
Well, not me, but apparently the Feds are.

The 20 per cent increase to MPs’ office budgets means each MP will be able to spend an additional $57,690 on top of the current budget of $288,450.


Typically these budgets are used to hire staff, conduct research and pay for language training, translation services and the general running of the relevant offices.

21 Replies to “Flush”

  1. Absolutely necessary . They have to hire some one to put on there suntan lotion ! Sunny ways !

  2. Running a deficit is like gaining weight. It isn’t a problem until you decide to stop.

  3. “Deficits take care of themselves.”
    “A deficit is worth it for growth.”
    ….and money grows on trees or falls like manna from heaven. Folks we are in for some cold winters, dark nights and thin cupboards in the years ahead and even at the end of it we’ll have more debt as a nation then we can envision paying back.
    I can see their new carbon tax starting high and regularly going up and going straight into government coffers, this ugly bunch in Ottawa will need every penny they can steal from us to just keep keep the stupidity going.

  4. Show me a tax that a politician didn’t like. Show me leftover tax money that a politician wasn’t willing to waste.

  5. This is the biggest problem with the media and Trudeau’s comments. He claimed that if the government invests in the economy, it will grow and the budget will balance itself (due to government-led revenue increases).
    The reality is a slowing economy and massive deficits looming, even before the government starts borrowing to stimulate the economy. Plus, Trudeau has yet to articulate a plan on growing the economy.
    The media on this?
    The one good thing is that Trudeau will be remembered for his record on the economy.

  6. all part of the 100 quadrillion dollar world economy ponzi scheme. see,things like this are so big, it’s ‘forest for the trees’ all over again. ‘things’ like huge deficits work for a while, then along comes the piper demanding payment.
    oopsie. what can we do now to buy votes? from the suckers who look at the short term gains. kinda like the boyz in the board room nowadays, looking intently at the stock price with how that impacts their bonuses.
    tell me again, who do we owe all this money to anyway?
    today’s profound thought, is there a mentality willing to create periodic recessions in order to use the opportunity to buy up still more assets at fire sale prices? hmmm?
    seriously. if you plan for it, and encourage it, what better way to drive all stock prices down and scoop up ownership of a diverse and gigantic portfolio. the temporary effect on you OWN stock price is irrelevant if you dont need to and have no intention of selling.
    I know I would. that’s capitalism !!! the lobbyists are just a cost of doing business.

  7. It is the Liberal Party of Canada/Ontario/Quebec approach to Governance starting when the Former Bureuacrat Turned Liberal Prime Minister Lester B. (Mike) Pearson started the daily screed “We must pay the Bureaucracy much more” sic—
    Once the effort to maintain Financial Responsibility was removed from their Liberal and other M.P.’s it became an easy matter to also “buy off” Special Voting Blocks. e.g. making the Maritimes a Group of Municipal Governments, ignored except when required to Bastardize significant items such as the G.S.T. to the H.S.T. to reduce transparency and play the Special Voting Block Card; or using the Compliant Former Liberal Cabinet Minister now Mayor of a real Municipality, Montreal, to play the really Big Special Voting Block. Quebec.————-Need I go on more?
    There really is nothing which can be done if you truly recognize how much the Deck of Cards is played against non-Urban Ontario and Western Canada

  8. If deficits are such a good idea why would you EVER want a balanced budget. Am I missing something by trying to keep my spending within my income at home?

  9. The best you can expect over the next 4 years is that life on other planets isn’t discovered as MacCallum will invite them as refugees and Trudeau will send them aid.

  10. Borrow all they will lend, spend it and die penniless. Leave them a note, ” Sorry, and thanks (suckers.)”

  11. Why do they need all that money to revamp their offices? Now they only want to work 4 days/week, and have Friday’s off, so won’t be spending too much time in the office!! I say, let them work 4 days/week,but deduct a days pay from their salary!!

  12. The only thing that will get this economy moving again is a drastic cut in all forms of taxes couple with a five year freeze on civil servants salaries.The cut in taxes will result in people having a lot more disposable income to actually stimulate the economy. It is basic economics 101 something that is totally foreign to the liberals

  13. Running true to form.
    Next the bureaus all get pay raises and bonuses to reward them for their fine work of the last decade.
    Then the media gets bailed out with tax dollars and regulator monopolies… in the interests of Canada.
    We are accelerating toward the past, not for quite some time in human affairs have so many paid so much for so little.
    The current elected and appointed elites are seeking their Marie Antoinette moment.
    forget reform, think RESET, French reset.
    Those rotating crucifixes of the new religion have tip speeds of 200 mph.
    Parties when the Ontario winds blow.

  14. The number of MP’s has increased by ten percent and their budgets by twenty percent and then propose to increase the budget by ten percent all thru deficit,while having
    slow growth and low inflation and no tax increases. I can’t wait for these numbers to add up.

  15. “If deficits are such a good idea why would you EVER want a balanced budget. Am I missing something by trying to keep my spending within my income at home?”
    Yes, you are missing something: you’re an individual not a country. So you’re limited by the fact that you can’t:
    1. keep borrowing money regardless; and/or
    2. print more money for yourself.

  16. Remember- people voted for this.
    This is why you should take the time to rub in Liberal voters’ misfortunes. Their loss of job and home will be well-deserved and dripping with schadenfreude.
