54 Replies to “June 7, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. We have to remember that the Americans burnt York (Toronto) first, which was the capital of Upper Canada at that time. Maybe they should pull that same stunt again today. 😉 Unless Ford wins the election tomorrow.

      1. We also have to remember that the British burned down the White House and the person who led the burning was an Irishman serving in her Majesty’s Navy.

  1. I think Trump hit an all time low today when he formed a relationship between the war of 1812 and the burning of the White House, in order to justify tariffs on aluminum and steel.
    Dementia?? Syphilis?? Alzheimer’s?? If you compare his repeated insane behavior to that of past notable figues who suffered from mental illnesses, there’s a strong resemblance. Who or what will he target next?


    1. What kind of mental illness is it when someone cannot understand routine interpersonal cues … such as humor ? When they take dead seriously comments made in jest ? Now THOSE are the kind of people that need help. And should be removed from office.

    2. What kind of mass mental illness does it take to elect a dope smoking snowboarder/ substitute drama teacher to the highest office in the land. “I make noise, I get milk”… Justard, the son of a man who was under almost daily psychiatric care from the age of 7 years old until the day he died and the son of a schizophrenic Mother. Which one is more likely to be mentally disturbed… hmmmmm. Who is Justard, Alex.

    3. …..Sooooo, you Canadians have a clown for Prime Minister, an elitist and narcissistic wimp. Let’s see who blinks first!

    1. You have to love the oil CEOs. They have finally learned how to play the game.
      1. Do not deny the religion of global warming.
      2. Allow yourself to be absorbed into the religion and be critical of the skeptics.
      3. Remind people that oil is a nonrenewable resource that will only last another 200 years.
      4. Do nothing else and then retire (eventually – after making a tonne of money).

      I’m not a witch. She’s a witch. Burn her. Let’s burn the witch. Works every time.

      Richard Branson is the best CEO at this game. He runs an airline that burns an enormous amount of fossil fuel. He owns an island enclave made almost entirely out of cement and glass (i.e. not indigenous to the island). Yet the world sees him as an environmentalist and global warming crusader – everyone except Frankie Boyle.


    1. Suprise,Suprise,Suprise! There is scandalous allegations against Doug Ford . Rod Ford’s family has brought a civil action . To back this up our great purveyors of truth and justice are broadcasting this little tidbit sure to be repeated to nauseam – ” court documents show there has been no payouts from the estate for two years ” . I don’t know if anyone of you have had the good fortune to execute an estate , but if it is anything but straight forward it can take some time to execute properly. And once you have everything settled, right now it can be 2 years or longer to get clearance from CRA to make the payouts . But it is the people posting on social media that are responsible for “Fake News .” I hope the NDP gets elected . The sooner we can rebuild and there is a lot of people who should know better who deserve it .

  2. By the early 19th century the American experiment of 1776 was not without its problems and some were having doubts about long term viability of the new nation. The war of 1812 proved to the citizens of the fledgling republic that they could hold their own militarily and economically in a fight with a military super power.
    “the war gave the fledgling republic a host of sayings, symbols, and songs that helped Americans define who they were and where their young republic was headed”

    1. The major source of American pride in the War of 1812 was the Battle of New Orleans fought two weeks after the war ended. In every other campaign they got their clocks cleaned. The state militias were not all that eager to go to Canada and die in a pointless war. The Canadian militia were highly motivated and supported in large numbers by British Napoleonic War veterans. When the war ended our troops had to withdraw from Maine to the disappointment of residents. No American forces had to march home. They were home.

    1. Damn it! And just when the most marginalized/vulnerable were making headway.

      I sure hope the Tranny Union files a grievance!

  3. Vote Conservative Doug Ford.

    “Yet, it seems that despite their efforts to demonize Ford, he gets a good positive response from the people.”


    “VIDEO: Lots Of Doug Ford Fans At The Toronto Blue Jays Game”

    “While the elites try to demonize Ford, things look far different on the ground.
    Doug Ford recently stopped outside Rogers Centre to meet Blue Jays fans, and the response on the ground was quite different than what the corrupt establishment has been trying to create.

    Ford can be seen with many fans around him, asking for photos and offering their support.

    Keep in mind, this wasn’t a campaign event stacked with pre-selected supporters, it was Ford walking among the people.

    The elites have tried to bring down Doug Ford with shockingly biased coverage (probably the most negatively biased coverage ever seen in Canadian political history), hyped-up scandals, and manipulative tactics.”


    1. On the CBC website yesterday there was a photo of Doug Ford getting off a bus. The photo was clipped so that you did not see his lower legs or feet but there was a lot of room in the photo above his head. The way the photo was clipped made him look short, fat and elf-like. Yes, I know Ford does not look like Ronald Reagan even on a good day. A few hours later the photo had changed where now there was equal room in the photo both above and below Ford, making him look like a “normal” fat guy. My question is “who is making these decisions and why are they doing this?”. It seems petty and vindictive.

    2. “It was Ford walking among the people.” That is my impression of him. He is a friendly guy and a lot of people seem to like him. Hope he wins today.

  4. Happy “Doug Ford Day” everyone. Have a pail of water ready for that evil witch of the west.

    1. “Have a pail of water ready for that evil witch of the west.”

      Or a bucket of tar and a couple feather pillows. Or maybe the citizens of Ingolstadt with pitchforks.

  5. “Epitaph” “and the reluctance to declare the old order dead.”


    “‘The old order is over’: It’s Trump against the developed world as a ‘dysfunctional’ G7 frays over tariffs

    From steel tariffs to Iran sanctions and climate change, the U.S. president will find himself isolated from other Group of Seven leaders at the summit in Quebec”

    ““The meeting this week will be by far the most dysfunctional G7,” said Ian Bremmer, president of the Eurasia Group, a political-risk consulting firm. “The old order is over. What we are fighting over now, as the new order emerges, is whether the U.S. wants to have the most important seat at the table or not. Right now the answer is no.”




    “Without fanfare elements of a new cold war are being put into place by the Trump administration, the European Union and China.”


    1. I’d worry more about the FBI interfering with a Canadian election than the Russians.

  6. …_

    “Ontario: a province that has lost its way” (g-m)


    “FINAL EKOS POLL: Ontario PCs Have 4 Point Lead On Eve Of Election”

    “EKOS says “Contrary to some speculation that various late announcements about Doug Ford (such as his sister-in-law’s lawsuit) would have a negative impact on his performance, they have had either no effect, or even the opposite effect.”


  7. Its probably nothing.
    I have worked in the heavy construction industry of ontario for 30 years and today our fuel delivery was late. The delivery driver said “ontario is almost out of diesel, if something doesn’t happen soon all the “go” buses will run out of fuel.”
    My first thought was “did the liberals run the tanks dry so they can accuse the new government of mismanaging something as important as public transit.
    I have no link to an article but that is what I am hearing from the boots on the ground.

  8. The libs and ndp will fight over toronto. Ford is doing well in 905. SW ontario is good for some PC seats. The north and NW are solid lib/ndp.
    With the left splitting their vote Ford should pull it off.

  9. Dr Peterson on the Bill Maher show… He has an exceptional “Minds Eye “ in that he sees the consequences of HATE begetting HATE….”What are the Trump haters going to do if they are successful in eliminating Trump?”…45 % of America will focus their hate on individual members of Hollywood & the MSM.. Remember that CA & NY make up 55% and are a vulnerable target.
    Invest in Body bags


  10. There was no such thing as “Canada” or “Canadians” in 1812. It was called “British North America” and they were American Brits. The Brits in British North America simply took the opportunity to exact revenge against the American colonies’ winning their independence only 30 years earlier.

    1. There has been entity called Canada since The Constitutional Act, 1791. Before that, I believe, Southern Ontario and Quebec was called Quebec. As far as Canada was concerned, it was all about defence and nothing to do with revenge. Canada was invaded and successfully resisted. US state militias weren’t all that thilled about dying in a foreign war.

    2. ummm, do a search of ‘manifest destiny’.
      the ‘mercuns of the day were getting antsy to repeat their 1778 victory.
      Canuckistan aka British N America represented a target of opportunity.
      oopsie !!! gee, can those Canucks ever friggin fight when called upon . . .
      aka we smashed them in the face a couple times until they revised their policy and quit in defeat.
      oddly, I’ve seen a few ‘mercuns claim the WON the war of 1812 . . .

      it wasn’t Brit revenge, it was ‘mercun expansionism that failed big time.
      note they haven’t tried it since.

      1. The Americans did win in the war of 1812. They just didn’t beat Canada in battle. One of the reasons for the war was the British trying to control the Atlantic through their navy. This limited American trade with France, saw American ships having to sail to Britain first and impressment of American sailors who were thought to be British deserters.

        Whatever happened between Canada and America during the war of 1812, the final decisive battle took place in New Orleans where the bloody British were beaten back by a rag-tag group of slaves, farmers and militia under the command of Andrew Jackson.

        But the real hero in the war of 1812 was Napoleon Bonaparte. The British had captured Paris and banished Napoleon to the island of Elba. When he escaped and returned to take control of France the British wrote a hasty treaty with the USA (both sides returning any lands they may have seized) in order to concentrate on defeating Napoleon once and for all. The treaty with America left it with a large land package that remains intact today (the Louisiana Purchase). This ended the war of 1812 and any claim America thought it had to Canadian soil.

        1. I suspect the Treaty of Ghent was signed by the Americans because Britain had defeated Napoleon and were in a position to send huge armies to North America which is exactly what they were doing. Napoleon returned a few months after the treaty and was quickly defeated at Waterloo.

  11. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    From Stupid Liberal Justine’s Despatches From the Rear: “stymied.”

    “Berlin Worried about Losing Trump’s Trade War” (spiegel)


    “The G7 minus one: Trump packs wrecking ball for Canada summit

    Trudeau and EU and Japanese allies stymied in trade tussle where ‘everyone loses’”

    “Trudeau, like his European colleagues Theresa May, Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, and the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, are stymied.”


  12. Stupid Liberal Justine say, Moi will not impeach Moi
    caucus pardon.


    “Justin Trudeau Accused of Groping Reporter in 2000” (bbart)


    “Investigation into Kent Hehr ends, MP will stay in Liberal caucus

    The investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against Liberal MP and ex-cabinet minister Kent Hehr has concluded, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is letting him stay in caucus.” (ctv)


    “REPORT: Creston Valley Advance Article Circulating Online Refers To Justin Trudeau ‘Groping’ Young Female Reporter”


  13. AGW Kills.



    “Unusual ‘killer’ spring frost damages crops in fields across the Maritimes”

    “An unusual “killer” frost has caused widespread damage to crops in the Maritimes, with everything from Nova Scotian wine grapes to Island asparagus harmed by a sharp plunge in spring temperatures.

    Farmers were beginning to assess the toll from the June cold front that hit Monday, as word came from Environment Canada of yet another frost advisory for early Thursday in all of Atlantic Canada.”



    “Colder air, snow and severe weather to punch at northwestern US, western Canada this weekend”

    “An out-of-season storm will send colder air, gusty winds, high country snow and locally severe thunderstorms across the northwestern United States and western Canada this weekend to early next week.”


  14. Maybe the Trumpster won’t attend the G7. Why would he? A collection of fruitcakes and euro nuts who want to slag him.
    They’re pissed cuz he won’t play nice. Tell ’em to go eat their pooteen.

  15. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    “Now, in the wake of this story spreading, people are looking at Justin Trudeau’s past words about misconduct.”

    #TruGrope story spreads.


    “Justin Trudeau said there was zero tolerance for misconduct – even in the past – and that those standards applied to him as well. But as the #TruGrope story spreads, will he choose hypocrisy instead?

    As I reported earlier, there is a story spreading online showing an editorial in the Creston Valley Advance about Trudeau apparently ‘groping’ a young female reporter:

    “Screenshots of an article from the Creston Valley Advance newspaper’s Monday, August 14, 2000 edition are causing growing controversy online. The article refers to Justin Trudeau apparently apologizing to a young female reporter for being “so forward.” The Creston Valley Advance referred to it as Trudeau “groping a strange young woman…”’

