32 Replies to ““If so, this is bigger than Watergate!””

  1. “Democratic Party outlets like the Associated Press know that millions of people understand quite a bit about the brewing Obama FBI/CIA/Fusion GPS/Clinton campaign/FISA scandal–not just the eggheads who read National Review, but the great many who follow the president on Twitter, or see accounts of his tweets elsewhere. More than anyone else, it is President Trump who has stood up to the swamp in the person of Bob Mueller, and is forcing the Democratic Party press to begin covering the real story of the 2016 election.”

    That should be fun; get out the beer and popcorn, when this hits the election trail come Nov 2018; how the DemNation will earn conDemNation at the polls!


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

    1. Right, thanks to the DeMarxist power trip, the stars are aligning for a GOP electoral beat down.

      If the GOP can’t run with this political gift they don’t deserve the House.

      Somebody should tell the DeMarxists Trump isn’t running this year. Actually, don’t tell them.

    2. “when this hits the election trail come Nov 2018; how the DemNation will earn conDemNation at the polls!”

      In the real world, the Dems are set to take the House-and thank God. It’s always a total shit show whenever one party controls all 3 bodies and this time has been no different. Split government is the only way to even have a prayer of reigning government in.

  2. CNN is also in this band of thugs, up to their necks. And of course, dossier delivery flunky, John McCain. Clapper is now saying that “it was a good thing” that they (FBI, etc.) spied on the Trump campaign. I read Andrew McCarthy (‘National Review’), because of his legal expertise. The AP is digital fishwrap.

  3. I would like a reporter to ask two questions to any one they interview:

    1. What if President Bush’s administration did this to President Obama in 2008?

    2. So will be be OK if President Trump does it to the 2020 Democratic candidate, for the good of the country?

  4. This so much bigger than even an American presidential election. Don’t be distracted by the name of the spy.

  5. Trump tweets because he’s an approval-seeking attention whore and his followers are so stupid and simple that they get a kick of our Trump being an approval-seeking attention whore. That’s all there is.

    1. Keep picking those cherries straw man. A mixed metaphor wrapped in an illusion. Ain’t democracy great!

  6. The plant in question has apparently been outed. I won’t say who here, that is up to this site.

    This plant failed in his attempt to infiltrate the Trump campaign, only speaking with three staffers.

    Interestingly though, they included Carter Page and Papadopolous.


    Once his identity is in the public domain, the obfuscators at Justice will lose their jail cover over (trying) to plant an informant on a POTUS candidate they personally detested, who stood to foil their ambitions, who were acting on DeMarxist opposition research and contrived arguments supporting their deluded belief Putin and Trump were political bedfellows.

    Their backfilling will also come back to haunt them soon. Clapper stepped in it big time yesterday and Brennan is apparently on his way to a grand jury, in legal jeopardy. They all need good criminal lawyers.

  7. I’m curious. What happened to the trolls on this site who couldn’t wait to equivocate an active operative inside the Trump campaign with unicorns and other “unbelievable” pipe dreams? They’ve seem to both gone on vacation.

    1. Andrew, the stupid with you is so thick it could be cut with a butter knife. the Mule is Russia-gating, now go back to your mums basement closet, idiot!!!!

      1. I’m very sorry for upsetting you NME666, but I’m genuinely interested to know why you would think that poorly worded middle school tier insults would accomplish anything at all. We’re adults now, that’s not how adults talk.

        1. Maybe he has an “anonymous source.” Anyway your article is conjecture and irrelevant conjecture at that. Hillary employed a foreign agent to spread mistruth, which the FBI, CIA and NSA all used as evidence they knew to be untrue, but that is apparently justified because somebody in Saudi Arabia gasp, talked to someone associated with Trump.

          When they weren’t too busy funneling hundred of $millions into the Hillary campaign. Another case of blather posing as evidence from you. Whatever, that is what the left does.

          Meanwhile two Trump low level associates are lured to a meeting in London, fed nonsense about Russians, then the seditionists co-opted the Australian Ambassador in their pathetic frame up effort.

          Does is bother you that Dem operatives did more to mess with the US election than Russians could even dream of? No? Not surprised.

        2. While NM666 can indeed be upsetting, that their instincts seem right on. Anyway don’t feel bad, the useful idiot is not yet an endangered species. But even UI meanderings require response.

          “Prior to the 2016 election, Donald Trump Jr. recalls a meeting with Eric Prince, George Nader, and another individual who may be Joel Zamel,” Alan Futerfas said in a statement.”

          “They pitched Mr. Trump Jr. on a social media platform or marketing strategy. He was not interested and that was the end of it.”

          Another attempted set-up of the Trump campaign. As for the wiretapping, Obama did that to a lot of people including world leaders. Move on the next faked scandal – it is quite entertaining watching DeMarxist rats fleeing their burning ship. Flounder away.


          1. “They pitched Mr. Trump Jr. on a social media platform or marketing strategy. He was not interested and that was the end of it.”

            Isn’t that what a lawyer is supposed to say? You think they’d just go “Oh damn yeah, you caught us, we paid the Saudis for a social media manipulation campaign.”

            This statement means exactly nothing. The only reason they admit the meeting happened in the first place is because there’s hard evidence for it.

            And I agree that Hillary and her friends are deeply corrupt as well, but HIllary isn’t leader of the free world.

        3. upset me, are you that stupid??? The article you linked is nothing butt bull$hit, so why would you link it, only because you are a stupid effer. And NO, you are not an adult, sorry to bust yer balloon. You are a libby!

    2. Andrew, did you take a few moments to read the Powerline offering at the link on this post that Kate was kind enough to provide? The whole point of it is that the AP and your precious New York Times:
      1. can’t be trusted
      2. work in tandem with the Left to either set the narrative or soften the blow of anything detrimental to the Left (the latter applicable to your comment).
      3. can’t plug all the holes because Trump circumvents their control of the narrative by commenting frequently on twitter.

      Originally, the narrative on the left was to deny that the Trump campaign was being spied on. That didn’t work. So, now the effort has switched to suggesting that “Yes…we did it….but it was necessary for Trump’s own protection.” The diligent and sychophants at the New York Times are merely setting the table for that type of defense.

      1. I agree that the NYT and similar are heavily biased, that’s obvious to everyone. But I’m very curious as to why you assume that Donald Trump has any more credibility himself. Many, many of his tweets are easily verifiable, objective lies and that’s just a fact. And yet Trump repeatedly tells us that only he is trustworthy, no one else, and any news putting him in a negative light is false. The FBI is compromised, the media is compromised, you can’t believe anyone but Donald Trump (and the utterly impartial Fox News).

        In fact, he reinforces these ideas so diligently and repeatedly that at this point there’s a good chunk of people for whom no possible set of events exist which would lead them to believe Trump is guilty of anything. That’s what we call a religion, my friend.

        But let’s assume for a moment that there is in fact some all powerful globalist conspiracy to frame Trump. They must have had all this dirt on the campaign during the election, right? Why are we only hearing about it now? Why did the FBI instead declare that they were investigating Clinton again, and keep completely silent on the Seychelles meeting, the Trump tower meeting, the Saudi prince meeting? Surely the collective might of all these powerful people and organizations could have prevented one little billionaire from becoming president, no? It makes absolutely no sense.

        1. They underestimated Trump, assumed he was an idiot, and he threatened all their careers, and maybe weren’t so sure he was going to lose.

          There was no globalist “conspiracy,” any more than the idea Trump and Putin were somehow linked.

          More nonsense about lying Trump is truly tiresome.

          Meanwhile DeMarxists get caught trying to link the “animals” comment about immigrants, legal or otherwise, so were forced by their stupidity to back up incredibly violent criminals as people with feelings. No meeting required apparently. But Trump is a lying filthy animal of course.

          Check your dissonance Andrew. Obama surveilled and pulled dirty tricks all over the place. Hillary is an arch criminal. Brennan is a socialist and represents a hoard of politicos for whom Obama usurped government employees, Lois Lerner had to plead the 5th for God’s sake. Benghazi and Fast and Furious also come to mind. A conspiracy there, you betcha.

          But now this is far fetched as is the innocence of evil Donald Trump apparently?

          Besides upping your research, my best advice to you is let time reveal the facts.

          1. “Hillary is an arch criminal. ”

            And yet no one has produced any proof to that end.

  8. Careful of your assumptions. First, I’m not your friend. Secondly, I didn’t vote for Trump…not in the primary…not in the general election. But, shockingly, despite the 94% negative news stories (yes, 94% negative from the MSM), despite the absolute unfounded vitriol of the Left labeling him a “Nazi, dictator, tyrant, racist, homophobe, Islamaphobe etc…” and those who support him the same. Despite the purposeful and unfounded blocking on his Court picks, ambassadors, directorships. Despite all this and much more, he’s still standing, and even more remarkable, he’s being effective as a leader. Just look at the economy for an example.

    You want to know why people so fervently support him …your personal opinion of his shortcomings. Well, it’s rather simple, you know. Lincoln sums it up perfectly when speaking on Ulysses S. Grant. “I can’t spare this man, he fights.”

    1. Yeah he fights for trillion dollar deficits, no wall, no repeal of Obamacare, no Russia sanctions, record gas prices. But hey he signed that tax bill one time, good job!

      1. andy, just because you are ignorant of how the real world works, don’t condemn Trump because he DOES understand how it works. The deficit is a congress/senate fvck up that Trump accepted just to keep things going. (it’s politics you know). And gas prices are not governments doing, they are supplier actions, and Trump is opening the gas/oil fieldws to exploration. Sh!t doesn’t happen over nite. Your bias and stupidity are on full display, best STFU before you paint a full picture of your stupidity.

    2. “he’s being effective as a leader. Just look at the economy for an example.”

      You mean the economy that’s puttering along as slowly as under Obama? More argument by assertion.

      “You want to know why people so fervently support him ”

      Because they’re morons and Trump validates being a moron.

      1. Sure things were just as good as when Obama was POTUS.

        That’s why he blamed poor economic performance on Bush but now takes credit when it’s “no better.”

        You keep lapping the useful village idiot kool aid while calling others morons.

        Michael Avenatti just called. He wants his obfuscation back.

        Maybe this will help you understand the role of POTUS in the US economy. Hint: it’s not “management.”

        “When a president stands up and champions the country; when he advocates for lesser amounts of regulation and lower taxes; when he stands firm on campaign promises — these are all positive indicators for the economy that boost confidence. The more confidence that investors, consumers, and businesses feel, the healthier and more prosperous our economy becomes.
        In other words, the president is a cheerleader.”

        What is the role of a cheerleader? It’s not to help their team win directly; they don’t take the field and physically play the game. Their job is to get the crowd into the game by exciting the crowd. The energy that the crowd exudes translates positively to the players on the field, boosting them enough to focus, and win the game. The president acts the same way in the economy. He lets entrepreneurs know that it’s okay to take the risk and start or expand their businesses; he encourages people to get back to work, as well as to spend their money.”

        If people are constantly told that America and her institutions are terrible; if Americans (and business leaders) are scolded for being dirty consumers who are polluting the planet; if the president constantly enacts regulation aimed at hurting businesses, the economy will not thrive. This is precisely what occurred under former President Obama’s leadership. But, a president who champions “America First” in all things — no matter what part of the world he is in, or who his audience is — will goose the economy.”

        Still, keep in mind that because our economy is so complex and large, no one person could ever fully impact it the way the media seems to believe President Trump can. It’s also understandable that President Trump and his staff want to tout positive quarterly growth rates; or that they want to remind everyone that the stock market is hitting all-new highs. Although, they should keep in mind that the stock market is subject to the law of gravity: invariably, it will fall. And, as the Fed tightens its monetary policy by increasing interest rates, the Trump Administration must be prepared for a soberer growth rate for the first quarter of fiscal year 2018.”

        Nor does he try to be a pure conservative. Pragmatism, balance and tone are the key, not power.

        You’re welcome.


      2. Ah the retort of resorting to the former argument, which was retorted.

        More begging the question: Trump’s a moron as proof is a moron because his supporters are morons.

        Kind of moronic to argue that way, ne c’est pas?

        OTOH you did miss your fact free diatribe by one fact free assertion.

        Try to keep up. Here’s some help, Hillary got a pass from her DeMarxist buddies who in turn tried to frame Trump. You really need to pay more attention.

        I sense you are running out of superficial steam, perhaps knowing the hammer is coming down on the DeMarxist and thus your so-called arguments.

        Anyway stick with it; your evidence free comic relief is part of the fun.

  9. Just stop Andrew. Obamacare is Unconstitutional now that the forced participation is removed (look it up). Therefore, null and void. Ask the democrats why they obfuscate any efforts to improve capitalistic checks and balances on health insurance (such as selling across state lines). Russia is in a bad place. Our increased oil production has basically destroyed Russia’s economy which is mostly based on oil. You think that was an accident? Gas prices are no where near a record (where do you get this nonsense) and to be more specific, they are spiking now because of the government mandated refinery switches for summer oil production. Thank your politicians for that one….and thank them for the ethanol eating the lining of your engine while you’re at it.

    We are no longer tied to the farce called the Paris Climate Agreement. We are no longer honoring an unsigned agreement with Iran. We are putting pressure on North Korea, which may or may not bear fruit. We removed ourselves from an unfair Trans Pacific Trade Agreement. Here’s how it works…if our economy out performs every other one on the planet, it doesn’t matter whether they respect our president or like our constituency. If they can make money investing trade with the US, they are going to do it.

    Bottom line, Andrew. Your own bias is showing…and it’s spectacular.

    1. Orson, well said, I posted before reading your post. I, like you, didn’t like Trump before he became president, I now judge him by his results, and am impressed by what is happening, especially considering all the forces working against the man.
