to talk about certain issues because they don’t want to be called that. So I think part of his popularity is: He goes there, he says it, he takes the hit, and it still works for him. So that’s a kind of a liberating change in the discourse.

Related: All the right people are “haunted”.
