39 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Morally and spiritually repulsive über-slimeball Bill Maher:

    “Look at that (Image of Brewer’s finger in Obama’s face). Right to the President of the United States. Now, Jan Brewer says she regrets the confrontation, but these are the kind of problems that arise when we permit negroes to read…”

    Yes, anyone who disagrees with a black guy must be a Jim Crow-era racist throwback…

  2. Morally and spiritually repulsive über-slimeball Bill Maher:
    The neanderthal 45 degree forehead Maher gets another 15 minutes to play with himself.

  3. Play with an interactive map of the 2012 Presidential Election.
    Republicans have the edge thanks to a shift in electoral votes from the 2010 Census. If they win back the usual Republican states, they will win by exactly one electoral vote.
    But Obama has a solid grasp on many states, and the Midwest is the key to victory. If he scores an upset victory in Florida, North Carolina, or Ohio, the election is over.
    If the Republican gets an upset victory in Michigan, Minnesota, or Pennsylvania without losing FL, NC, or OH, that will wrap it up.
    Colorado and Iowa have been trending Democrat.
    In my opinion, Romney will be the strongest candidate in Iowa, Colorado, Michigan, New Hampshire, and Florida. If he selects Pawlenty as VP, he has a shot at Minnesota.
    Santorum was correct about one thing – since the Midwest is now the key to election victory, Republicans have to make a stronger stand in favor of manufacturing, even if they must soften their blows against industrial labor unions. Many of these union workers are socially conservative, but vote for their wallets. The public sector unions are solidly democrat, so there’s no point in going after their votes.
    The only way for Republicans to make the Midwest irrelevant is to take back Nevada, Colorado, and New Mexico – something that has become increasingly difficult with the rising Hispanic populations and leftist migration. If Republicans lose Texas, they won’t ever see the White House again.
    Right now, the middle class white vote is far more important than courting the 30% of Hispanics who might vote our way, but that may change in the next decade or two.
    Demographics are not on our side which makes this election the most important election in our lifetime. We need to roll back Obama’s policies, stop illegal immigration without being heartless, and secure the Supreme Court and federal courts for decades to come.

  4. The cbc,the voice of Canada,will not allow comments that mention islam,but they post this drivel;
    ” The Christian Bible tells parents to stone disobedient children to death and to apply the rod. The custom of hitting and killing our children comes from religious teachings. If you attended a Catholic school in the 60s and 70s, and were active or too curious or had ADD, there was a good chance of getting a whipping, a book slammed on your head, or a chalkboard eraser thrown at you. You could get punched in the face or slapped on both ears simultaneously. You could be put in a headlock until you nearly passed out. If you were an Indian in a residential school, there was a 50% chance you’d be dead before you reached 13 years of age. What happened here is horrible, but not surprising considering our human history of contempt of children.”
    The commment is by “Mr Mom” at 8:43 p.m.
    Thumbs up 24,thumbs down 36.

  5. Grandmother gunman: See the thing is if you HAVE to warn ’em, use the “click” as their only warning.
    THEN watch their eyes open REAL WIDE!

  6. http://video.foxnews.com/v/1421830202001/gingrich-romney-carpet-bombs-his-opponents
    “Newt”onian politics takes a big leap forward in parrying the Romney money machine.
    While George Soros endorses Romney, providing a big boost to the Gingrich campaign!
    Billionaire financier George Soros thinks that, if Mitt Romney wins the presidency, there will be “little difference” between him and Barack Obama in the White House.
    Soros offered the reassuring news to liberals across Europe during an interview this week in Davos, Switzerland.
    As policymakers from Hong Kong to Canada pressed Greece and its creditors to strike a deal to cut the nation’s debt, Soros pressed in on GOP presidential candidate Romney:
    “Well, look, either you’ll have an extremist conservative, be it Gingrich or Santorum, in which case I think it will make a big difference which of the two comes in,” Soros told Reuters in a videotaped interview.
    “If it’s between Obama and Romney, there isn’t all that much difference except for the crowd that they bring with them.”
    Soros added, “Romney would have to take Gingrich or Santorum as a vice president and you probably have some pretty extreme candidates for the Supreme Court.”
    “So it won’t be that great a difference,” he concluded, if Romney becomes president.
    Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh described Soros’ move this way: “He’s endorsing Romney. ‘Romney, that’s cool, no difference, I could go either way that way.'”
    Soros also told Reuters that many hedge fund managers in the United States are backing Romney because Obama wants to raise their taxes.
    Soros predicted that “there won’t be a great deal of enthusiasm on either side of the battleground. It will be more civilized than the previous elections have been.”
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. Canadian at birth Adam Gopnik has a thought provoking piece on crime and punishment in the current New Yorker
    The Caging of America
    The most telling statistic is that, while most of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, etc. have incarceration rates between 50 and 200 people per 100,000, the US figure is over 700.
    The most interesting idea is Gopnik’s support for “profiling”, which he describes in the context of New York City’s “stop and frisk” program. Police could look at a crowd and identify potential criminals fairly accurately (not without false positives, of course), and by rousting them, remove one of the precursors to crime. Yes, a lot of innocent minorities got caught up in the net, but as Gopnik says, crime rates in their neighbourhoods fell the most. “They pay the most, but they benefit the most”.
    It’s a long piece (6 pages) but well worth the read.

  8. EBD:
    That Occupy Oakland stuff is disgusting, but hasn’t Kate always written “Scratch a leftist, find an anti-Semite”?

  9. everyone is ignoring the elephant in the room:
    gary johnson running for the libertarians will drain off more votes than Nader did. possibly from both parties but repubs more.

  10. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    Rating: N/A
    “Big freeze to hit Britain as temperatures plummet to -10C”
    “Temperatures are set to plummet to as low as -10C this week with cutting Arctic winds sending a shudder down the spine of the British Isles, according to forecasters.”
    “UK’s Global Warming Office Issues New Temperature Data: No Warming in the Past 15 Years”

  11. Neo-AGW PR: Grief Counsellors/shock therapists Wanted.
    Surgeons required: “Costly mapping equipment is also bolted onto the Amundsen and would need to be “surgically removed” to move it to another ship, says Hughes Clarke.”
    “Scientists ‘in shock’ after Canada’s premiere icebreaker docked for repairs”
    “The icebreaker at the heart of Canada’s premier Arctic science program has been pulled from service, leaving researchers scrambling to find other ships to take them to the North.
    The bright red Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Amundsen has become a familiar sight cruising the Arctic. It is a floating home and laboratory for researchers and students studying everything from Inuit health to the transformation underway in the Arctic environment. The ship is also to be featured on Canada’s new $50 bill.
    But it is now docked in Trois-Rivieres, Que., with four of its six engines “non-operational,” and in need of repairs expected to cost several million dollars and take at least a year.
    “Numerous repair scenarios are now being considered, but in all cases, the ship will be non-operational until late 2012 or early 2013,” Martin Fortier, executive director of ArcticNet, said in a memo recently sent to scientists who planned to use the ship this year.
    “This leaves us with no other option than to cancel the 2012 Amundsen expedition altogether, obviously a major blow to the 2012 ArcticNet ocean program and associated research projects,” it says. ArcticNet, based at Laval University, co-ordinates and funds Arctic work undertaken by researchers across Canada.”

  12. Socialism Defined: Insanity.
    “the result will be no different that it has been in the past.”
    “A Bluffing Game”
    “European Politicians in Denial as Greece Unravels”
    “Martial music booms from the loudspeakers as warlike images gallop across monitors. Against the background of police officers being posted in front of the parliament building in Athens and the jostling of frantic reporters, US investor George Soros uses grim words in his appeal to rescue the euro zone. “The alternative is simply too horrible to think about,” he says.
    Speaking after Soros, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), has a gloomy expression on his face when he appears on the stage. The speeches took place last Friday when the global business elite were at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss the “Future of the Euro Zone.” It becomes quickly apparent that Schäuble would have preferred a different opening speaker for this event. The negotiations with Athens’ private creditors are going well, he says, and he points out that he is “quite optimistic” Greece can be rescued.
    But later European Union Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn, standing next to the stage, imparts a very different message to reporters. He concedes that Athens needs money once again, but that he cannot yet reveal just how much. Nevertheless, he adds, it is “likely” that the donor countries will have to come up with “a somewhat larger amount.”
    Once again, Europe is arguing over bailing out Greece, and it looks as though the result will be no different that it has been in the past.”

  13. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    “Winter cold snap kills 36 in eastern Europe”
    “BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) – A severe and snowy cold snap across central and eastern Europe has left at least 36 people dead, cut off power to towns, and snarled traffic. Officials are responding with measures ranging from opening shelters to dispensing hot tea, with particular concern for the homeless and elderly.
    This part of Europe is not unused to cold, but the current freeze, which spread to most of the region last week, came after a period of relatively mild weather. Many were shocked when temperatures in some parts plunged Monday to minus 20 Celsius (minus 4 Fahrenheit).
    “Just as we thought we could get away with a spring-like winter …” lamented Jelena Savic, 43, from the Serbian capital of Belgrade, her head wrapped in a shawl with only eyes uncovered. “I’m freezing. It’s hard to get used to it so suddenly.””
    “More Solyndra-style failure: Obama-tied Amonix Inc lays off most of company”
    Some of President Barack Obama’s top donors and fundraising bundlers are partners in Amonix Inc., the latest Solyndra-like corporate crash. The company has announced a layoff of 200 workers — two-thirds of its workforce — despite a federal green-technology tax credit of $5.9 million in 2010.
    The investors include John Doerr’s venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Daniel Weiss’ Angeleno Group LLC and Steve Westly’s eponymous Westly Group, according to Amonix’s website.
    These three investors have also invested heavily in Obama and other Democrats — and the president’s aides are now trying to minimize the political damage.
    According to a database maintained by the Center for Responsive Politics, Doerr has donated $171,900 since 2008. Weiss has donated $26,480 and Westly has donated $181,250. Nearly all of those contributions went to Democrats.
    Together, the three have also bundled at least $700,000 for Obama.
    Obama publicly lauded Amonix in 2010 as an example of a company deserving federal support and private-sector investment.”

  14. Yesterday our state broadcaster would not allow comments on the Shafia murders that even remotely mentioned islam or immigration etc.
    Today they are running this article on their website,
    ” Muslim community grapples with Shafia verdict”
    It includes this statement regarding the judge’s remark about Canadian values, ” I don’t think the value of life is uniquely Canadian or uniquely Western — I think it’s a universal value,” Kanji said. “To that extent, his putting it in those terms was problematic.”
    “It offended me, for a start”
    What a surprise,a muslim is offended,the cbc prints it,even though the cbc bent over backwards to make sure that the connection between islam and the Shafias was never mentioned.

  15. EBD, you’ve reminded me of the old joke:
    “Knock, knock.”
    “Who’s there?”
    “Raymond Burr.”
    “Raymond Burr who?”
    “Raymond Burr the Alamo.”

  16. ebt – no, you’re thinking of Aaron Burr. He’s the old-timey guy who was most likely at the Alamo. See? You can tell from the wig. Raymond Burr was a TV character.
