118 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!”

  1. A similar slow growth scenario is in the US, but they are expecting annual growth in 2018 at or near 4%.

    Canada, meanwhile, will be lucky to get to 2%. Big government crowds out prosperity in the long run.

    Bigger government, less prosperity (except the ruling class) and less liberty, and much more coercion.

    But great jobs and benefits for the phony baloney public enterprisers.

    I wish I had their acumen; then I could have bought my house with the neighbour’s money.

    That would have saved me a bundle, and it would have been good for my economy.

    We are selling ourselves out. We have the collective power to stop this, but we don’t, we just elect other socialists.

    It’s our fault; no point blaming Justin, he’s just wheedling for power. Too bad about his incompetence though.

    1. There’s little reason to expect the US to do much better than Canada for now. America’s government is just as obnoxious if not more so. At least Canada might replace some of its awful provincial governments soon. US governance is likely to get worse.

  2. Yup. Wrong reason though. In my business, customer’s and other contacts, there are bureaucrats showing up all over the place demanding time and money. People and departments that I have never seen or heard of now have new vehicles and lots of people.

    I didn’t see a slow down in work, but a definite slowdown in money.

  3. Yet Canada will still have outperformed the USA since the fat combover man was elected down south.

    1. Are you proud of your comment? What sort of adult behaves in such manner? Making up lies and calling people names for no reason is something only an immature mind would dare to think let alone sign their name upon. Canada, by all statistics known to man, is flailing. The future is not rosy, it is dark shades of grey, bordering on a black hole. There is not one sector that is doing well, and the last one to succeed has just been neutered. The mode of nationalizing businesses has begun. and deficits are ignored. The process of thought crimes has begun, and we now have the ability to track, record, and locate every citizen at a moment’s notice. Your ambivalence towards freedom and liberty is appalling. When they come for you one day, there will be no one to defend, but then again, you do seem to have little value.

      1. Yes. Only in a leftard brain is 1.8% higher than 4%. Typical lefty math.

        1. You cant use annualized rates for one and actual for another.

          Nobody has ever accused Trump supporters of being good with economics.

          1. Allan, you’re just ranting and claiming stuff that is nonsense. You are clearly not an economist. Canada’s actual GDP in 2017 is unpublished that I could find. Quarterly rates of growth are not GDP.

            The USA has the #1 GDP in the world. Canada is #18 (which is very respectable). But size does matter.

            I wish Canada well but your arguments are silly.

          2. Are you really confusing overall GDP and GDP *GROWTH* the latter which is economic performance?

      2. I was going to reply but you said exactly like I wood have only better, agree completely!

    2. @Allan S: The PMI reports say otherwise, dumbo… Who are you, Mr Butts himself?

    3. Only in your dreams. Fools are a dime a dozen in Canada. The expansion of government is not the expansion of wealth. Get an education and some wisdom from somewhere.

      1. owg, yah let the cat outa da bag. Allen Stupid doesn’t git that government jobs are not economic growth, but expanded welfare. The a$$hole has NO economic sense , just like the Unthing!!!

    4. Simply not true. – there are myriad sources to back this up, but since you made the claim let’s see yours…

    5. I’m actually wrong using revised numbers and including 1st q 2018 numbers:

      Canada 2.65% (chained 2007)
      USA 2.81% (chained 2009)

      Up until this recent quarter we were outperforming them. We had great growth for a year but it slowed in 4th q 2017.

      I would hardly call that flailing. Then again history will never accuse Trump supporters of being good with economics or numbers.

      1. allen, context my dear girl, context. If you a fvcking clue, which you don’t, you would know what I mean, and you wouldn’t have posted your bullshit.

      2. Isn’t that pointing out that Canada’s rate of growth under Harper was higher than the US rate of growth under Obama? 1 year under Trump and Trudeau isn’t enough to make up for that difference yet.

    6. Actually I have to revise my numbers. I was not including 2017 q1. Why are you guys against Canada performing well? We had the best economic performance in the g7 in 2017. Anyways here’s the numbers:

      Canada 3.66%
      USA 3.14%

      So yes my statement is correct. Canadas economy has outperformed the USA since Trump was elected.

      1. Is that why the TSX is severely underperforming? Sorry, majority of my investments are OUTSIDE Canaderp, because of Soy Boy and his idiot Liberals. Much more confident with US investments, where they believe in tax cuts, and NO carbon tax, especially. Canada is heading for a severe recession, thanks to PM Idiot and his socialist kleptocrats

          1. Neither are your comments, soy boy fan! Your faith in soy boy and his corrupt cretins is absurd

        1. Woosh go the goalposts.

          “Much more confident with US investments, where they believe in tax cuts, and NO carbon tax, especially. ”

          But they love import taxes and immigration restrictions.

    7. I will state that you are one of the dumbest people to ever post here. You are second only to the un-thing whose mind was long ago warped by an insane socialist troll.

    1. Coming off of amazing growth between summer 2016 and 2017 yes I would expect some sort of slowdown

      1. Wow, one full year of normal economic growth, and it’s time to settle back into somnolence, huh.

  4. Electing our Grand National Oilman, wee Juthtin, to office reminds me of the following quote by P. J. O’Rourke:

    “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.”

    1. That’s a good one, never heard it before! Thanks for the link, would’ve seen it eventually. I was mesmerized in that other thread about the tariffs. Yikes! Back to bi- lateral trade. It was a generous form of the redistribution of wealth by our wealthy, wonderful American neighbours and nice while it lasted. Some Canadians have no idea. The ” deluge won’t fit in a paper cup, but, we mustn’t dream it’s over”.

      On a teeny tinier scale…today we have “Highwaymen who came Riding, Riding, Riding, up to the old Inn Door”..the city taxes rose 4.88% here! It’s like ” Highway Robbery”! Who wrote that…it stuck there!

      Oh, no whiskey for this chick now…but perhaps a cup of tea!

      1. The property tax on the house in B. C. that I inherited went up by about the same amount.

        Nice way to encourage investment, isn’t it?

        1. The government counts on the fact that property will increase in value provided that one maintains said property and that the demand for housing stays constant or increases. They prefer the latter, ie: the increase in demand, because prices for said property soar, until the delicate balance of supply evens things out.

          With zero demand, prices fall. So goes the village, town, or hamlet.

          So yeah, gotta keep Home Depot happy!

      2. Count yourself lucky! Our assessment increased by 11% year-over-year. Nothing to prompt the spike, except “they could”. Combined with a 3.8% rate increase, our property taxes rose 15%. Welcome to the Socialist paradise of Calgary.

        1. I already pay more in property tax because I’m not living in the house while I clear it out. For some reason, the fact that I can’t be in two places at once plus I’m obligated to work on the place under the terms of my father’s will doesn’t matter to the provincial government.

          I’m not impressed. I can’t wait to be done with it.

        2. Mine went up just over six percent. Got my assessment today. That doesn’t include the rise in fees for recycling, water and sewer or other such “improvements”, not to mention carbon. “levies”

        3. Canadian municipalities want the assessed values to be close to the appraised values of properties. They get more $

  5. whoa, whoa, WHOA. it was CONservatist jim ‘flatulance’ flaherty came up with these ‘means test’ rules to ‘protect’ the Cdn mtg industry aka BANKS.
    I had to put up with TWO years of DOUBLE rate and SINGLE year open before I found an *alternative* to flatulence’s favorite crew on Bay street. I bought my place in 2003 and have NEVER missed a mtg payment, NEVER defaulted on a loan, NEVER bankrupt etc etc.
    nod gud enuff hb says monsieur loans mgr.

    then flatulence flaherty got precisely what he deserved. google it.
    karma baby, she one vicious, cold, deadly and exceptionally good aim. gawd bless karma, the last line of defense.

      1. That Tyee list is a joke. Where is their Chretien list?

        Using that standard we would require a mainframe computer to keep track of his “abuses of power.”

        Justin’s list of actual damaging stupidity would fill volumes also.

        Meaningless nonsense about how mean Mr Harper was are part of the reason we have a nation wrecker as our PM.

        All you did was join the leftist temper tantrum. Way to go. Not.

        1. so which links do you dispute? fair enough, that’s politics.
          you CANNOT dispute all of them. some are precedent setting. ALL part of the parliamentary record now for posterity.
          go ahead, list the ones you disagree, just dont do the ‘yawell yawell yawell LIEberals do it tooooo!’
          on that point you have my total permanent agreement.
          if you want a cretien list, draft one yourself.
          feel free to file it under the category ‘they ALL do it’.

      2. Flaherty? Harper? Conservatives? You’re looking at a Liberal government, today. An expected 100 billion or more in new debt by time the ill informed reelect Trudeau to another term. Nationalizing businesses. Intruding on privacy, thought crimes, and runaway taxation leading to enslavement, and you’re reveling in the death of one man, and whining about bank managers who have to follow rules. You’re a horrid and pitiful example of what our ancestors had hoped for the future.

      3. You must be proud.,,,now pay your carbon tax fanboy…the libs depend on low info cheerleaders like yourself to elect them, so THEY can get all the cake…paid vacations, 200K moving expenses, etc….All u get is higher taxes…but u sure educated us about flatulence flaherty….loser

      4. I would wager that the Star has been responsible for more real bad voting decisions than any other fake news organization in Canadian history.

        And I don’t mind telling you, that’s saying something.

        How Atkinsonned do you have to be to overlook $400 Billion incompetently accumulated debt ?

      5. Harper was the target of endless Liberal mischief making. He had no choice but to be forceful to get things done. He did an incredible job, despite the endless, frivolous attacks. I doubt we will ever see a finer Prime Minister — one who really wanted to see our country succeed. We are now being lead by a fool. Canada will suffer for allowing the globalist Liberals to exploit our country once again. Do not forget — we are now a post national country with no mainstream culture.

        1. “It’s okay when my team does it!” -every retarded tribalist ever.

          ” we are now a post national country with no mainstream culture.”


    1. history: What are you talking about? You read the Onion too?
      Wait until the interest rate goes up by as little as 1% and see what happens to the banks and their mortgage portfolio.

    2. Jim Flaherty made a lot of enemies in the investing community when he flip-flopped on trust units. During the election campaign, he said they were safe but afterwards….

      Then he started monkeying with transferring assets in and out of RRSPs or, for that matter, between them. He clamped down on that, claiming that people who did it were “tax cheats”.

  6. Oh historybuff, let me guess – you majored in some dumb-@## arts and angry-studies program, and work at Starbucks as a barista (OK, sorry, maybe you part time at some college as a sessional as well) but you expect the Banks to treat your mortgage repayment prospects on a par with a senior finance executive, or a brain surgeon, or a corporate lawyer? OK, got it. It’s Flaherty’s fault when supply and demand intersect risk measurement and INTERNATIONALLY AGREED banking regulations to require you to pay a hefty risk premium on your crappy-@$$ credit rating and employment prospects. I call that “intersectionality I can get behind!”

    So help me out here: how is “I voted to toss Harper: Canada … FCuK YEAH! …” supposed to help you out of the looming recession when the trade tariffs begin to bite you and your fellow unionized steel workers HARD in the @#$?

    1. I majored in computer science. used the unpopular-university-degree-at-SDA as a springboard for a 20 year career and used enough of my earnings to then scoop a poli sci degree.
      kinda like, ‘this pays the bills and this is what I like to do’.

      never worked at stargazerbucks, did work construction for 5 years when I got tired of putting gobs of cash into billy gates pocket for the ‘upgrades’. then retired early and make $ on my rental property. and a nice pension.
      youre talking crapola, Ive had mortgages for 40 years. NEVER a problem until flatulence flaherty showed up to garner favour with his banker friends. the ‘competition for mtg money’ you cite is glaringly absent middle class working Cdns.

      to answer your Q about a future recession, the plan is to similarly boot TURDoo out of office 1st opportunity. werks fer me!! aka as far as Im concerned, TURDoo did the job I voted him for, to DISPLACE the bully. now we need to displace the dilettante.
      that’s how poliitics works. gee, if a CONservatist gubbamint came up with a means of recalling a PM, mebbe THAT would address lots of issues, but they wont, because deep down, deep deep down in the DEEP STATE, politishuns are NOT democratic. none of them.

        1. ah, typical hard core right wing.
          disagree? make it personal !!!

          p.s. the mtg rule means test thingy is just one more in an increasing pile of ‘stuff’ and developments and trends that WILL put 99+% of ALL resources, assets, and things of intrinsic value into the hands of an impossible to determine and miniscule group of Trillionaires ‘with a T’. some time very roughly the next century, but given a world wide case of the hyperinflation flu, much sooner.
          IOWs, the penalties for ‘missing’ the NEW ‘means test’ can be *the very thing that caused working stiff X to lose what they worked for* ie the ‘penalty’ or ‘insurance premium’ because so-and-so dont measure up, and NO Im not talking about the free-for-all during the reagan-clinton-bush years aka housing bubble.
          ZAT SO??? say the followers of Milton Friedman. ‘the market the market the market’. well, mr flatulence, keep yer g*&$mn hands OFF the free market with these artificial barriers. LET the ‘chips fall where they may’.
          ferfcuksake, IF someone does overreach, THEN as my brother the very successful independent businessman pointed out, *someone else* more knowledgeable of these things will then SCOOP UP the now available ‘stress sale’ property.
          FREE ENTERPRISE wins. flatulence’s banker buddies dont want that. free enterprise, meet your cousin, financial risk. but flatulence wanted to REMOVE the risk part on behalf of his masters the banks.

          but, as I see and is confirmed here, gubbamint regulation is a bad t’ing UNLESS it is CONservatist gubbamint regulation.
          favouring the wealthy. slathered with excuses and personal insults.

      1. This was ultimately the right thing to do. Harper was an idiot whose best moves were done by 2013. He was getting more and more authoritarian and had to be removed. Trudeau is a fad, and not all bad. Got MJ legalized.

  7. For some reason I doubt that Sockboy and his travelling circus clown show would understand the economics of running a lemonade stand.

    1. Economic growth for Canada was 4.6% between 3rd quarter 2016 and 2nd quarter 2017 inclusive. Far outpacing American growth.

      The only ruin is between your ears.

      1. Do cite your source please. and even taking that as written – President Trump was only in power for the last 5 months of that period – and before the tax cuts and regulatory changes were passed (let alone implemented).

        1. “The daily” statistics canada. I guess Google is hard for Trump supporters? Like economics and math.

        1. “Only” 3.8% LMAO

          Do yourself as favor and only go off of “the daily” from stats canada.

          1. Yes, “only” 3.8%. For one year with cherry-picked endpoints, GDP growth barely hits what used to be common in Western economies before socialists managed to strangle them, and you’re giddy about it.

            The Marxists certainly managed to alter your expectations of what should be normal. Congratulations on your brainwashing.

          2. And a full fifth of Canada’s “growth” was real estate related. In other words, inflationary. As usual, the left spends taxpayers money cranking up the economy when it doesn’t require it while increasing the national debt when it isn’t needed (the budget will balance itself, right?). Investment is pouring out of Canada and the downfall is coming…..fast and hard.

        2. Two serious issues with your point:

          1) that site is notoriously bad for old info and mixing actual/annualized numbers

          2) you cannot add 4 quarters of growth and claim that to be annual growth

  8. To say nothing of the effects of the demise of NAFTA.

    Freeland’s insistence on gender equity in the NFL, MLB and NHL has been overwhelmingly rejected by the NFL and MLB thus scuttling NAFTA.

    The NHL, being quite aware that the Montreal Canadiens might never win another Cup otherwise, had readily agreed.

    1. NAFTA isn’t dead. It requires an act of Congress and I doubt that happens.

  9. Canada continues to be the place where, freedom, liberty, free speech, wealth, dreams, innovation, invention and investment go to die.

  10. the mortgage stress test rule is well-meaning but fails to do what it was intended – cool down some large real estate markets – while hurting the rest of the RE markets that weren’t overheated.

    Here’s an illustration:

    (approximately) the test is you have to make be able to make payments on a mortgage that has an interest rate 2 points above the current 5 yr rate. EG – if the 5 yr rate is 3%, you have to have the capacity to pay the mortgage as if it were 5%. That is a considerably higher $$ amount.

    But in the GVA your duplex costs 1 mm$ of which the cost of replacement should it burn to the ground is $200,000. While the same size duplex – same replacement cost – in Elnora is $225,000. In the GVA (and the GTA and recently Montreal) the vast majority of the purchase price is just the land. And it is the fear of a wild swing downwards in those land markets that is driving the feds to try and cool/slow things. But that volatility penalty / stress requirement is hurting the ROC where such volatility risk is (largely) non-existent.

    The solution to this is to apply the stress test to only the price of the property NET of replacement cost. This would greatly increase housing affordability in the ROC outside of these overheated markets. This would be very simple to calculate as ALL leveraged property has to be insured against Fire for only the replacement cost of the home and is thus already known.

  11. “The lowest rate in 2 years”

    Ignoring our growth rate from 3rd quarter 2016 to 2nd quarter 2017 inclusive was an amazing 4.6%. Of course it’s going to slow down.

    1. As the government runs out of taxpayer money and increases the national debt when it should be paying it down. How very “Liberal” of you, Comrade.


    Canada 3.66%
    USA 3.14%

    There goes the narrative!

    1. You have repeated those numbers. Could you provide the link where you found them?
      Government debt is able to fuel growth temporarily but debt cannot be sustained indefinitely.

      1. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=3800064&&pattern=&stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=31&tabMode=dataTable&csid=

        Here’s canadas gdp. Not hard to do some simple math.


        Here’s the USA. it’s important to use chained dollars.

        Take the 2018 q1 number minus 2016 q4 number. That’s how much the economy grew in chained dollars. Now divide the difference by the 2016 q4 number and multiply by 100. Now you have recent growth between Jan 1 2017 and April 1 2018.

        It’s also important to note that Canada performed very well in the last half of 2016.

      1. Even if those numbers are on the ball, it just shows how shitty the Trump economy is. That the Trudeau economy is an iota worse changes nothing.

        I’m losing respect for DeMint and other FP commenters that keep playing up America’s ‘competitiveness’. Cutting corporate income taxes (even if it was just to the developed world media) is not going to offset insane trade, immigration, and monetary policy.

      2. Gord,

        Canada’s GDP peaked in 2013 and has been decreasing ever since. By 2016 our GDP had fallen by 13% from its 2013 peak. You are not taking into consideration the rapid depreciation of the CAD. This is a Venezuela style trick to make our economy look better than it is – by expressing GDP in a progressively devalued dollar. The link below shows our GDP in US dollars and it ain’t pretty. So pretend our economy has grown by 2.2% if you want but it has shrunk by over 10% in 5 years. FWIW the economy started shrinking before Harper left office and well before Trump took office so the problem is a longer term one (structural, not political).


        1. I can play that game too: the USD is pretty weak. It was stronger before Trump was elected. By this measure the US GDP is likely smaller than it was too, or at least not much bigger.

          1. The USD is not weak at all. Right now it takes $1.30 CAD to buy $1.00 USD. Much of Canada’s trade is in USD. If our dollar is devalued relative to the USD it makes our GDP go higher. This is not a game. Forget about Trump and Trudeau. A weak Canadian dollar only helps those who export in USD. The Canadian economy has been shrinking for over 5 years.

            We are entering a bigger problem. Trump is starting to tariff Canadian exports to the US. This might not affect our GDP that much, but the net profit to exporters will certainly go down. This means less money circulating in the Canadian economy. This is something Trudeau clearly does not understand because he is implementing his own tariffs and all that does is increase costs for Canadian companies (and Canadians).

            I import products from the US to integrate with my products and I sell in USD. When I convert my USD to CAD I feel a lot richer on paper. After all I have more money in my CAD account. Problem is, my costs have gone up because I buy in USD. The only place I’m ahead is on Canadian labor which is cheaper when priced in USD. But, much of that Canadian labor is me. So when I pay myself I ultimately get less money because my CADs do not go as far as they used to.

  13. Incomprehensible failure.

    The left loved the Auditor General when Harper was in power but tends to ignore the warnings now. We are in the throes of socialist power grab, and the only guidebook for our future will be, “The Rise and Fall of Venezuela”.

  14. Again that site sucks. Dont use it. First link is actual gdp growth. You can’t add the numbers together to get annual gdp growth due to compounding.

    Your second link uses annualized gdp growth. Two completely different numbers.

    1. Gord Tulk is comparing apples to apples. Are you suggesting his stats Canada link is no good?
      GDP Annual Growth Rate and GDP Growth Annualized are 2 different things.

      1. No he isn’t because the site itself is using two different metrics. It took stats can annualized rates into actual.

      2. Sorry I didn’t read all of your comment. I was talking on the phone and looking at this.
        The 2 sites are much the same actually with the chart showing growth rates identical. The quarter ending March 31st 2018 shows USA at @2.20 % and Canada @ .30%.

        1. Uh you just proved my point. I’m starting to think that site is a shill site.

          1.3% is the correct annualized number for canada. 2.2% is the correct annualized number for the USA. Why does that site mix the two? Why is it at the top of Google hits?

    2. Allan,

      You need to read a book on economics. GDP growth of 3-5% is very rare for any country. Normal GDP growth is around 1%. If you look at Canada’s GDP growth over (say) 50 years you will notice that is has been steadily decreasing from around 2% (in the 1960s) to about 1% (today). It is meaningless to discuss quarterly GDP growth for so many reasons including deflation, dollar valuation, booking times for large revenue, etc.

      What is important is the post-war economies of the world have been steadily declining in growth back to the historical 1%. If Justin Trudeau or Donald Trump (they are both making the same claim about growing the economy) think they can get sustained 3+% growth then they haven’t been paying attention to the past 300 years of economic growth. We would need a world war, a dramatic drop in economic output and then a post-war boom to get those numbers.


      Click on MAX under the graph to see the trend since the 1960s.

      1. ” GDP growth of 3-5% is very rare for any country. Normal GDP growth is around 1%. ”

        Absolute nonsense. Where are getting this crap? America and Canada had much better growth in the ’80s and ’90s. There is no reason we can’t have regular 5% GDP growth.

        1. GDP growth (from the World Bank):
          1960s: 5.2%
          1970s: 4.1%
          1980s: 2.7%
          1990s: 2.9%
          2000s: 2.2%
          2010s: 2.1%
          GDP growth in the 1980s and 1990s was under 3% for the decade (sure a quarter of 5%, but then a quarter of -3%). Inflation during the 1980s and 1990s was very high. It exceeded 10% in the early 80s and was over 5% for almost all of the 80s and 90s.
          In other words, inflation is the main cause of GDP growth. Take away inflation and almost all countries have a near zero or negative GDP growth. Canada has a “real” negative growth for this decade if you subtract inflation from GDP growth.
          The 1950s and into the 1960s were unprecedented growth decades for the world economy. Open any economic text book and you will read that. GDP growth rates of 3+ % plus are not sustainable for developed economies. China is proving this now. As its economy develops its rate of growth drops. Subtract out inflation and the Chinese economy is growing very slowly. And China is a developing economy not a developed economy like Canada or the US or the EU.
          Most importantly, look at Canada’s GDP growth from the 1960s to present. It has dropped almost every decade. It mirrors the world economy exactly, only the world economy GDP growth rate was higher than Canada’s (because we are a developed economy).
          Not nonsense. Economics 101.


        2. Sorry UnMe, no way that happens in the present or impending circumstances. 4% would be possible, but only with much smaller government and lower taxes. BTW, lowered productivity leads to inflation , not prosperity. GDP could grow by 6% but if inflation is 7%, in real terms we’re going the wrong way. That was our problem with the Giant Grit Debt Run-up.

          But demographics being what they are, with an aging population stressing medical & pension systems, slow growth will be the new reality. But, government need not exacerbate that with interventionist policies. That is what we cannot afford, but asking for 5% (real?) GDP growth is a bridge too far imho.

  15. Don’t know why, but very time I see a statscan statistic concerning employment or the state of the economy I think about the assurances of utopia issued by the Cuba and the former USSR.
    The illusion of prosperity is maintained by our servile, uncurious press, which can be relied upon to breathlessly report that job numbers have increased by tens of thousands without breaking down the public/private sector numbers.

    1. Did you really just send me to that idiotic site? Man that was painful. Promise not to do it again please.

  16. Does this mean that the brainiacs who elected the drama teacher/frisbee coach and the radical foreign funded enviro nazis that surround him, Butts, MacKenna, Carr, etc.etc. were wrong, and how will this affect Menstrual Hygiene Day? According to Juthtin’s talking points everything is just great and the “budget will balanth itsthelf”… I look forward to our 60 cent dollar, and punitive unnecessary taxation, you know, to control the climate… g”all. Oh yeah, “Stop Harper” or something… who needs a balanced budget when you can have a lisping frisbee coach/trustfund jag-off virtue signalling and satisfying his foreign interests… The Post National State has never had it better, because its 2015, or some such horseshit, Hooray! Enjoying the decline yet?

  17. Just watched the intro to Justin’s speech on the tariffs, only got as far as the “Let me be clear…” that’s when I choked on the popcorn and couldn’t get enough beer down to clear my throat. “Let me be clear….” is Liberal hog-swill for “Now I’m going to lie through my teeth” and you’re all going to believe ever word I say.

    As I said in a previous post there isn’t enough beer and popcorn in Canada to satisfy the upcoming entertainment that is going to ensue from Chrystia and Justine. I think that Puffed Wheat is going to make a rather surprising comeback when we do eventually run out of Popcorn and a package of Rickenbacker’s is tariffed to ten or twenty dollars a package. Never did like Puffed Wheat but when economics dictate what can you do?

  18. http://business.financialpost.com/opinion/tallying-up-the-bill-for-green-corporate-welfare-and-its-eye-popping-cost

    Tallying up the bill for ‘green’ corporate welfare and its eye-popping cost
    Mark Milke: Governments are making corporate welfare part of the economy. Calling it ‘green’ is just the latest rationalization for separating taxpayers from their wealth

    Gov is squandering our monies to grow themselves. While here in ON they hamper small business with excessive taxes, carbon taxes, rules and restrictions.

  19. Forty cent dollar.
    Get used to it.
    Luckily for skilled tradespeople there will be endless opportunity south of the border.
    Refugee status?
    Economy refugees from a Kleptocracy?.
    Actually once the “Speak no ill of the sons of the desert pedophile” law is imposed,by Butthead and Co,we can freely apply for political asylum to the USA.
    Vote Liberal,hasten the end.

  20. Look. Long term we have two choices.

    1. We can remove the Libranos from power and replace them with someone willing to work with President Trump on keeping the US-Canada border open to trade and north America closed to spongers and terrorists.

    In particular:

    a. Justin Trudeau and his lover Gerald Butts should be imprisoned, and the keys thrown away.

    b. Chrystia Freeland, granddaughter of a Ukrainian Nazi who came to Canada under false pretenses, should be stripped of her fraudulent Canadian citizenship and deported to Russia, where she can finally stand trial for her crimes against the Russian people. The Russians, no doubt, will be happy to see to it she dies in Siberia.

    2. The US Marine Corps can do it for us. No US president in his right mind will permit Canada to fall into the hands of enemies of the United States, communist or Islamic.

    1. 2. Pfft please stop. Enough with your lurid fantasies. The US marines don’t exist to indulge your partisan butthurt.

      Fact is, there is no working with Trump. We just have to wait him out and hope the US elects a serious leader. Right now, the reworked NAFTA Turmp would have Canada join is essentially a shitty customs union where Canada must internalize America’s protectionism. There is no reason to accept this. FTAs with Mexico and China would be better.


      1. Hah hah. Wait him out? You’ll be waiting a long time. January 2025, by my calculation.

        By then Justin will have been long since been forcibly removed from Rideau Cottage, one way or another.

        1. There’s little reason to expect Trump to win reelection. He’s a fluke. The Dems will probably not be re-nominating Hillary, and almost anyone not named Hillary is a better candidate than Hillary. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump leaves just because the Dem-controlled House makes his life so much harder.

          1. November 6 is going to be a bad night for you. The Russians are about to steal another one.

          2. Trump will leave office when his job is done, namely to:

            1. Build the Wall: finally close the United States to spongers and terrorists.

            2. Drain the Swamp: purge the DC civil service of globalists and foreign agents, and replace them, if and when necessary, with good, decent, loyal, English-speaking Americans who fear the God of Israel and understand that globalism and Islam are Satanic.

            3. Lock Her Up: force Hillary Clinton and the rest of America’s globalist leadership to face justice for their crimes, send them to prison, throw away the keys, and see to it their like never hold elective office in the United States ever again.

            He’s not going anywhere till this is done. You can like it or you can lump it.

            And if Justin insists on making Canada a launching pad for globalist subversion and Muslim terror aimed at the US, he’ll quickly discover that no Canadian soldier in his right mind wants to be the last to die for the metric system and French on cereal boxes. A few Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver ponces and hajjis will throw rocks at American tanks. Everybody else will be too busy greeting the Americans as liberators.

          3. MAGA TRUMP keeps getting more popular, sucks tobe you.

            Wait for January 2025, but hey, you can cheer for PM STupid SOx when he chairs the UN as the feminist in chief there. His perfect ascencion to the pinnacle of the Peter Principle, rising to his highest level of incompetence.

            TRUMP is doing what he said he would do. Want to blame someone? Blame the Liberal IDIOTS who think that transgender BS is an economic issue. They are going down in flames and the Americans are b!tchslapping them, justifiably. Canada has FAR FAR more to lose, imposing tariffs, will make goods more expensive to Canadians and doesnt punish Americans, this country is a pebble, to the American’s Mt Everest size economy.

            Even more reprehensible is Trudope wrapping himself in the flag. I have no sympathy for protected Quebec dairy farmers, its about time they were called on their economic extortion to the rest of Canada. This Liberal government is embarassing in their ineptitude, and worse, they continue to underestimate TRUMP, and hurl insults. Its a lazy way to try to coverup for your own incompetence!

  21. Dumb question as PM Harper wouldn’t have forced identity politics (on USA only & not Saudi Arabia ) .
    Iman trudopia is not not even a good checker’s player.
